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Thread: Educate Me On HGH!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    Queensland, Australia

    Educate Me On HGH!

    Hi everyone,

    Long time lurker but first time poster. I'll give you all a few details about me and my situation first.

    I'm 22, have always had issues with my very skinny physique although the worst of those were mental health related (depression, social anxiety disorder, mild agoraphobia) and since breaking up with my long term ex partner in the middle of 2012 I'd been training hard and harder. Almost 2 years on now I've competed in my first natural fitness model comp and entered in my second in a number of weeks. Here is my current physique a little over a month out:

    ------ I'd actually put some progress photos here but its my first post so I can't put any photos up sorry. Stats although are:

    - 185cm/6ft1
    - 78kg /171lb
    - 10% body fat (as measured with 9 site skin fold test)
    - 100% competing and tested natty (for now)

    There's also a photo of what my current bland cutting diet is mostly made of haha. So far I am 100% natty running a stack of a pre-workout with added L-Carnitine and D-aspartic acid, intra-workout BCAAs and post workout a WPI and Casein mix.

    My reason for being on here is that with my current physique, although lean and natty, is not large by any means. From what I have read online in places such as this, is that it's not a good idea to do any cycling of any sort of substance until all my hormones have peaked, otherwise there could be lifelong damage to endocrine system etc. After my next fitness model comp I plan on taking my training and physique to the next level (of course being open and honest and closing the doors on natty comps). I should also state that I'm prone to losing my hair (thank you genetics FML) and I'm currently also using .25mg of finasteride every day to maintain my hair without it getting any thinner which absolutely sucks for 22, but at least it's not getting any worse.

    My research has led me to two options I'd be looking at cycling to put a bit more size on. The first being 500mg weekly Testosterone Cypionate for a 10 week cycle in cinjunction with Aromatase Inhibitor, followed by PCT on Nolva. The other one, being HGH.

    With my hormones having peaked, I'd doubt that my testosterone has as I've been horny as ever, especially since using the DAA, have no trouble keeping it up all night etc etc and my skin is still incredibly youthful. My diet is incredibly on-point like any bodybuilders has to be, don't drink alcohol, clean meals 6x daily, and training 6 times weekly for 2-2.5 hours per session.

    So I guess the question is... If I should start using HGH, I would be confident I'll see results, diet would remain clean and training would remain intense which would only be beneficial when used with HGH. Although being 22, would it potentially cause any damage to my testosterone? Does HGH also accelerate hair loss if you're prone to MPB? Is it still a good idea to go PCT while using HGH? If I start using HGH and reach my ideal body after 12 months, continue once again as a natty on a clean diet with intense exercise, would I keep my gains made while on HGH?

    I'm also seeing my doctor tomorrow and I'll be open with him about my research and possible use of HGH in the near future, having a blood test and my testosterone levels measured and I'll ask the doctor if there are any other hormones which it would be a good idea to measure as well with the average/recommended hormone level of a 22 year old male. Chances are that with my diet and training it'll be be higher than average as it is anyway.

    Also I hope that I haven't come across as someone who's looking at using HGH as just an easy way to put on size! I've lurked and seen a few young guys beginning cycles without doing their research properly in the first place, having already build somewhat a physique natty and knowing people who are on gear, having a strict diet and beginning seeing the doc tomorrow and if I should use HGH it of course would be monitored by my doc and sticking to close cycles etc, I wouldn't be looking at doing this as a juiced up looking dude at a music festival, I'd be doing this as a professional and competing fitness model whose genetics sadly dictate he would be a fat-skinny bald 22 year old LOL

    Thanks in advance everyone

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Just curious at 6'1" 171lbs what are you competing in?

  3. #3
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    You don't need to cycle or use gh you need to stop training 6 times per week because that's too much and you also need to stop working out for 2.5 hours per session. You will never build any tissue doing what your doing you need to research on training routines and also diet because these are two areas what will give you the results your after. Its pointless in using AAS and GH because you will lose everything afterwards because you don't know how to train or eat correctly, this is the hard truth and once you understand this and stop thinking your answer is steroids and gh at your age you will start achieving your goals

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    Queensland, Australia
    I probably shouldn't say in here what federation I'm competing in, although I'm in the fitness model category. My first comp in September I left feeling pretty cheated because one of the guys was bragging about using Clen and had cycled off for a natty bodybuilding comp, it showed, he placed better than me, we knew he was using gear and the judges were none the wiser. That's kind of why I'm currently in the state of research at the moment, I kind of already realised that natty comps are a farce.

