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Thread: Was you nervous the first time?

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Chicken All Day

    Was you nervous the first time?

    Just like it says was you nervous the first time you pinned? Just wondering because I want to start a cycle but nervous as hell. The wife is like Ill do it just do it... lol

    I was telling her shits got to be pushed in slow and this and that. Only reason I know this is just by reading on here. But was you?

    I think crazy stuff... arm is going to swell or infection or this and that bitch tits...

    Will I still be able to have kids? Shooting blanks lol... crazy shit. But damn I wanna do it. Just got to wait till its the right time.

    Guess I might just be over thinking.

  2. #2
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    Well make sure your TRT is well established first.

    When I did my first cycle I did have my platoon medic pin me the first two times just to teach me proper technique. When I first pinned myself for the first time I was fairly nervous, but I was thirsty for gains more. I was in Afghanistan and only had access to 18g needles so that didn't help much with the nervousness.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Chicken All Day
    Quote Originally Posted by RangerDanger830 View Post
    Well make sure your TRT is well established first.

    When I did my first cycle I did have my platoon medic pin me the first two times just to teach me proper technique. When I first pinned myself for the first time I was fairly nervous, but I was thirsty for gains more. I was in Afghanistan and only had access to 18g needles so that didn't help much with the nervousness.
    Yea I am going to wait till I go back and get blood done before starting cycle. I think you and kel was the ones that pretty much talked me out of it. I got two cycles worth of a few compounds. So I have some money tied up in it. You'll said it wouldn't go bad keep at room temp.

    I will be nervous as hell first time. I wanna have a kid sometime in the future also so I don't wanna fxck that up either. Don't want my arm to fall off. Lol... I think crazy. But I have train my ass off past few years and just can't get bigger. I am also 6'5 and long so that doesno help me.

  4. #4
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    I wouldn't have done it if it wasn't for my super medical woman

    She pinned me throughout my whole first cycle. . . . Now, it's straight like nothing. I pinned every day close to three months this year.

    But, at first it is a trip

    That is a hell of a needle hitting your muscle ya know. . . . . . Now - I'm a fvcking pin cushion, HCG every 3 days & same with my maint running juice.

    As far as having kids, I wouldn't have jumped on if my son wasn't already born. It's possible to have kids, but the chances are reduced by who knows what percentage.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by < <Samson> > View Post
    I wouldn't have done it if it wasn't for my super medical woman

    She pinned me throughout my whole first cycle. . . . Now, it's straight like nothing. I pinned every day close to three months this year.

    But, at first it is a trip

    That is a hell of a needle hitting your muscle ya know. . . . . . Now - I'm a fvcking pin cushion, HCG every 3 days & same with my maint running juice.

    As far as having kids, I wouldn't have jumped on if my son wasn't already born. It's possible to have kids, but the chances are reduced by who knows what percentage.
    Chances of having a kid never goes back up once you get off cycle? Because for me I guess if I am reading right once I go off I don't do a PCT I just start my androgel back up?

    Medical women I wish I had someone like that. My wife is like just let me stick in you or stop talking about it. lol

  6. #6
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    1,991 cushion.. You probably do it and don't think nothing about it.

    I see you take HCG I know a lot of people of here recommends it.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bodacious View Post
    Chances of having a kid never goes back up once you get off cycle? Because for me I guess if I am reading right once I go off I don't do a PCT I just start my androgel back up?

    Medical women I wish I had someone like that. My wife is like just let me stick in you or stop talking about it. lol

    Who knows, chances do go back up since your natural system is recovering - I don't come off = my chances are close to crap(possibly)

    Being on TRT of some sort has to give it a negative aspect also.

    Yeah, sadly enough to say - it is no joke, without her I would most likely have never cycles. Unless I found someone else willing to professionally pin me. She does this crap all day for work - just sucks at the same time sorta. She is too quick sometimes. I'm like fvck, don't be a serial jabber and shit. lol

  8. #8
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  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bodacious View Post

    No shit huh

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    I was a little nervous the first time I pinned.

    I warmed up to the idea by giving myself vitamin B12 injections before I cycled.

    I did a couple of B12 shots, a few SubQ and 1 IM in the right quad to get a feel.

    I'm almost 7 weeks into my first cycle, and for me its been a breeze.

    Everything is going smoothly so far!

    I always pin my oil after a nice hot shower, and I warm my barrel of oil under the hot tap before pinning - easy as pie.

    I've been rotating right glute left glute since the start, today I pinned right quad because I figured I better warm up that "virgin muscle" as they say for switching to test prop my last 2 weeks. - need more injection sites.

    So far so good, very very minimal pip - nothing to complain about

  11. #11
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    Yes, it's scary as hell. And more than just the first time. It probably took me a year before I really got over it. I think my first pin I filled and then stared at it for 20 minutes. But like Ranger said, I wanted it more than I was afraid of it. It all comes down to that.

  12. #12
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    no I was excited to get it in me and see the results!! I miss it....

