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Thread: Super market strike

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2003

    Super market strike

    I HATE shopping now. Not because of the picket lines. I love going across the line. I kinda look forward to it. I send my girlfriend in first to see which of the tough guys in the picket line ****s with her. Then I follow up shortly after and **** up his day.
    Its not the picket line. Its the prices. You would think prices would go down to get people in there, but it seems prices are outrageous. 4 dollars for an 18 pack of eggs?? WTF. They used to be a dollar fifty. Everything seems to be marked up 50 percent. Sure they are losing money but now is not a good time to detour us away from their store even more.
    So much for the sales. Thats all I keep hearing. I ask which store has the sales and then everyone shuts up and has no answer. "Well I thought you just said you were in a store with good deals" Oh well that was awhile ago, or Oh that was at Trader Joes.

    The produce dept is looking pretty bad too. Im not into buying brown wilted lettuce. I already have that in my frig. Soft oranges are not my idea of a deal.
    Strawbeeries would have been nice if they even had any in the display section.

    As far as the strike: Times are rough, everyone has to pay more for everything. Bite the bullet and expect health insurance to go up.
    Stop standing in the picket line and go get a second temp job to help buy presents for your family for christmas. You can be doing better things than standing outside in 50 degree weather with a sign. Sure, it is an issue of morales and dedication to a cause but there comes a time when reality sets in saying GET A JOB TIL THIS BLOWS OVER.

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by bermich
    I HATE shopping now. Not because of the picket lines. I love going across the line. I kinda look forward to it. I send my girlfriend in first to see which of the tough guys in the picket line ****s with her. Then I follow up shortly after and **** up his day.
    Its not the picket line. Its the prices. You would think prices would go down to get people in there, but it seems prices are outrageous. 4 dollars for an 18 pack of eggs?? WTF. They used to be a dollar fifty. Everything seems to be marked up 50 percent. Sure they are losing money but now is not a good time to detour us away from their store even more.
    So much for the sales. Thats all I keep hearing. I ask which store has the sales and then everyone shuts up and has no answer. "Well I thought you just said you were in a store with good deals" Oh well that was awhile ago, or Oh that was at Trader Joes.

    The produce dept is looking pretty bad too. Im not into buying brown wilted lettuce. I already have that in my frig. Soft oranges are not my idea of a deal.
    Strawbeeries would have been nice if they even had any in the display section.

    As far as the strike: Times are rough, everyone has to pay more for everything. Bite the bullet and expect health insurance to go up.
    Stop standing in the picket line and go get a second temp job to help buy presents for your family for christmas. You can be doing better things than standing outside in 50 degree weather with a sign. Sure, it is an issue of morales and dedication to a cause but there comes a time when reality sets in saying GET A JOB TIL THIS BLOWS OVER.

    I think unions are good. But they aren't when they mislead their workers. In this case, they have given them the wrong information and I don't think they would be striking. I hate the tough guys too. My buddy is a scab and he broke up a fight between a customer and a teamster the other night. RR

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    SouthWest US
    Rumor has it it won't end until possibly the end of February. The Supermarkets have banded together and are going to share losses. They stopped picketing at Ralphs and Ralphs will share it's profits with Safeway/Vons and Albertsons.

    When will these people learn that they are not going to win?

    February? Can you last without a paycheck til then?

    Rumor also is that the well is dry and they aren't getting paid to picket anymore.

    And I'm sorry but as an employer myself, I pay going rate for my employees. You mean to tell me a cashier is worth $18.00 an hour?? PUHLEEEZE!

    Go back to work and fill up that meat counter so I can get some protein, beeeeyotches!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2003
    I heard the OLD contract and the proposed contract are on the internet somewhere. Anyone have the link?

    Yeah 18 dollars an hour is a lot of money now adays. Sure you stand on your feet all day but so do a lot of other jobs that dont get 15-18 an hour.
    I didnt know they got paid to picket.

    I heard about the shared revenue between stores and the union says it violates laws. The stores say it is entitled to discuss issues between stores.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    So Cal
    My local store is nicely stocked and everything is on sale. I've been eating like a king with all these sales. Last week I got $120 worth of groceries for $75. My wife clipped coupons Fillet minion, shrimp, chicken all kinds of good stuff. I stocked up on bottled water and soda for the kids so they can rot their teeth away.

    I wish I've ever had it as good as those union bastards. For those who are not from California they're on strike cause their insurance is going from nothing a month to $10. And their insurance is better than anywhere else. The best I've ever had is 50% paid by the company and I have a career which requires years of knowledge and experience. I wish I had it so tough.

