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Thread: What steroids would work good for a basketball player?

  1. #1

    What steroids would work good for a basketball player?

    Im in the off season (no tests) and have the summer to train. Just wanted to know what steroid would be good for a basketball player that just wants to add lean muscle mass but not get too bulky. Just want to work on speed, jumping and agility.

    mid 20's
    6'5 220lbs
    10% body fat

    Work out regularly and plays ball almost everyday.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    I'd be careful posting on here about how you're in a pro basketball league and trying to use steroids...

    But you could grab some Test Prop...

  3. #3
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    Do you want to play like Kurt Rambus or Michael Jordan? ;-P

    I'll defer to some of the experts here, but I would certainly have winny in the mix.

    You might do well to read up on some of the sticky notes on the profiles.

    Also on diet. Is your diet good? A shite diet can **** you up pretty easily imo, whether you're looking at performance only, or lifting, etc.

  4. #4
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    um... what are you stats and work out specs and diet....

    then your goals are to become bigger faster stronger... that is what every one wants

    first try lifting, second try a perfect diet

  5. #5
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    Jan 2009
    first of all winstrol isnt good for atheletes because of it dries to joints which u dont ever want if ur an athelete !!
    and second of all IM sure if you have your diet in check and train hard enough you would get ..

    I think anavar is the best option since you dont get any water retention, you get only strength and lean mass.. you should do some research about anavar and do lots of reading before you start anything .. also post your diet up in Diet forums

  6. #6
    Diet is decent. Nothing exact though I must say but I do eat right and do every work out and drill in the book daily for years now so I was just wondering what would be good to add lean muscle mass, gain speed, jumping and agility. Just trying to get an edge on the comp and get something extra on what I already have to work with.

  7. #7
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    Sep 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by WhiteShadow24 View Post
    Diet is decent. Nothing exact though I must say but I do eat right and do every work out and drill in the book daily for years now so I was just wondering what would be good to add lean muscle mass, gain speed, jumping and agility. Just trying to get an edge on the comp and get something extra on what I already have to work with.
    You'd use steroids to gain mass and strength. I'm not sure what kind of speed you mean, if it's track/running or the power in lifts like the snatch and clean which I'm sure you guys practice. Steroids won't increase track speed per se but they will give you greater strength which can be "converted" into faster track speed with proper track training. You'll probably get faster in the snatch and clean faster, but with those it's the principle, that you have to "convert" strength into power, and there's also proper technique with having contact with the barbell and not pulling too soon. Drop/dive speed can be developed by working the hamstrings in a flexing exercise like leg curls (RDLs/SLDLs will not develop that).

    Jumping and agility are "skill only" so they can't be improved with steroids really. As far as what steroids to take, I'd advice you to use some steroids that DOES increase water retention. As someone pointed out in a different post, some steroids will make joints dry which is not very good for a baseball player, esp. pitchers. However just because I recommend such a steroid doesn't mean you should ACTIVELY try to become bloated with water. How bloated a person becomes depends on carbs and salt. I don't think you actively have to control carb and salt intake any more than just simply avoiding junk food like pizza etc. What I mean is, don't actively try to cut carbs and salt, just pick good clean food because that doesn't contain so much salt, and you need carbs to maintain intensity in the gym.

  8. #8
    steroids will not really give you an edge over others if only doing one off season cycle.. you would be better off studying and practicing your ball'n' skills and cardio. you will feel good and may gain some but things will be normal next season as far as your build. (maybe just a small difference)
    if you do decide to do something then stay away from winny as you are more likely to injure yourself during training on the court...

  9. #9
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    Dec 2007
    It sounds like you'd want something to make you a bit stronger without much weight gain.

    You might want try a simple beginner cycle (500mg test for 12 weeks). It might add some bulk and/or water gain though. You'd probably want to make sure your diet was really clean so you didn't gain unwanted weight.

