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Thread: Should I increase my AI?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2013

    Should I increase my AI?


    I am 15 days into my test e cycle :

    Week 1 : front loaded 2 * 500mg test e shots = Total 1000mg
    Week 2-12 : 2 * 250mg test e shots = Total 500mg

    Week 1-PCT : 2 * 250iu HCG
    Week 1-PCT : 0.25mg Anastrozole EOD

    PCT Nolv & Clom

    Ok, so heres the thing. I feel that my nips are very slightly sensitive, not sore or puffy. I took the time before my cycle to explore exactly what their sensation was before cycling so I can be sure of any changes. Though I would definitely consider this change as very slight, my thoughts lead me to think that front loading may have offset my estrogen which has not been countered by the AI.

    I am considering increasing my AI slightly to 0.33mg EOD for a couple of weeks to see if the sensitivity subsides.

    My question to you is, should I wait for another week and see if it settles down or should I get in there early and up my AI dose?

    Seems too early to get new bloods and it is expensive where I live so not too keen on this.

    Thanks for any advice
    Last edited by thephoenix25; 05-14-2014 at 12:51 AM. Reason: correcting error

  2. #2
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Its because you front loaded your test e, you have a huge surge of test which would of increased your estrogen levels that's why your nips are sensitive. Get blood work and see how your levels are or just increase your AI until sides disappear then reduce it again, its all about balance.
    I also have no idea why you would front load your cycle and still stay with 12 weeks!!! sounds backwards to me the point of front loading is to get your blood levels up and running at dose sooner so you can cut the cycle down in length...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    Its because you front loaded your test e, you have a huge surge of test which would of increased your estrogen levels that's why your nips are sensitive. Get blood work and see how your levels are or just increase your AI until sides disappear then reduce it again, its all about balance.
    I also have no idea why you would front load your cycle and still stay with 12 weeks!!! sounds backwards to me the point of front loading is to get your blood levels up and running at dose sooner so you can cut the cycle down in length...
    Hi Marcus, thanks for the advice. I will increased the AI for a while and see how it goes.

    I know front loading is controversial. My thought behind it is to increase the amount of time at "peak" testosterone level during the cycle. Also if I'm honest... I was a little impatient to get into my cycle.

  4. #4
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Quote Originally Posted by thephoenix25 View Post
    Hi Marcus, thanks for the advice. I will increased the AI for a while and see how it goes.

    I know front loading is controversial. My thought behind it is to increase the amount of time at "peak" testosterone level during the cycle. Also if I'm honest... I was a little impatient to get into my cycle.
    I like front loading a long ester but the idea is to cut the long cycle down due to the front load. Kind of pointless really because being longer on cycle doesn't mean bigger or more gains if that was true I would be 500lbs at 6% bf, aall what happens is a harder recovery and more sides to contend with

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