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Thread: Donald Sterling will be suspended for life and fined $2.5 mil

  1. #41
    Quote Originally Posted by Sicko View Post
    IMO most of the time all discrimination suits are about money anyways...
    The only thing that I would not do for the right amount of money is hurt my family or denounce my God.
    Friends come and go...opinions and values change as time changes.
    words ultimately mean nothing in all reality. It is just a matter of pride... I have had that beat out of me for free so I would gladly take millions to be called names or even slandered.
    Not for me. My ethnic background isn't changing anytime soon so no amount of money is worth it to me. Call it pride or whatever but I never took money from anybody. My family and background are obviously linked, allowing myself to be hated on bc of that is basically denouncing my family IMO.

  2. #42
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Los Angeles
    Quote Originally Posted by Docd187123 View Post
    Not for me. My ethnic background isn't changing anytime soon so no amount of money is worth it to me. Call it pride or whatever but I never took money from anybody. My family and background are obviously linked, allowing myself to be hated on bc of that is basically denouncing my family IMO.
    I can respect that Doc.
    I was raised with the rhyme "sticks and stones will break your bones but names will never hurt you."
    I did not take to that very well when I was young. I thought it was a rhyme made for pussies.
    Now with a family to look after I understand the concept of the rhyme so I try not to let words/name calling get me angry to the point of violence or retaliation.
    Sitting behind bars thinking about how a few words that some idiot said to me is causing me to miss out on my children growing up is a sobering reality.
    I would not sue someone because they called me a name unless it was untrue and I lost my job over it.
    If I did not like the way I was being treated or talked to at my job. I would just find another job and quit.

  3. #43
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    Nor Cal
    The thought police are probably reviewing all these comments right now, run!

  4. #44
    Quote Originally Posted by Sicko View Post
    I can respect that Doc.
    I was raised with the rhyme "sticks and stones will break your bones but names will never hurt you."
    I did not take to that very well when I was young. I thought it was a rhyme made for pussies.
    Now with a family to look after I understand the concept of the rhyme so I try not to let words/name calling get me angry to the point of violence or retaliation.
    Sitting behind bars thinking about how a few words that some idiot said to me is causing me to miss out on my children growing up is a sobering reality.
    I would not sue someone because they called me a name unless it was untrue and I lost my job over it.
    If I did not like the way I was being treated or talked to at my job. I would just find another job and quit.
    I was raised the same way brother but it got to a point where it wasn't just me anymore. It was my younger brother, my baby sister, my cousins, family friends, etc were getting threats of violence, harassment, physical altercations, and more. And like you I thought that rhyme was for the weak lol. I've never been one to promote violence but will admit to resorting to it after many attempts to avoid it in the first place.

    I don't have any children yet so I respect that your priorities are vastly different than mine. I don't have young mouths to feed and kids to help raise and I commend you for thinking of your family before your ego.

    I wreak my havoc on these ppl psychologically now rather than physically so I can't exactly say I've matured much In this regard. thankfully things have quieted down for the most part so I just continue to mind my own business like usual lol.

  5. #45
    Join Date
    May 2003
    He hurt the brand, sponsors were dropping, and he has a history of discrimination... I am surprised more people on here don't see the bigger picture. He's a franchise owner, owners get the boot all the time in franchises if they suck at what they do. They have wanted him out for years, he is a terrible owner and now they have their excuse.

    He does not own the league. He does not own the players. The players took a stand like many people do and they won.

  6. #46
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    A Rock And A Hard Place
    Remember This Group? I'm surprised they didn't send them after Donald.

  7. #47
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Good for him!

  8. #48
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Docd187123 View Post

    Money's only value is what you place on it. Not saying I couldn't use more of it lol, but being disrespected constantly and daily isn't worth money to me no.

    I didn't refuse my paycheck bc I worked my ass off for it but yes, I ended up quitting once I exhausted my other open avenues and saw no change. In school, I was arrested and expelled (later rescinded to a suspension) for punching the vice-principal. That was before I learned how to get even without resorting to physical means.
    But remember no amount of money is worth it.

    He was not disrespectful to anyone's face. Can you say you have never uttered a racial slur or disrespect anyone like you asshole boss??? As I said dont throw stones if you live in a glass house.

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