    Or...I'm just throwing this out there - you could possibly try Halo with only an HRT dose of test. Halo is supposed to be good for adding strength without weight. An HRT dose of test would be neccessary for keeping normal male functioning. I'd definately get a few more opinions before trying this though, because Halo is not a beginner steroid.

  10. #10
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    HAVE to disagree with the guys saying juice doesnt make you jump higher and run faster. my white assss can barely dunk off cycle but while on i get up way higher

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by chuckt12345 View Post
    HAVE to disagree with the guys saying juice doesnt make you jump higher and run faster. my white assss can barely dunk off cycle but while on i get up way higher
    he is wanting to do it off season to help him on season which is why it will not benefit him when the season's in. imo

  12. #12
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    guess it depends if he can keep the gains or not,, since hes not a power forward or center i wouldnt think it will help much anyways,, i mean you dont need to bench 400 to have a sweet jumper.

  13. #13
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    HGH or try some DBOL just pregame

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by Test247 View Post
    HGH or try some DBOL just pregame

  15. #15
    What do you mean pregame? Sorry if I sound a lil ignorant but when you say that to me I think about pregame speaches, gameplans and listening to the Thanks for the help but if anyone has anymore info it is appreciated.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Test247 View Post
    HGH or try some DBOL just pregame
    Bad advice imo.

  17. #17
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    Amatures generally won't gain much in the levels of sports by using steriods. Maybe a more phycisal sport like food ball it would help.

    Games like basketball, MMA, hockey, ext a smaller, weaker, more skilled opponent would be able to out play a meat head.

    When you get to the pro level though, or college level, and your skill set is about as high as it can get, it will help you.

    I'd think like posted above, Anavar would be good, or Tbol.

    Some people get such severe pumps, when on AS that it would actually be a disadvantage.

    When I first start a cycle, I get like that, but after awhile, my body just adjust and the pumps don't affect anything.

    Test E would be a good one too, I'd say Prop but your ass will feel like a pin cousin running up and down the court from EOD injections.

    I'd think maybe Mast but I've not tried it YET, so can't speak from experince.

    From my experince though, Var/Tbol/Test E would all work. Some will disagree with Test E but control your diet and you won't bloat out and look like a blimp.

  18. #18
    Thanks so I take it Anavar is something that will give me lean muscle gains and allow me not to blow up and reatain alot of water right? Just trying to figure out what would be the best way to go about it but it seems like everyone has a different opinion and outlook on it so its hard to lean one way or the other even after researching the different AS. Any more opinions or out looks on the matter will be greatly appreciated , thanks.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Test247 View Post
    HGH or try some DBOL just pregame
    better off drinking haterade

  20. #20
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    None. I used to play ball in highschool and was going to play in college for D2 but played D1 Golf instead.

    Stamina and Strength is key to playing better ball. So realistically I do not think steroids are the proper choice. If you are trying to gain muscle in the off season and stop the cycle well before the beginning of the season then thats a different story.

    Also what position are you playing? If you are not a forward or center then strength doesn't matter nearly as much.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by MACKATTACK View Post
    Also what position are you playing? If you are not a forward or center then strength doesn't matter nearly as much.

    you may not feel comfortable with the pumps that you get from steroids. I dont know man , dont think steroids are right to do for basketball players. I think endurance /cardio and skills r the most important things for basketball. You should research about EPO .
    If i was still playing ball ( I always played 2 ) id run low dose of anavar and i probably would be doing epo

    oh and dont listen to that dude above saying do hgh and kick start with dbols thats the worse thing ive read all day today

  22. #22
    Thanks to all for everyones input. Sounds like Anavar is my ticket im looking for. I just am going through a big offseason and want to train at the highest level possible to prepare for next season and looking into AS to maximize the gains from my offseason training regimen. I play the 3 and 4 spots on my team and yes the AS will only be used over the offseason this summer.

  23. #23
    What about running a cycle of test over the off season? And as for the gains I will only be using as during the offseason and was just wondering if I will still notice gains during the season. I will be working out and training the whole time and was just wondering how an offseason cylce would affect my performance. Thanks.

