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Thread: Noob 1st cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2015

    Noob 1st cycle

    Hello members,

    So I started my 1st cycle. Taking 1ml test+1ml tren 3 times a week, every other day. Also taking Anavar 10mg + 40mcg 3 times a day, daily. Will try this for 90 days?
    What are your thoughts?

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by 2derty
    Hello members, So I started my 1st cycle. Taking 1ml test+1ml tren 3 times a week, every other day. Also taking Anavar 10mg + 40mcg 3 times a day, daily. Will try this for 90 days? What are your thoughts?
    I Wish You all the best, good Luck

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by 2derty
    Hello members, So I started my 1st cycle. Taking 1ml test+1ml tren 3 times a week, every other day. Also taking Anavar 10mg + 40mcg 3 times a day, daily. Will try this for 90 days? What are your thoughts?
    post up your stats please and what your gear is dosed at? You should be running hcg and an ai alongside your cycle as well. What's your pct plan? Welcome to the board

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2015
    31 year old 5'8 16% BF

    Sorry bro, I'm a noob to the fullest sense of the word. What is:
    AI? Aromatase Inhibitor?
    PCT plan?

    An acquaintance put me on what I got. I always like to stay well informed on what I take. I get the feeling this guy holding back on info, I asked him about AI.
    So i will do my research after the fact, after starting. Not the best way to go about it, but I will get informed, which is why I'm asking for any help.
    Would like to maximize effects, adjust dosage & add remove anything from cycle.
    Last edited by 2derty; 01-20-2015 at 09:16 PM.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by 2derty View Post
    31 year old 5'8 16% BF

    Sorry bro, I'm a noob to the fullest sense of the word. What is:
    AI? Aromatase Inhibitor?
    PCT plan?

    An acquaintance put me on what I got. I always like to stay well informed on what I take. I get the feeling this guy holding back on info, I asked him about AI.
    So i will do my research after the fact, after starting. Not the best way to go about it, but I will get informed, which is why I'm asking for any help.
    Would like to maximize effects, adjust dosage & add remove anything from cycle.
    human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) is to keep your boys in check during cycle, also so you recover faster from your PCT. Aromatase inhibitor (Ai) so you don't get b*tch tits during cycle. Post cycle therapy (PCT) is so you recover and not f*ck your shit up for life, which might still happen, but that is a risk everyone who uses AAS takes.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by 2derty View Post
    Hello members,

    So I started my 1st cycle. Taking 1ml test+1ml tren 3 times a week, every other day. Also taking Anavar 10mg + 40mcg 3 times a day, daily. Will try this for 90 days?
    What are your thoughts?
    Also your cycle is so wrong for a beginner. You should stop asap and do research or you're going to mess yourself up.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by 2derty
    31 year old 5'8 16% BF Sorry bro, I'm a noob to the fullest sense of the word. What is: HCG? AI? Aromatase Inhibitor? PCT plan? An acquaintance put me on what I got. I always like to stay well informed on what I take. I get the feeling this guy holding back on info, I asked him about AI. So i will do my research after the fact, after starting. Not the best way to go about it, but I will get informed, which is why I'm asking for any help. Would like to maximize effects, adjust dosage & add remove anything from cycle.
    hcg will stimulate the testies during your cycle instead of them not functioning at all. Hcg mimics lh function. Yes ai is aromatize inhibitor and yes you need it. Either adex or aromasin. Pct is your post cycle therapy plan. How long ago did you start this cycle?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by 2derty View Post
    Hello members,

    So I started my 1st cycle. Taking 1ml test+1ml tren 3 times a week, every other day. Also taking Anavar 10mg + 40mcg 3 times a day, daily. Will try this for 90 days?
    What are your thoughts?
    Your kidding right? Who injects a substance into their bodies without knowing anything about it? I can't tell if this guy is that dumb....or a troll.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by ojm3 View Post
    Your kidding right? Who injects a substance into their bodies without knowing anything about it? I can't tell if this guy is that dumb....or a troll.
    Agreed, was asking myself the same lol

    If you are not kidding stop immediately.

  10. #10
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Stop everything and do some research, you shouldn't be using ten for your first cycle and you really need to educate yourself a lot more because if your first cycle is so way off I bet your diet and training is.

    Be safe at all time and what your running isn't a wise choice

  11. #11
    Drop your bodyfat, read everything on this site, and begin a test only cycle.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2015
    Appreciate all the info & help. I just started, maybe a week. Will get the AI HCG ASAP. PCT will do more research. Thanks for the input.
    I am a noob & will depend on this forums and any of you who are willing to help.

  13. #13
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    The best advice you have had is to stop. You'd be foolish to ignore it and continue.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jan 2015
    I get the importance of AI, HCG and PCT.
    Why is it that Tren is not recommended for a starter cycle? If anybody would please help me with that.
    Also, considering what I'm going to be on, what would you guys recommend as a good PCT?
    I would also like to add that I'm taking Clen along with the Anavar.
    How would you guys recommend the stack to be used, you all that have a lot more experience than a noob.
    Really appreciate all the help I can get. This forum, after all, is to help out with what one is of will be taking.
    Knowing all the risks involved, with your help minimize such.
    I am reading a lot into it.
    Any feedback is appreciated, negative or positive. Warnings have been heed,

  15. #15
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    Jan 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300
    Stop everything and do some research, you shouldn't be using ten for your first cycle and you really need to educate yourself a lot more because if your first cycle is so way off I bet your diet and training is. Be safe at all time and what your running isn't a wise choice
    Why is Tren a bad choice, if you don't mind me asking.
    As far as training & diet, that's on point. Been meal prepping along with a good regimen recommended by a Veteran body builder & winner of few competitions.

