Its been a while since Ive been able to get some, but before I start looking --- has there been any around? And I dont mean the cheap fake stuff - I mean the real shit? Is it possible to get or should I not bother looking?
Its been a while since Ive been able to get some, but before I start looking --- has there been any around? And I dont mean the cheap fake stuff - I mean the real shit? Is it possible to get or should I not bother looking?
Lots of US pharm grade GH on the market from Turkey. If you look real hard some of the Domestic UGL's have them. Or check out the international UGL's.
Every kit I've bought has been bunk imo. Good luck. Pretty sure the gh I have now is hcg.
It's depressing to think that it's so tough to get something that's totally awesome. Honestly, I'm not sure if the HGH i'm using is legit or not. I still get reasonable results so I keep using it.
of course there is real gh our there! just find a credible source and expect to pay about $7-10 per IU
Wow. Quality costs but I would pay it to get results. Currently payed out 4.8 to 5 dollars per iu for what is goodness knows what.
Not going to break any rules and talk about where I've seen it, but I have noticed a fair amour of Pfizer Hgh out there. I just question the legitimacy. On average you would be looking at about 8 per iu.
Its hard to find but it is out there its just extremely expensive and whats happened over the last few months is the UGL's generic sales have gone down due to everyone talking about how much crap is coming out of China. Whats happened now is a flood of pharm grade fakes and most of the UGL's are selling these I can get buckets loads of Geno pharm grade gh at a cheaper cost than some blue tops and the supply is never ending. Ive also had some close friends use these so called pharm grade ones and they nothing like real pharm grade, so now we are up against the generic guys who state my source is the best its all down to your source crap lol and also excellent pharm grade copies.
You have to be a detective these days to work your way through all this shit![]()
^^^ it's this reasoning that I keep getting closer to just going legit and getting a script... It's a hard pill to swallow when you do your research and find out that most Dr's are going to charge you both arms and legs with your first born as down payment!!!
Be careful with any pharma grade rHGH from Bulgaria, those motherf*ckers are putting insulin in the cartridges!
^ now that really sucks and those ****er should hang for that! IMHO![]()
Unless you have a script then your gonna be chasing your tail trying to find it. But to answer the question, yes of course there is real stuff out there, I have two kits in my fridge right now of serostim, and yes I have a script..
Has anyone heard of Europe Pharmacuticals HGH? A friend of a buddy just got some, but hasn't tried it yet. Asked him to get BW before he tries it but he's sort of an idiot and is pretty much refusing to spend the extra money... Why are people so stubborn and stupid?!
I'm about to give up! All I want is to run 2 ius a day of real pharm grade GH and everywhere I turn looks suspect. I had a decent supplier but even he is having trouble now. I am about to turn 57 and want to stay as young as as can... lol Whats this about Turkey testluve mentioned? I totally missed out on the Jins![]()
for most of us, tired of getting ripped off, it's not worth the effort or the very high probability of buying bogus.
Pardon my n00bness but what does UGL stand for? My doc told me to expect about $300 for 5mg, thats Tev-tropin.
Bunk HGH via hCG is easy to test..hCG dissolves immediately and HGH does not when the water is added. Also the pregnancy test way...
Low dosed is impossible to detect without blood tests and a lot of money..which makes the pharmacy script a better option in my opinion.
UGL stands for Under Ground Laboratory, however its mainly applied to homebrewers of basic steroids, aka.. AAS When dealing with growth hormones (other than the old blue tops or redtops were UGL was apt) the term would be CIFP for Criminal Enterprize Fake Pharma as the production of most of these types of counterfeit growth require a substantial outlay of cash to take all the steps involved in obtaining all the BS ingredients and packaging materials etc.
However the production of real growth is a MUCH larger deal and is outside the capabilities of the vast majority of these criminal enterprizes....well actually there are probably more than a few who could setup this kind of operation, however with the time and cost of setup and staffing and the constant danger of discovery and destruction of the whole enterprize. Most have decided that selling fakes or manufacturing drugs like ectasy or methadrine gives a lot more bang for the buck.
At 57 you have a good chance of going to a longevity clinic and getting a RX for it. I got one when I was 47 but have let it laps due to $$$ I'm looking into it again at 51. Watch out though, there are some longevity clinics that claim they are giving you HGH but in fact they are giving you IGF-1 & ghrp-6 or -2 to boost your natural HGH. Not nearly the same thing but they charge a premium for it.
I just got some blue tops from china - clear vials with no label.
The seller says they are generic, and sends a copy of a blood test showing the patient's GH Serum level at 7.0 [ref range: 0.0-2.9 ng/ml]. The transaction was done using PayPal.
When I reconstitute it, the white powder there seemed to be a lack of gelatinous material. As I rolled the vial the white powder simply dissolved. Most of it dissolved within seconds, and one patch, stuck to the glass, took about 2 minutes to disappear. In the past, with real Saizen - I noticed the gelatinous state while reconstituting. I injected 2IU, and there was no irritation or skin reaction to the dose. I'm still here, so its not rat-poison.
Today, I joined this forum and performed the boiling test as suggested by forum member: davesah1 in his post of 5/18/14 in the thread: Simple Way to Test HGH legitimacy at Home. The solution remained clear. It was supposed to turn milky if the hgh is real. OOPS!
Has anyone had a positive experience with blue tops from China? What do these 2 simple validation procedures really mean. Is everything called generic from China a fake? Is there another simple test I've missed?
I am 67 yrs old, and intend to take 2IU daily as an anti aging treatment.
I have a prescription - however the pharmacy route is quite pricy, especially for long term use. A decade ago I ordered real hgh through somatropinonline - sadly they are out of business.
I've been browsing this forum, and there seems to be a wealth of knowledge here on what is happening today in the hgh market place.
Are we allowed to share sources on the Forum? Well guidelines say no, so question withdrawn.
Last edited by thadeous; 05-27-2014 at 08:09 PM. Reason: clearer communication & guidelines
Read my reply to your other post. You do not want anyone emailing you a source or you will be parted with you money easily and given fake hgh at best.
Your rx is expensive I know but you will save 10x in the ling run vs trying to find anything online or through anyone here.
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