    Plus those cowards harassed my wifes 65+ year old grand mother. They don't f*&% with me the spineless bast%$@s

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Sunny Side of Dreams
    Well said Berm. I totally agree. I mean ppl bitch about health care and HMO's but hell, you get what you paid for. And as far as prices go, that's rediculous too. I paid 4.20 for a gallon of milk the other day, and it wasn't even Vit-D it was that 1% stuff. The crappy thing about it all is like all major stores doing this, it's almost cheaper to go shopping at the 7-11.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2003
    The 7-11. lol.
    I would go to Costco but I hate that place. ALWAYS so **** crowded. Cant even move your cart. Check out lines go to the back of the store.
    Bill total is always 300 dollars and you only have 6 items.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by bermich
    The 7-11. lol.
    I would go to Costco but I hate that place. ALWAYS so **** crowded. Cant even move your cart. Check out lines go to the back of the store.
    Bill total is always 300 dollars and you only have 6 items. can get a Hebrew National Hot-Dog AND a pop for $1.50. Can't beat that. Hahaha...RR

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Sunny Side of Dreams
    Not to mention your fav pc software and a flannel

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by RON
    I wish I've ever had it as good as those union bastards. For those who are not from California they're on strike cause their insurance is going from nothing a month to $10. And their insurance is better than anywhere else. The best I've ever had is 50% paid by the company and I have a career which requires years of knowledge and experience. I wish I had it so tough.
    Talk about being misinformed. Bro, I work for MTA and we were negotiating a contract for over a year before we were on strike from October to November of this year. Insurance going from nothing to $10 a month? You're joking, right?
    Try from $30 month to $200 month. And keep in mind, that's $100 taken out of a check that, after you've deducted FICA, taxes, and union dues, is probably about $800 every two weeks. So that means it's down to $700 every two weeks. Your landlord don't want to hear that you can't afford to pay your $1000 rent because you don't make that much any more. California doesn't want to hear that you're not able to pay your $100-200 a month auto insurance. Bro, everyone is talking about what little the workers will lose if they just give in and pay that extra fee for their insurance but you have to remember the high a$$ cost of living in Cali. You can't find an apartment that has air conditioning here unless you plan on paying like $1200 a month. When I lived in Louisiana, the housing projects had air conditioning.
    Last edited by TheChosen1; 12-03-2003 at 02:49 AM.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    The land of stars
    They think this is bad...wait until Wal-Mart (the Nazi's) open there grocery stores here (in So Cal) it will put all of our loved grocery stores out of business. WM introduced a bunch of there grocery stores in LV and they put almost all of the other chains out of business.

    These picketing freaks need to shut the f*ck up and get back to work. What bul**** all you do is sling food across a scanner that tells you how much the food is and how much to collect from the customer....and then it tells you how much change to give them...better yet you have some high school kid come over and bag them...tell me where the stress is...shiat I work in employee benefits and I can tell you all that no one has a rich medical/dental plans as the can slingers do...this bothers me...I am getting sick of being mad dogged becasue i am need food and beer....

    I tell you...mark these words...if Wal Mart gets there way and a share of the So Cal market place...these puckers will wish they never went on strike.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Butch
    They think this is bad...wait until Wal-Mart (the Nazi's) open there grocery stores here (in So Cal) it will put all of our loved grocery stores out of business. WM introduced a bunch of there grocery stores in LV and they put almost all of the other chains out of business.

    These picketing freaks need to shut the f*ck up and get back to work. What bul**** all you do is sling food across a scanner that tells you how much the food is and how much to collect from the customer....and then it tells you how much change to give them...better yet you have some high school kid come over and bag them...tell me where the stress is...shiat I work in employee benefits and I can tell you all that no one has a rich medical/dental plans as the can slingers do...this bothers me...I am getting sick of being mad dogged becasue i am need food and beer....

    I tell you...mark these words...if Wal Mart gets there way and a share of the So Cal market place...these puckers will wish they never went on strike.

    Good post. I heard about the Walmart thing and that is SO TRUE. Walmart will definately put Ralphs out of business since they are over priced already.