  24. #24
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    lol hgh or dbol pregame! I dont think steroids are what you need bro, just practice hard! steroids wont make u jump higher etc!

  25. #25
    pregame? sorry not up on the lingo. Im familiar with hgh and have used it before but dbol? can you please explain how that one will affect me based on what I am looking for mentioned above. Thanks.

  26. #26
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    go to the steroid profiles area and read up about dbol and other steroids, that will reinforce the point that steroids are not what you need! pregame is pre-game as in before game, and whoever suggested that is a proper numpty! but if your gonna listen to him you could always try smoking weed b4 the game, then you can jump really 'HIGH'! thats about his logic!

  27. #27
    haha I hear you. No im not tryin to go into the game on some adrenaline rush. lol I just wanted to gain some extra edge in the offseason to maximize my performance. I have done research and Anavar or Test seem to be the ones that would give me what im looking for. What is your take on it? Assuming that I am going to use As this offseason. Thanks.

  28. #28
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    ur asking the same question over and over. I remember answering that question and NO steroids arent what you need for off season, u need great diet and cardio ..If anything just anavar

  29. #29
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    I still say just a good clean diet and alot of cardio and training! Thats all you need, why are u so desperate to use roids? just get some whey protein and some creatine and train normally, u certainly dont need roids!

    P.S glue some springs on your trainers! BOING BOING!!!

  30. #30
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    what are you planning on useing for a pct and are you goin to stack test e while your on it cuz you will get shut down?

  31. #31
    Not really sure. Can you explain what you mean by shut down?

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by Elexecution View Post
    I'd be careful posting on here about how you're in a pro basketball league and trying to use steroids...

    But you could grab some Test Prop...
    why would he becareful basketball leagues do not test for steroids what so ever.

  33. #33
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  34. #34
    Thanks for passin that thread on man. It had alot of very useful information on it. I get alot of different opinions from all ways when asking a question like this but material like that thread are very helpful.

  35. #35
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    but do basketball players really take gear? what benefits do they get? i dont see what they could get out of it!!

  36. #36
    Quote Originally Posted by amateur88 View Post
    but do basketball players really take gear? what benefits do they get? i dont see what they could get out of it!!
    the shrinkage helps them palm their balls

  37. #37
    lmfao Naw bro, we not too worried bout that here but good joke. As for the comment about why a basketball palyer would take it. Probably for the same reason that the athletes that represent their countries in the Olympics take AS. Not sure bout that but im just putting two and two together. Mayber it has to do with..........ATHLETIC PERFORMANCE. All jokes aside, thanks for all the help and if there is anybody else with input feel free to let me know cause I want to do this right. Not just some meat head that wants to wear a tight shirt at the club and get into fights. Strictly athletic reasons here.

  38. #38
    What about halo ? Would that be something beneficial to a basketball player? Have been hearing some good things about it but even after research dont know too much about it from others.

  39. #39
    So basically the feelings are mixed? Some dont think its too good for a basketball player and some think it can be benificial. I was just trying to find out from someone who is more experienced and knows there stuff when it comes to athletic training and steroid use what would be an ideal AS for a serious basketball player.

  40. #40
    Quote Originally Posted by DKU View Post
    It sounds like you'd want something to make you a bit stronger without much weight gain.

    You might want try a simple beginner cycle (500mg test for 12 weeks). It might add some bulk and/or water gain though. You'd probably want to make sure your diet was really clean so you didn't gain unwanted weight.

    Or...I'm just throwing this out there - you could possibly try Halo with only an HRT dose of test. Halo is supposed to be good for adding strength without weight. An HRT dose of test would be neccessary for keeping normal male functioning. I'd definately get a few more opinions before trying this though, because Halo is not a beginner steroid.

    Curious about this Halo, now when u say its a good strength gainer but not a bulking cycle, what's the negatives about it .

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