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Thread: I need my ass kicked

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    City of the sun

    I need my ass kicked

    Hello brothers ,
    I'm starting this thread cuz I need my ass kicked , and who ll do it better than you, right?

    My confession is that I'm addicted to cigarettes , I'm a smoker.. And a heavy smoker.. I started at the age of 18 , doing 2 packs a day , till my best friend had a stroke at the age of 35 , and lived by a miracle..

    That's when I decided to stop, I used champix , and I dunno how but I managed to quit for 18 months... I also dunno how I got stupid that night and lighted a cigarette after 18 months of being clean .. I screwed up, next day I bought a pack... Things got back to where they were..

    5 days ago, my uncle called me , he has lung cancer.. So I'm trying again and I need your help..

    I am trying to cut to 5 cig per day all after 8 pm , hoping that I ll get rid of that death stick on stages..

    Others say , that stoping cold turkey is the best approach ..

    What do u think about E cigarettes ?

    Anyone else used champix? Anyone else won the battle??

    Help needed here..

    Respect to everyone of you.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Do you do a lot of cardio? My cravings go way down after a heavy cardio workout.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hoggage_54 View Post
    Do you do a lot of cardio? My cravings go way down after a heavy cardio workout.
    You are right.. When I do cardio or hit the gym I can't smell a cigarette for the next 2 hours.. Unfortunately I'm not all day at gym as u know..

    Sometimes I do a short walk , but when I get back home , the damn thing sneaks to me in no time..

  4. #4
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    It's all mental bro

    I am one of the very select few who can throttle their smoking.

    I just finished a pack which lasted me over a month - half of which I bummed out to a few neighbors

    Cigarettes are just one of my addictions that I battle every day of my life and sadly to say, it's far from the worst.

    You're in control - nothing will change that. Cigarettes are not a necessity like breathing.

    Like yesterday, I wanted a smoke - then I genuinely forgot till hours later when my friend asked me for one.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by < <Samson> > View Post
    It's all mental bro

    I am one of the very select few who can throttle their smoking.

    I just finished a pack which lasted me over a month - half of which I bummed out to a few neighbors

    Cigarettes are just one of my addictions that I battle every day of my life and sadly to say, it's far from the worst.

    You're in control - nothing will change that. Cigarettes are not a necessity like breathing.

    Like yesterday, I wanted a smoke - then I genuinely forgot till hours later when my friend asked me for one.
    Thnx a lot buddy..
    I really started this thread to hear such words..

    We all say I can't quit , till the doctor see a scan of lungs with cancer , then it gets easy to quit..

    My mother is always praying for me saying , I wish u can quit before a medical condition force you to quit.. God bless her , and bless you all

  6. #6
    Good luck with quitting Rida. It comes down to how bad you want to quit and what sacrifices you're willing to make. If you want it bad enough you will quit. The nargileh helped my uncle quit

  7. #7
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    Smoking is nothing compared to the shit I have been battling now.

    Best way I can describe what I do: Put all your focus else where, not in quitting - but, other places. I can do whatever I want, but - ask, why do this? How does it help me? What do I get in return? A high, a feeling < are they worth the damage?

    I wish I could somehow incorporate this way of thing for others - from smoking to eating useless garbage

    Do I still do it? Sure, but, I'm in control. I am not eating junk because I can't stop myself

    It's tough - our human mind is very resilient to inner adjustments

    After my recent substance abuse battle - I have learned a lot. So much words can not describe

    I can look at shit, right in the eye & say no without being miserable and the

    The only thing I can't stop is the juice - but, test is no drug. It's more of a medicine which I have also learned not to abuse.

    Try it - I have never gotten anyone aside from myself to just stop. Just because, not even one person I know wants to stop & think.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Docd187123
    Good luck with quitting Rida. It comes down to how bad you want to quit and what sacrifices you're willing to make. If you want it bad enough you will quit. The nargileh helped my uncle quit
    What is the sacrifice is the question

    What are you giving up?

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by < <Samson> > View Post
    What is the sacrifice is the question

    What are you giving up?
    You're sacrificing the urge to give into your desire to smoke.

  10. #10
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    Anyone tried E Cig?
    Some say it's worst than cig some say it's first step to get rid of nicotine

  11. #11
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    Still full of cancerogenic crap

  12. #12
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    Smoking was one of the hardest things for me to quit, granted I only smoked, drank and drugged for about 6 years, smoking was the last thing I quit and I didn't plan it.

    It basically happened because a bro at the rehab I was at said if I smoke post workout I won't make any gains because my muscles need oxygen and I'm depriving it of that. My drive to get bigger overpowered the addiction easily and the next day I got some patches and haven't smoked since.

  13. #13
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    No offence, but just grow a set and quit. It is a choice, you either do or don't, but every time you have one you start the cravings from the beginning. I quit years ago, had to do it cold turkey cause cutting back just doesn't work for me, all or nothing. Like mentioned above, if you want it bad enough, you will do it. Sooner or later you will quit whether you want to or not.

