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Thread: growth hormone

  1. #1

    Question growth hormone

    i was wondering if anybody would know the price range on human growth hormone? i know it varies, but a ball park figure by wich i can set a standard would be helpful......thanx

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    $2-5 per iu to start. Usually $3-5 per iu domestic. The better prices are for int'l bulk orders.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by spawnbmw
    i was wondering if anybody would know the price range on human growth hormone? i know it varies, but a ball park figure by wich i can set a standard would be helpful......thanx
    What brand? and what dose are you looking to do?
    Humatrope, Serostim, Nutropin, etc.?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Anywhere from $3-$500 per kit.

  5. #5
    [QUOTE=spawnbmw]i was wondering if anybody would know the price range on human growth hormone? i know it varies, but a ball park figure by wich i can set a standard would be helpful......thanx[/QUOTE

    the brand in question is Serostim 6mg....7 vials w/ 7sterile diluent....what would be the going price and is it a good brand?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    I've seen it as low as 350.00 for Jintropin, and up to 900.00 a month for Serostim!! NO ****!!!!!

    I take Serostim and pay 650.00!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by spawnbmw
    i was wondering if anybody would know the price range on human growth hormone? i know it varies, but a ball park figure by wich i can set a standard would be helpful......thanx[/QUOTE

    the brand in question is Serostim 6mg....7 vials w/ 7sterile diluent....what would be the going price and is it a good brand?
    Serostim is excellent. I would not pay more then $500 for the kit. I've seen it for as low as $200 (very very rare). Make sure you pick up bacteriostaic water to mix, lasts longer then the included sterile liquid.
    The problem with Serostim is the frequent injections needed, at least once a day.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    The lowest i have seen is 45 for 4 iu's and thats pretty much CRAZY!!! This was international though, i have no clue about domestic. There used to be....keyword used to be a source in china that would sell it for around 250 a kit, it was real good stuff, who knows what happened to him though.

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