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Thread: Is this legit Hgh?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Alberta, Canada

    Is this legit Hgh?

    Hello fellas, I just purchased some Hgh and want to share a couple pics of it in here to see if anyone has seen this brand before and what their thoughts were on it. If its good, blah, or total shit. Before I do though, I wanna make sure that pics with labels and packaging are allowed here. It is sure is packaged in a manner that makes it look good, if its not, someone sure goes through alot of trouble to **** others over. So anyway, will anyone have a problem with a couple pics?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Alberta, Canada
    So this is the stuff. Anyone have any experience with this? It looks Profesional, but the vials are super small, witch worries me slightly I guess. Any input would be great. Thanks. Click image for larger version. 

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    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	150686  

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Back from Afghanistan
    I hate to say this, but if you have to ask......... probably is not legit

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    Growth hormone is administered in milligrams, not international units. - Failed on that one.
    packaging doesnt resemble any medicine, more like a videogame

    The company doesnt exist, the drug has no published research on it - there for it can not be real hGH.

    this is not hard to google on your own, go to google scholar - type your brand. if you dont see any research then it is fake

    one more thing, a single unit of growth hormone costs around 5$ at the pharmacy. And dont expect to pay less than 3$ extra on top of the basic cost, because selling illegally obtained drugs isnt what charity foundations do

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Alberta, Canada
    Well, that's disappointing to hear. There possibly goes 550$. But thanks for the replies. So, I wanna be sure before I garbage this, so I want to get it tested. I am from Canada and am not exactly sure where to bring a vial of this stuff to get tested and I don't really wanna take a baseline test by my Dr and then inject myself with this mystery concoction and get retested. From what I have read, those seem to be my only options. If anyone knows where I can bring a vial of this in western Canada to be tested, please throw me a frickin bone here! Lol. Also, I am now concerned about the other products I have been receiving from my source, so you will prob be seeing more pics from me in the aas sections of the test and tren I have. I will start to read up on how to get that stuff tested as well. Grrr. Why do deadbeats have to make this so difficult!?

  6. #6
    The test for HGH is probably more than the product's worth. Just take a 10 iu shot, wait an hour, and get blood drawn for igf-1. If your igf-1 level is elevated the HGH could be good.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Alberta, Canada
    Sounds good. That seems way more simple than some of these other options. But for argument sakes, what kind of lab do I take HGH to to get tested without throwing out a great big, "hello, I am on illegal substances", sign? I am just curious, I do appreciate the advice SG02, thanks.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    direct growth hormone measurements can cost you like 500$, depends on how your healthcare system works.

    Injecting hGH elevates your IGF but that still doesnt mean that elevated IGF means you have GH, a lot of things (cheaper things than hGH) do that decently.

    The most realistic way to determine that you have GH is to get a blood test like they do within wada, i dont know what they are using or if you can order that sort of a service at any lab. Its rather recent technology to actually determine if you have been injecting hGH.

    we are 100% clear that you do not have hGH, that small h- before the GH only comes if its human approved
    You might have other cheaper peptides, growth factors/derivatives

    Regarding your other stuff, you are probably aware that trenbolone has not been used or approved for human use for some time. so the most legit Tren you will get is animal approved.

    And the test, well either you are injecting something that can be googled (hopefully bayer or something like that) or you are injecting some chineese powder with cooking oil perhaps (ugl) ?

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