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by 2derty View Post

    Why is Tren a bad choice, if you don't mind me asking.
    As far as training & diet, that's on point. Been meal prepping along with a good regimen recommended by a Veteran body builder & winner of few competitions.
    Because you haven't done your research, and someone at the gym telling you to to take all this stuff which you shouldn't even be touching atm is horrible. Who ever told you to take all these AAS is a jackass who doesn't care if you mess yourself up. You should ONLY run test for your first cycle, personally I'd say for the first couple cycles to get the best out of it. You have no cycle history so tren is going to f*ck you upside down. You will have bad side effects from tren, sense you haven't done AAS it WILL mess you up I'm not saying it could happen, it will happen, tren is the harshest steroid, alot of experienced users don't even use it, or atleast not often. Wait till you have experience with AAS, do your research on everything and only run test for your first cycle.

  17. #17
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    Jan 2015
    I'm taking Tren acetate, small ester & short half life.
    As far as any ill effect on my boys, adding test prop should counter that.
    I will be taking an AI to lessen impact
    Will also be getting HCG to lessen impact, before I start PCT

  18. #18
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    Jan 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by Cody95
    Because you haven't done your research, and someone at the gym telling you to to take all this stuff which you shouldn't even be touching atm is horrible. Who ever told you to take all these AAS is a jackass who doesn't care if you mess yourself up. You should ONLY run test for your first cycle, personally I'd say for the first couple cycles to get the best out of it. You have no cycle history so tren is going to f*ck you upside down. You will have bad side effects from tren, sense you haven't done AAS it WILL mess you up I'm not saying it could happen, it will happen, tren is the harshest steroid, alot of experienced users don't even use it, or atleast not often. Wait till you have experience with AAS, do your research on everything and only run test for your first cycle.

    Besides the regulars side effects associated to AAS, what other side effects would I expect from Tren Acetate?

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    Sweating, insomnia, increased aggression, the constant feeling that you're "on something".

    Could have some prolactin issues too. Could grow moobs dude...

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by 2derty
    I'm taking Tren acetate, small ester & short half life. As far as any ill effect on my boys, adding test prop should counter that. I will be taking an AI to lessen impact Will also be getting HCG to lessen impact, before I start PCT
    Test P will definitely NOT counter that. That's not how it works. Putting synthetic testosterone (yes, Test P) will signal to your testes that there is plenty of test in your body and they don't need to produce any on their own. In other words, it will shut you down.

    Please take the advice you've been given here, and stop your cycle. The Tren is only one issue here of a much larger issue.

  21. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by 2derty View Post

    Besides the regulars side effects associated to AAS, what other side effects would I expect from Tren Acetate?
    Excess Sweating
    Night Sweats
    Rapid Heart Rate
    Loss of Libido
    Erectile Dysfunction.

  22. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by Cody95 View Post

    Excess Sweating
    Night Sweats
    Rapid Heart Rate
    Loss of Libido
    Erectile Dysfunction.
    Not to mention acne, hairloss, high blood pressure and gyno.

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    Asia but not Asian.
    Tren on a first cycle is bad because the body is not comfortable with extraneous Testosterone..and it takes weeks for the body to say...yep we like this.

    Test Flu
    Blood Pressure
    Heart Palpatations

    to name a few are common and you need to get your test routine down first then add to it.

    Besides Tren is awesome but the sides are sometimes horrible...aggression is not a wonderful thing. I am about to hit 4 weeks and can already see the whole concept of running tren longterm is not for a people person lol. It takes me a short conversation in my head to keep from throttling people time to time.

    Get your test routine down, find the level your body can handle with controllable sides....then move to the next substance.

    Anavar is weak but if you take multiple substance you dont know which is causing the issue.

    Clen sides mimic test sides so with both you wont ever know which is cusing the sides..

    In short you want to be able to do a is test at XXX mg a is my Ace Inhibitor for that dose of is my beta blocker of XXmg for that is my Aromasin of XXmg a week for that dose of test...etc. Once you got it all worked out...add the next. Remember you need 8 weeks to build to and hold at homeostasis....if you do a dose then up it add 4 more weeks. I bumped my dose twice on my first cycle and found my point of tolerance. It took a 20 week cycle to work out my test + NPP + anavar. The understanding of that made this second cycle so much easier. i can define the exact sides gathered by using any extra substances. It all is based on gathering information that first cycle.

    Tren is also a very different substance. Many of the sides it is known for ..there is no pill to curb them. Aggression with normal bloodpressure is not normal. Normally it is a side product of hypertension. You will learn this when you work through the substances properly and try to minimize your sides.

    Quote Originally Posted by 2derty View Post
    Why is Tren a bad choice, if you don't mind me asking.
    As far as training & diet, that's on point. Been meal prepping along with a good regimen recommended by a Veteran body builder & winner of few competitions.

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Jan 2015
    Thanks guys, very insightful. Will stop Tren, start small on test. Get my AI & HCG. Need good reading to come up with a good PCT

  25. #25
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by 2derty View Post
    Thanks guys, very insightful. Will stop Tren, start small on test. Get my AI & HCG. Need good reading to come up with a good PCT
    You must have missed all the posts above where nearly everyone was telling you that you're not ready for AAS (including Test).

  26. #26
    hcg can be used after the cycle

  27. #27
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by bigroutine
    hcg can be used after the cycle
    It is best run in cycle.

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