    The training regime is actually online, if you do a google search of 'Lazar Angelov Cut and Jacked' (Can't post links as a newbie sorry) it's in there. Also I should have added those times include cardio of 30 minutes warm-down. In regards to diet though, here is my current comp cutting diet:

    5am: 200g oats, 1 serving Casein, 3 raw egg whites, mixed with almond milk
    8am: 90g tuna in springwater, 120g brown rice, 120g cucumber
    10:30am: 200g white fish, 120g sweet potato with flaxseed oil, 120g cucumber
    1pm: 200g white fish, 120g sweet potato with flaxseed oil, 120g cucumber
    3:30pm: 200g white fish, 120g sweet potato with flaxseed oil, 120g cucumber

    Gym sesh

    Post-workout shake is 1 scoop WPI and 1 scoop casein.

    6:30: 180g white fish, 300g spinach leaves and cucumber

    Also I should note I'm currently drinking 4L water per day and cycling creatine 4 weeks on/4 weeks off Ideally, my ideal body shape for my height will leave me in the (correctly proportioned) weight of around 190lb and below 10% body fat. Like I said though, this is just the research phase at the moment. What has led me here has been that I also have an over-active thyroid, I also struggled with reaching the 175lb mark by consuming over 6000 calories a day! (a lot of dirty calories in here as well in an attempt to slow down my thyroid). After my next comp in a little over a month, of course I'd be back to bulking
    Last edited by Stag91; 04-28-2014 at 06:45 AM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Why so much fish and cucumber?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    Queensland, Australia
    The fish is mostly because it's most likely to have lower sodium than white or red meat. Keep in mind it's a comp cutting diet so low sodium helps to avoid excess water retention. Cucumber and spinach leaves are (from what I was told by the retired bodybuilder who wrote my diet) to maintain vitality and a strong immune system.

    Apparently there is a way to find out if you're still growing or not with an x Ray on some plates... I'll ask the doc tomorrow

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Stag91 View Post
    I probably shouldn't say in here what federation I'm competing in, although I'm in the fitness model category. My first comp in September I left feeling pretty cheated because one of the guys was bragging about using Clen and had cycled off for a natty bodybuilding comp, it showed, he placed better than me, we knew he was using gear and the judges were none the wiser. That's kind of why I'm currently in the state of research at the moment, I kind of already realised that natty comps are a farce.

    The training regime is actually online, if you do a google search of 'Lazar Angelov Cut and Jacked' (Can't post links as a newbie sorry) it's in there. Also I should have added those times include cardio of 30 minutes warm-down. In regards to diet though, here is my current comp cutting diet:

    5am: 200g oats, 1 serving Casein, 3 raw egg whites, mixed with almond milk
    8am: 90g tuna in springwater, 120g brown rice, 120g cucumber
    10:30am: 200g white fish, 120g sweet potato with flaxseed oil, 120g cucumber
    1pm: 200g white fish, 120g sweet potato with flaxseed oil, 120g cucumber
    3:30pm: 200g white fish, 120g sweet potato with flaxseed oil, 120g cucumber

    Gym sesh

    Post-workout shake is 1 scoop WPI and 1 scoop casein.

    6:30: 180g white fish, 300g spinach leaves and cucumber

    Also I should note I'm currently drinking 4L water per day and cycling creatine 4 weeks on/4 weeks off Ideally, my ideal body shape for my height will leave me in the (correctly proportioned) weight of around 190lb and below 10% body fat. Like I said though, this is just the research phase at the moment. What has led me here has been that I also have an over-active thyroid, I also struggled with reaching the 175lb mark by consuming over 6000 calories a day! (a lot of dirty calories in here as well in an attempt to slow down my thyroid). After my next comp in a little over a month, of course I'd be back to bulking
    I don't see clen as a big advantage.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Back from Afghanistan
    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    You don't need to cycle or use gh you need to stop training 6 times per week because that's too much and you also need to stop working out for 2.5 hours per session. You will never build any tissue doing what your doing you need to research on training routines and also diet because these are two areas what will give you the results your after. Its pointless in using AAS and GH because you will lose everything afterwards because you don't know how to train or eat correctly, this is the hard truth and once you understand this and stop thinking your answer is steroids and gh at your age you will start achieving your goals
    agree. muscle tissue does NOT grow in the gym. It only grows when you allow it to rest. Remember the basic formula?

    proper training + proper diet + proper rest = gains in muscular growth

    all three variables of this equation are required.

    (notice AAS is NOT a variable?)

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    As a 22 year old, your GH levels are very high. If you supplement now, just remember that it acts at a cellular level everywhere, especially the intestines and cartilage. So in excess, imagine what will happen to your gut, nose, ears, etc. If you're 19 pounds away for your goal, everyone is right. Fix up the training and diet.

    And also, hair loss is due to production of DHT from Test by the 5alphareductase enzyme. Finasteride blocks one side of the enzyme resulting in decrease of 60-70% DHT while Dutasteride blocks both sides resulting in 90+% inhibition. GH has nothing do with this pathway although it could make your existing hair slightly thicker. Also look into Spironolactone, laser comb, etc. You're going to have to use it all to really slow the hair loss down to a crawl.

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