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Thread: Extremely Confused : Test Levels in Long Esters (Test-e)

  1. #1

    Extremely Confused : Test Levels in Long Esters (Test-e)

    So I've been lurking these forums for more than a year now. Almost two yeas actually. I've been trying to learn as much as I can. Haven't pulled the trigger yet and don't plan to for AT LEAST another 6 months, if not more.

    Anyway, I was reading up on some new stuff and I got a bit confused between the validity of "kickstarting" with DBOL vs Waiting 2-3 weeks before starting Tren-ace on Test-e cycle.

    For example, people usually do

    Weeks 1-4 Dbol 50m
    Weeks 1-12 Test-e 500mg

    But for Tren they go

    Weeks 1-12 test-e
    Weeks 3-10 tren-ace

    And the reason for waiting two weeks for tren is "Cause you need test-e to kick in first or you will be shut down" Okay, fine. Fair enough.

    But won't you shut down with Dbol too? Why do we not wait to start Dbol. In fact DBol is used to "kick start"

    So this got me to thinking that perhaps Test levels start rising in the blood way earlier than people think and it's the "strength" gains that take long?

    If that were the case can't Tren be used right at the start with test-e ? (As long as caber is used to mitigate prolactin sides)

    I apologize for the long post! I really appreciate any answers Thank you so much!!
    Last edited by Dr0pLeaf; 01-26-2015 at 06:47 PM. Reason: Added "ace" to the tren :P thanks to Buster Brown!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Proud Bostonian
    There is no set rule. Assuming you are talking about tren A you can do it either way. The later(starting in week3) is preferred by some because it allows some tes to build up believing it to be a more productive tes e and tren a cycle. The dbol is used to get the party started or backloaded. The dbol isn't expected to dif what tren will

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Buster Brown View Post
    There is no set rule. Assuming you are talking about tren A you can do it either way. The later(starting in week3) is preferred by some because it allows some tes to build up believing it to be a more productive tes e and tren a cycle. The dbol is used to get the party started or backloaded. The dbol isn't expected to dif what tren will

    Hey man, thanks for your reply! I appreciate it because I've been googling around this topic for a few weeks now and can't seem to find a concrete answer.

    So here's a question: Let's say Person A is shut down completely because of Tren. The he decides to inject test-e at TRT levels, how long before the endocrine has the levels need to FUNCTION properly. I'm not talking about "feeling the effects" of test-e magadosed like people talk about.

    If one were to want to start Tren from week one to keep the cycle shorter, and wants to stay away from test-PROP , would he be able to do this without worry?

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dr0pLeaf View Post

    Hey man, thanks for your reply! I appreciate it because I've been googling around this topic for a few weeks now and can't seem to find a concrete answer.

    So here's a question: Let's say Person A is shut down completely because of Tren. The he decides to inject test-e at TRT levels, how long before the endocrine has the levels need to FUNCTION properly. I'm not talking about "feeling the effects" of test-e magadosed like people talk about.

    If one were to want to start Tren from week one to keep the cycle shorter, and wants to stay away from test-PROP , would he be able to do this without worry?
    I think you are asking if you could do a trt dose OR 250 mgs of tes with tren A? If so, yes you can do that. I like to do it as a cutting of my favs with Winnie as a kick start

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Buster Brown View Post
    I think you are asking if you could do a trt dose OR 250 mgs of tes with tren A? If so, yes you can do that. I like to do it as a cutting of my favs with Winnie as a kick start
    Yeap, basically that. But do you HAVE to wait to start two weeks to start Tren-ace for the test to kick in?

    If not, why are there so many people who think otherwise?

    If yes, then why are people starting Dbol on week 1?

    Lol, I'm so sorry if I'm making this more complicated than it needs to be. I just fully want to understand these concepts before I dive into this world :P

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Proud Bostonian
    Quote Originally Posted by Dr0pLeaf View Post

    Yeap, basically that. But do you HAVE to wait to start two weeks to start Tren-ace for the test to kick in?

    If not, why are there so many people who think otherwise?

    If yes, then why are people starting Dbol on week 1?

    Lol, I'm so sorry if I'm making this more complicated than it needs to be. I just fully want to understand these concepts before I dive into this world :P
    NO you can start right away BUT it will probably be a better cycle if you do wait. If you have experienced tren then you will see the value of starting it at week 3.

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