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Thread: Got pulled up on the street

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2014

    Got pulled up on the street

    Ok little background.

    As the younger brother of an AAS user who refuses to help me in anyway when it come to the gym, I have the 'privilege' of going to his supplier which is a 60 minute train ride followed by a 20minute bus ride and another 20minute walk. I tend to have to do these 3-4 times a year.

    Well, its time for my brothers cycle and he wants to buy orals as a kickstart to his cycle and with my past experience with carrying containers of orals, they rattle alot in my bag for some godforsaken reason. Anyway, went down to the supplier/dealer and got a few vials of test, tren, tbol and some letro in case the shit hits the fan. All goes normal, dude invites me for some juice (orange juice not steroid juice) and as always we get talking bla bla bla (his younger bro and I get along well). Ok. Time to leave, no probs. Put on my bag and my trainers and walk to the bus stop.

    Literally as I get to the bus stop the police ask me what I have in my bag. They said they want to check it out and after asking why they said they are curious on why I have a backpack at 9pm at night. So they open it, confiscate the drugs and take me to the station get my fingerprints done and lock me up for the night. So i'm like WTF so I call my bro (allowed a phone call) to
    call our family lawyer (AKA, dad) (also worth noting dad doesn't care what we do as we are men now as long as we don't die it's all good) and he does some talking and some other complicated stuff and literally in under 2 hours I get released, but of course I don't get my backpack which had the goodies inside. So I arrive home, bros pissed off and decided to write a letter to the police department which was odd to me but 1 week later we get mail from the police department with our gear.

    At this point I'm like... no way... Then he points out that even though it's illegal to buy roids, you can still possess them in the UK(I knew that already) but if you get caught with them and the police take them away from you, you can get them back (I did not know this part)

    TL;DR - I got caught buying roid, went jail, got bailed, got drugs back, bro gives me £5 for my trouble.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2003

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Cool story bro. Now don't do drugs.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    See, most people are at the fifth stage of intelligence or below. They understand the laws and follow them and that's it. Even though those cops probably have no clue what steroids are or what they do, he still took them away from you because they're illegal. Dumb society...

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Sounds like the US, except for getting your gear back. Cops just pick out random people/kids and search them without cause. Welcome to the police state, Germany 1940s.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    upper midwest
    I prefer to "just say no" to drugs
    Oh wait I take that back.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Northeast usa
    I would never get that lucky.

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