I know I've shared my experience already with regards to overall mood, energy, libido, sense of well being, etc... So I won't get into all that again other than to say I feel like a whole new person these days in a good way. I found an old pic from a vacation about 2 years ago and was personally shocked to see the difference in a photo like that! I was about 160lbs at that time, and believe it or not I actually busted my ass in the gym just to look like that. I've lifted since I was a teenager, and at one time my typical weight was around 180lbs. I'm not even sure anymore exactly when it started, but somewhere around my late 20's or early 30's I just started shrinking and settled into an average weight in the 160 range even though I ate and trained the same.(fwiw, I hover around 205 right now) I just figured at the time that losing strength and not getting the same results out of the gym anymore was just a part of aging. In retrospect, I was probably low T for several years before finally getting diagnosed. I thought about editing my beautiful face out of all pics, but then I figured anyone who knows me would recognize me from the tats more than the face anyway, so f-it. I know my calves aren't huge, but pre-trt I had some seriously skinny chicken legs, so having anything below the knee is a novelty for me
Hope everyone has a great Turkey Day!