So I am 40 soon to be 41. Last summer, i decided to see my primary care Doc. because of low energy, cranky, lack of focus low libido. she ran some Blood work and everything cam back normal. Including test, it was 685. She said it was all in my head.
4 weeks ago i seen a different Dr, and a plastic surgery center, who also does HRT. we did a blood test and my Test level was at 400. So he prescribed me TRT.
okay here is where i need your input.
prescribes 2 cc of Test Cyp a week. that is 400mg of test a week for 10 weeks. I thought he was crazy, and that it seemed way too much. Doc told me they treat how you feel not the number.
he also prescribed Anastrozole 1mg 2x a week and Tamoxifen 20 mg 2 x a week.
I went against his recommendations and i am only doing 1cc of Test Cyp a week. Do I need to take the other stuff?
I am on week 3 and I feel good. I have energy, I'm happy, and i have been having great workouts. I am planning on a blood test during week 6 or 7.
my blood test last year before TRT my hematocrit was 52.2 and my hemoglobin was 18.2. my normal doctor didn't say it was a problem. I eat a lot of read meat 3x a week lunch and dinner( elk and deer) and i live at 5000' elevation. I also hang out at 8000 to 10000 elevation about once every month or so. She just said i was in good cardio shape and i attribute that to working out for the past 20 years. okay so what should i do?