60 years old and on TRT (Cypionate 50 mg, HCG 250 IU and Arimidex 0.25 mg twice weekly) since January. Liking the effect of more energy, better mood, sleeping better. I don't think my max at the gym has changed all that much but that's OK. I have started a thread in the past exploring TRT and drug testing in sports. I won't debate the morals of using TRT and competing but suffice it to say I am miffed that a 60 year old woman can take HRT for her low estrogen symptoms and compete in sports while I can't take T for my low T issue and compete.
This may be beyond the scope of this forum but does anyone know if this would work. Let's say I changed to daily aqueous testosterone injections (where it is cleared from the body in 2 to 3 days) and used HCG 250 IU twice weekly and avoided an AI (with daily T I am unlikely to aromatize much). Then a week before the competition I stopped all treatment and stayed off for that week of competing and then when the competition was over I resumed the treatments. Would testing for anabolic steroids show up? Would the epi-testosterone to testosterone ratio show up as abnormal? Would I feel like crud and perform poorly for the two weeks I would be "clean"?
I don't need to be told to check my morals for competing with T as my levels are now only normal and not high. I'm comfortable with that. But the system is such that I either find a way around this, I stop TRT all together and go back to going to bed at 8 at night or I stop competing.
Thanks for any info the experts can provide.