I practiced wih B12, so injecting in.itself wasnt a first.
First real aas injection was testosterone propionate and it was so ****ing painfull... That oil had so.much solvent in it it was unbearable.
But I manage to inject the whole 1.5ml in the glute.
I was nervous to get on that road but I knew it was the right thing for me and I had my GF supporting me.
The only injection I did alone with that oil... All the rest of my 8weeks was my GF doing it for me cause I couldnt handle the pain and the mental trauma of that painfull oil...
Now I used tren-a/Npp 200 with no.pain at all.
I dont need anyone to inject for me.
It just go well, I pin EOD for months and everything go find...
Sure its stressfull the first time but it gets better everytime and once you did it couple hundreds times it comes naturally