  13. #13
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    The shots themselves are a love hate relationship

  14. #14
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    Lol, I looked at this forum for a year without an account always having to refresh my IP Address because I reached my 5 page limit. I purchased Test e, arimidex, clomid, and nolva 2x and trashed it during this time, wasted about $600. I had a debate in my head about right and wrong for a long time.

  15. #15
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Yes I was very nervous the first time but after a few shots I got use to it and it doesn't bother me at all. I can pin everywhere without any serious issues even inner and outer biceps at the same time

  16. #16
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    Thats going to me. I am going to fill it up and look at it for 20 mins. hahaha...But I cant wait just got to wait a few more months till I make sure I got my TRT (Androgell) straighten out.

    What would you all say is the best places to pin your self for the first time, twice a week? I have read glutes is tricky??? About a nerve you could hit??

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    Yes I was very nervous the first time but after a few shots I got use to it and it doesn't bother me at all. I can pin everywhere without any serious issues even inner and outer biceps at the same time
    Seem like your the man on this stuff. Glad you was nervous at one time. Beacuse I was giving my self a hard time for being nervous.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rzm7810 View Post
    Lol, I looked at this forum for a year without an account always having to refresh my IP Address because I reached my 5 page limit. I purchased Test e, arimidex, clomid, and nolva 2x and trashed it during this time, wasted about $600. I had a debate in my head about right and wrong for a long time.
    Right I didn't throw mine away I just put it under the bed out of sun light because I know I am going to do. I just got to get the balls to just do it. I have just over 600 in mine no way I am going to throw it away.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bodacious View Post
    Right I didn't throw mine away I just put it under the bed out of sun light because I know I am going to do. I just got to get the balls to just do it. I have just over 600 in mine no way I am going to throw it away.
    That's what I've done lol spontaneously ordered 2 vials of test e and realised i wasn't ready, stashed away for when I am ready. Fvck throwing it away! Sh!t is expensive, especially in aus.

  20. #20
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    Yes because I'm a bit of an OCD freak. Had to have everything laid out and sanitized. The actual pinning did not make me nervous.

    But, best story I've heard might have been on this board a while ago. Guy said he was way anxious. He pinned and was immediately dizzy, stumbled and fell, hitting head on toilet, knocking himself out. The noise caused his wife to come rushing in to find him face down with pin sticking out of his arse! Fortunately, he recovered fine.

  21. #21
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    Even better, how many people do you tell that the do it. For me, only me and my pinner know. Even my buddies who do it I don't tell.

  22. #22
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    Yea was nervous almost passed out first time I got all dizzy and felt sick when I stuck my self then pulled it out and was able to to shoot it like 20 min later

  23. #23
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    For me, the only issue is flexibilty of reach. I'll pin wherever as long as it doesn't bother than muscle.

    I can't reach my ass cheeks to pin properly
    Tri's are easy money & so are delts
    Pecs are way easy

    I never hit quads or bi's

    Bi's just seem sensitive to me

  24. #24
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    I was both excited and nervous Haha.. I almost passed out the first time i started pulling my test into a pin.. I had to lay down for a couple of minutes.. But now its no big deal.

  25. #25
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    I practiced wih B12, so injecting in.itself wasnt a first.

    First real aas injection was testosterone propionate and it was so ****ing painfull... That oil had so.much solvent in it it was unbearable.
    But I manage to inject the whole 1.5ml in the glute.
    I was nervous to get on that road but I knew it was the right thing for me and I had my GF supporting me.

    The only injection I did alone with that oil... All the rest of my 8weeks was my GF doing it for me cause I couldnt handle the pain and the mental trauma of that painfull oil...
    Now I used tren-a/Npp 200 with no.pain at all.
    I dont need anyone to inject for me.
    It just go well, I pin EOD for months and everything go find...

    Sure its stressfull the first time but it gets better everytime and once you did it couple hundreds times it comes naturally

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by qscgugcsq View Post
    I practiced wih B12, so injecting in.itself wasnt a first.

    First real aas injection was testosterone propionate and it was so ****ing painfull... That oil had so.much solvent in it it was unbearable.
    But I manage to inject the whole 1.5ml in the glute.
    I was nervous to get on that road but I knew it was the right thing for me and I had my GF supporting me.

    The only injection I did alone with that oil... All the rest of my 8weeks was my GF doing it for me cause I couldnt handle the pain and the mental trauma of that painfull oil...
    Now I used tren-a/Npp 200 with no.pain at all.
    I dont need anyone to inject for me.
    It just go well, I pin EOD for months and everything go find...

    Sure its stressfull the first time but it gets better everytime and once you did it couple hundreds times it comes naturally
    Lmao yeah test prop was my first aas too and that sh*t hurt. I use to push 1.5ml into my quads EOD. But i only missed 2 leg days out of a full 8 weeks.. Test P and i have a love hate relationship Haha

  27. #27
    Join Date
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    Not nervous, more just in a rush of excitement, creating a fast injection. This caused some severe PIP, redness, swelling for days.

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