Hey guys whats up? I'm 29 year old male from the NorthWest.
I am just curious to hear some of your guys's opinions on what a good 16 week pre-contest stack would look like. I am not currently on TRT, I cycle off. According to blood work, my body seems to recover fine so I want to keep my cycle as close to 16 weeks as possible, no more. I would like to keep my HPTA functioning as long as possible.
My main question is what would be a good inj. compound to add to the first half of my contest regimen to aid in mass development?
Current Cycle:
week 1-5 dbol (kick start fill the muscles with carbs and get that size.)
week 1-4 Test P (again kick start, begin at a high doese, tapering down as enanthate cleaves)
Week 1-16 Test E (1000mg/week)
Weeks 8-16 Masteron (500mg/week, not sure on exact dosage protocol would appreciate input)
Weeks 11-15 Oral Winny (not sure on dosage of this as well)
Weeks 14-16 dbol (possibly, to add more size, and if I'm truly conditioned, my experience tells me I shouldn't have a problem with water, never have)
The show would land somewhere in week 16 I'm thinking mid if I time it right.
So what else can I add in there for weeks 1-8,9, or possibly 10ish? My desire is to use this time to add as much mass to my frame as possible. I was thinking Deca but everyone tells me that I need to run that for like 16 weeks minimum. Then there is EQ and maybe run that for the first 12 weeks? I heard EQ doesn't hold much water... again any input would be awesome. Thanks guys!! What would you throw in the first half for mass?