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Thread: 6 week Oral Cutting Cycle

  1. #1

    6 week Oral Cutting Cycle

    So I am going on my second cycle, a short cutting cycle to get ready for the 3rd cycle which would be summer:

    Week Anavar Winstrol Clenbuterol Turinabol
    1 40mgs per day 50mgs per day 40mcg per day 40mgs per day
    2 40mgs per day 50mgs per day 40mcg per day 40mgs per day
    3 50mgs per day 60mgs per day -OFF- 40mgs per day
    4 50mgs per day 70mgs per day -OFF- 40mgs per day
    5 50mgs per day 80mgs per day 40mcg per day 40mgs per day
    6 40mgs per day 50mgs per day -OFF- 40mgs per day

    I am thinking a diet restricting Carbs to 100 Gram a day, Proteins 400 Gram a day
    3 cardio days 25 km run and 4 lifting days

    I am 96 KG which is 211 lbs 176 cm 5 foot 7

    Any comments or critics and feedback would be helpful, specially on diet, PCT or the ingredients.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    Gotta have test dude. That, and 3 oral steroids together is asking for trouble.

    So you're 5'7" 211lbs.. What's your body fat percentage?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Proud Bostonian
    That is a horrible cycle layout .....three orals and no tes? Please reconsider...... You will be opening Pandora's box of problems without Tes and you really don't need more then one oral.

  4. #4
    19% BF, I am looking to cut the body fat down mainly while keeping muscle found this cycle on ************ form it is called "beginner-oral-cutting-cycle" and was thinking of adding TBOL to it as I have had good experience before with it.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Buster Brown View Post
    That is a horrible cycle layout .....three orals and no tes? Please reconsider...... You will be opening Pandora's box of problems without Tes and you really don't need more then one oral.
    So if I am to cut what would you change here?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by fatman3000 View Post

    So if I am to cut what would you change here?
    Do cardio and 500 calorie deficit will do the trick.
    Btw that cycle layout is horrible just like BB said..

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Proud Bostonian
    Quote Originally Posted by fatman3000
    So if I am to cut what would you change here?
    At 19% I would cut down a tad more naturally to 14%. You are running a short cycle so make it count ! I would do something like this :
    Tes p. @ 350 mgs. Week 1-6
    Winnie@ 50 mgs Week 1-6
    Adex. .25 eod.... Week 1-6
    Hcg. 250 ius twice a week. Last injection 3 days prior to pct
    Pct: clo 100/50/50/50
    Nov 40/40/20/20
    Add in liv 52 for liver support or similar

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Buster Brown View Post
    At 19% I would cut down a tad more naturally to 14%. You are running a short cycle so make it count ! I would do something like this :
    Thanks this sounds very good, I gained 6 kg fat in a month and half as I Moved country and in the new job we have free delivery of food from 5 star restaurants,
    so i gained lots of weight without noticing, the eating is under control now but thought give myself a kick with roids.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Buster Brown View Post
    At 19% I would cut down a tad more naturally to 14%. You are running a short cycle so make it count ! I would do something like this :
    I just checked my ampuules of H C G are in 5000 I.U does that mean I do once a week?

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by fatman3000
    I just checked my ampuules of H C G are in 5000 I.U does that mean I do once a week?
    No!!!! 250 ius twice a week.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by fatman3000 View Post
    So I am going on my second cycle, a short cutting cycle to get ready for the 3rd cycle which would be summer:

    Week Anavar Winstrol Clenbuterol Turinabol
    1 40mgs per day 50mgs per day 40mcg per day 40mgs per day
    2 40mgs per day 50mgs per day 40mcg per day 40mgs per day
    3 50mgs per day 60mgs per day -OFF- 40mgs per day
    4 50mgs per day 70mgs per day -OFF- 40mgs per day
    5 50mgs per day 80mgs per day 40mcg per day 40mgs per day
    6 40mgs per day 50mgs per day -OFF- 40mgs per day

    I am thinking a diet restricting Carbs to 100 Gram a day, Proteins 400 Gram a day
    3 cardio days 25 km run and 4 lifting days

    I am 96 KG which is 211 lbs 176 cm 5 foot 7

    Any comments or critics and feedback would be helpful, specially on diet, PCT or the ingredients.
    Fail! Do some reading my friend.

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by reporich View Post

    Fail! Do some reading my friend.
    This is ************ beginer cycle i copied off their website and just added tbol.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Proud Bostonian
    Quote Originally Posted by fatman3000
    This is ************ beginer cycle i copied off their website and just added tbol.
    That cycle was a very dated approach that isn't encouraged. Don't take everyone's comments personally....... They forget the questions they used to ask.

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by Buster Brown View Post
    That cycle was a very dated approach that isn't encouraged. Don't take everyone's comments personally....... They forget the questions they used to ask.
    I sure will raise this on their forum, I know many other news like me that are preping to go in this cycle.

  15. #15
    I would recommend; 1) Run Test will all orals, 2) it takes less water in the body to break down shorter esters (like prop) over longer esters (like enth & cyp), 3) in a cutting cycle first item of business is the diet, 4) try not to stack more than 1 oral during a cycle, 5) cardio really does work to burn fat, 6) drop the tbol it holds water, 7) you need liver support check out NAC, 8) whinny is superior to var when cutting but it drys the joints out pretty bad. I thought my knees were going to fall off. I only use var as an oral when I cut. Have fun

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