I bought that Watch " Polar FT7 " with the heart beat sensor ... It seems that I use a lot of cal during the day ... Like 5000cal !!! Ok I'm on clen and T3 , but it seems tremendously big !!! Does the caloric usage showed on my Watch is realistic ? When we talk about thermogenic agents , some of them like T3 don't seems to stimulate my heart beat , only the heat of your body . So do u guys have a real mathematic equation formula to calculate your body caloric use that includes more than just heart beat per min, seconds , or whatever time laps ... Somebody knows how to calculate with the body temperature also ??? And last question on this post , I promise ... Is it true that Brown baby fat is more caloric than regular fat ? If yes , I know a gram of fat needs 9 calories spended to burn , what about a Brown fat gram ???