A little info on me, first.
41 Y-O, athletic, work out with weights 2-3 times a week, on a mountain bike (my 'sport') 3-4 times a week, 150-155 pounds - 5'8" - ~15% BF
Diet: Paleo+dairy (cheese/greek yogurt). ~1g/lb bodyweight protein / day, 100-250g carbs (depending on workout, bike riding takes carbs - weights not so much), plenty of good fats. ~2200-2500 cal/day
I shoot for 8+ hours of sleep and rarely hit the booze.
I've had bloods. My total test levels have come up in the high 200's/low 300's repeatedly. Free test is very low. The GP and endo both say my levels are low, but 'not low enough'. The GP recommended that I do less cardio and more weights. I've followed this advice and I think it's helping overall health, but my power on the bike is in the toilet.
Anyway, I'm sore after every workout of reasonable intensity (weights or bike). Recovery is an issue, I probably can get in 2-3 good workouts a week. Anything more than that and I'm just junk.
I've tried a run of Clomid. I think it helped me, but it also concerns me as a long term answer. The last thing I want to do is give myself tits and screw up my vision.
So now I'm looking to do a run of Test E. I don't really feel the need to go crazy with it. I'm not looking to pick up a huge amount of mass. Essentially, I just want to be strong and feel younger. The Test E cycle from the book _Anabolics_ looks reasonable to me. 200-400mg/week. I figure I could run it for 10 weeks, being a slower acting ester and all, without too much trouble.
I'm ok with putting on a little weight, but I don't really want an extra 20+ pounds that a bigger cycle might give me. I'm looking for more muscle mass (a couple pounds), better recovery and stronger lifts/rides. What I don't want is to completely shut off my HPTA. I'll have the Clomid handy for a restart as well as Anastrozole for during and after. If I'm on only modest amounts of T for a relatively short amount of time, should I get some HCG as well? I've seen varying thoughts on this. On the PCT, should I run Nolva with the Clomid?
I guess I'm just a bit out of my element and really don't have a good grasp as to how deep the water really is. I'm hoping I can hit something a little over physiological levels of T (say, 1500 ng/dl or so) with good F.T. numbers. Overall, I want to be very careful not to hurt my overall health. I'm not looking for a panacea or cure-all, I just want to feel like I did when I was younger. I would have posted this in the TRT forum, but I think the numbers I'm talking are a little high for TRT, so I've stuck it here.
Thanks for the help.