  14. #14
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    I had a friend that just quit. He started cold turkey, then when it got bad he used a patch that slowly dropped in dosage over two weeks. He hasn't smoked again. Good luck.

    Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
    The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.

    Everything was impossible until somebody did it!

    I've got 99 problems......but my squat/dead ain't one !!

    It doesnt matter how good looking she is, some where, some one is tired of her shit.

    Light travels faster then sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.

    Great place to start researching !

  15. #15
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    Nov 2011
    I smoked for 16 years and quit with the gum. When it was really hard I would chew two pieces at a time. Worked like a straight up charm. So much nicotine it would make me sick. The first week it a little rough, but NOT NEARLY AS BAD as you think it will be. After that it's gravy. You got this brotha. God bless ya

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by < <Samson> > View Post
    It's all mental bro

    I am one of the very select few who can throttle their smoking.

    I just finished a pack which lasted me over a month - half of which I bummed out to a few neighbors

    Cigarettes are just one of my addictions that I battle every day of my life and sadly to say, it's far from the worst.

    You're in control - nothing will change that. Cigarettes are not a necessity like breathing.

    Like yesterday, I wanted a smoke - then I genuinely forgot till hours later when my friend asked me for one.
    I did the same thing for several years, even going months without having any then one day I noticed I was smoking about 1 pack a day, it was more of a habit then addiction I think. I would notice I missed it when I was driving or doing other things I would normally do when smoking if I didnt have one. Thats when I decided it was time to stop. Also I know the girl I was with didnt like it.

    That was over 6 years ago and I dont think I have had one since. You have to just decide you really dont want to stop and dont have any more. Find something else to do when you would normally have a cigarette such as pop in a piece of gum or something just to break the routine.

  17. #17
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    Cold turkey, Nicorette gum, and Champix for the great dreams.

  18. #18
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    Only way to ever stay quit is to realize that if you even smoke one, that's it your ****ed. Don't smoke that first one and you will be good.

  19. #19
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    Cold turkey is the best way

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by ppwc1985 View Post
    Only way to ever stay quit is to realize that if you even smoke one, that's it your ****ed. Don't smoke that first one and you will be good.
    agreed 100%

    looks like its gonna be a total stop.. cold turkey..
    i need my lungs back..

    much appreciated brothers.. such a great motivation

  21. #21
    just get an e-cig. Addiction without 95% of the consequences.

    Provided you get the right one (that doesn't hit like virginina slims) within a week you'll start coughing the shit up from the real cigarettes since the vapor breaks up the congestion caused by tar. Mine hits harder than real cigarettes and smokers cough when they try it, yet I perform 10 times better in the gym then when I used to smoke less than half a pack a day. Deadlifting and seeing stars and squats without panting for dear life is a nice perk. Ohh and you still get that good old nicotine.
    Last edited by davesah1; 12-22-2014 at 05:42 PM.

  22. #22
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    I started smoking when I was in high school. By the time I quite, I was a 2 pack a day smoker. I drank every day also. I had to try to quit several times before I was successful. I had to quit drinking, attend nicotine anonymous meetings, used the gum, mega doses of vitamin C, slept for 12 hours a day, drank a gallon of water most days. I had to try a combination of everything that I found worked. It still took me several tries. It's been about 15 years since my last cigarette, and I honestly don't even have cravings anymore.

    I wish you luck. Tobacco is the toughest thing a lot of us will ever overcome.

  23. #23
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    My mother has COPD.
    its the worst thing to see. Im with her daily, she is my angel.

    even with that, I still smoke a pack a day. And i love it. i love to smoke while on the treadmill, while eating, its fvcking gross.
    but yet i still cant quit.
    for the guys saying grow a pair and man up, if it was only that easy.

    please stop smoking man, nothing god comes from it. I want everyone to stop, and celebrate when someone I know does stop.
    Me on the otherhand, im going down in flames

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by DOSA View Post
    My mother has COPD.
    its the worst thing to see. Im with her daily, she is my angel.

    even with that, I still smoke a pack a day. And i love it. i love to smoke while on the treadmill, while eating, its fvcking gross.
    but yet i still cant quit.
    for the guys saying grow a pair and man up, if it was only that easy.

    please stop smoking man, nothing god comes from it. I want everyone to stop, and celebrate when someone I know does stop.
    Me on the otherhand, im going down in flames

    I agree...

    Not easy at all.. Tried cold turkey and failed..

    But since I started this thread I'm smoking 3-5 cig per day..

    Round 2 with this fu**er starts new year.. I will get rid of it completely.. That idea is invading my mind..

    I'm in no position to advice anyone as I am still a smoker but I noticed something.. If u limit ur AM nicotine intake , it will reduce the cigarettes you smoke the whole day..

    Before I was smoking 3-4 with my morning coffee , I dropped the coffee and the morning cigarettes and things are much easier..

    One more thing , avoid situations that trigger the cravings : alcohol , parties etc.. At least at the beginning

    I have some info regarding the subject so I ll update for those who are interested..

    Good luck for both of us
    Last edited by Rida5d; 12-23-2014 at 08:02 AM.

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