I am about to start my cycle of tren ace and test looking for any advice on how much I should take and how often. Would like to know what worked for y'all. I'm 25 years old 6ft2 and about 260lbs
I am about to start my cycle of tren ace and test looking for any advice on how much I should take and how often. Would like to know what worked for y'all. I'm 25 years old 6ft2 and about 260lbs
What is your cycle experience? Bf%?
If your over 15% don't start your proposed cycle as you will most likely have a boat load of sides(high test to estrogen conversion, rise in prolactin(Tren us a 19nor znd requires a DA(caber/Prami)! Just my .02...
This my second cycle my first was deca and test bf% not exact last time I checked it was 6months ago so I'd say between 20-25%
what kind of gains did you make? I really do not think you should try Tren for a second cycle. Did you run an ai or hcg with your other cycle?Originally Posted by RobiasReed
I gained about 28lbs but after running novadex for pct kept about 20 lbs of my gains...thanks for talks input ....what cycles would y'all recommend if any for a guy my size
I think you should get your bf down to 15 percent and then consider a beginner cycle. Take a look at the sticky planning and executing my first cycleOriginally Posted by RobiasReed
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