    As far as whoever said insurance will go up to 200 dollars a month. BULL****.
    I have TOP OF THE LINE HEALTH INSURANCE for 200 dollars. That is 100 % coverage. Nothing out of pocket. I could have a 100,000 dollar medical bill and it is ALL PAID FOR except the 500 dollar deductable.
    If you dont like paying that much for your company insurance, get your own if you say it cost that much.
    S H I T. Every other person has to pay that much for medical. Why do you get special privilages? Just because your union gets a kick back from it so they feel they can put the union workers on strike until the stores give in.
    Unions are useless now a days. All they are good for is collecting union dues which apparently amount to nothing.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Unions are useless now a days. All they are good for is collecting union dues which apparently amount to nothing.[/QUOTE]

    Unions put my family where it is today paid for 3 of my sisters college degrees and my great grandmother is still living on her husbands pension. My grandmother is still living off my grandfathers pension. My dad retired at 48 cause of the union. So I doubt they are useless, I'm 21 years old and a union worker they put me through school and supplied all the grants. I graduate this year and in the past 3 years I've never had a year where I havent cleared 60 grand so to ME I doubt they are usless and I'm even in Texas a ****IN SLAVE STATE

    Sorry if that came out a lil wrong I'm on clems right now and a litle shaky lol

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by TheChosen1
    you have to remember the high a$$ cost of living in Cali. You can't find an apartment that has air conditioning here unless you plan on paying like $1200 a month. When I lived in Louisiana, the housing projects had air conditioning.
    Tell me about it, you can't a 3 bedroom house in Pasadena Los Angeles for less then 500,000. The house i live in is a piece of **** it it going for 600,000.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    SouthWest US
    Wal-Mart is gonna kick their arses BIG TIME. The checker at Vons will be the same as the Milkman or the Ice-Man of the 40s-50s. I can see the Rockwell painting now, the friendly checker smiling as they swipe the can of beans and the customer writes out their check. Then fast forward to 2008 as I swipe my own stuff across the scanner, stick my card in the slot, bag it myself and am out in 1/2 the time it takes for some slack jawed betty to touch all my crap. And who f*cking writes checks anymore? WTF! OK I'll stop my ranting now.

  16. #16
    what the hell are you guys talking about....when did the supermarkets go on strike??????? I must live in a small town cause i've heard nothin of this crap....

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    The land of stars
    Quote Originally Posted by eshestun
    Tell me about it, you can't a 3 bedroom house in Pasadena Los Angeles for less then 500,000. The house i live in is a piece of **** it it going for 600,000.
    LMAO...try finding a house in La Canada, CA for less than a million...the cost of living here is a pain in the ass...I wonder sometimes why I still live here....we should just sell Cali to Mexico and cut our loses...

    Anyway, the union is really ****ing these people..they told them to strike and now they are losing by the say....a striker only get's $20 bucks a day...come on now...BTW, did you all hear about the MTA strike...the only reason they settled was becasue the MTA was going to go privatly....meaning the city was going to hire a private compnay to run the show...shiat the union heard about that ans said they would settle...I'm wondering why Von's/Albertson isn't doing the same?

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    [QUOTE=Butch]LMAO...try finding a house in La Canada, CA for less than a million...the cost of living here is a pain in the ass...I wonder sometimes why I still live here....we should just sell Cali to Mexico and cut our loses...[QUOTE=Butch]

    ya im thinking of moving to vegas..**** ill buy the playboy mansion in vegas with the money my house brings

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    somewhere in Canada
    hahahahaha....... this is news to me!!!!! ALL supermarkets in the USA are on strike????? wow..... i'd go nuts.... but i won't cause i am canadian!

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by bermich
    Good post. I heard about the Walmart thing and that is SO TRUE. Walmart will definately put Ralphs out of business since they are over priced already.

    As far as whoever said insurance will go up to 200 dollars a month. BULL****.
    Bro, MTA wanted to increase our benefit charges by 300% and drop our salary another 25%. How the F do you think anyone can afford that? They already dropped our salary in 1994 by $4/hour.

    Personally, I'm all for my Union brothers & sisters of the groceries but I kinda hope that Wal-mart simply buys out Ralph and/or Von's.

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by bermich
    Good post. I heard about the Walmart thing and that is SO TRUE. Walmart will definately put Ralphs out of business since they are over priced already.

    As far as whoever said insurance will go up to 200 dollars a month. BULL****.
    Bro, MTA wanted to increase our benefit charges by 300% and drop our salary another 25%. How the F do you think anyone can afford that? They already dropped our salary in 1994 by $4/hour.

    Personally, I'm all for my Union brothers & sisters of the groceries but I kinda hope that Wal-mart simply buys out Ralph and/or Von's.

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by bermich
    Good post. I heard about the Walmart thing and that is SO TRUE. Walmart will definately put Ralphs out of business since they are over priced already.

    As far as whoever said insurance will go up to 200 dollars a month. BULL****.
    Bro, MTA wanted to increase our benefit charges by 300% and drop our salary another 25%. How the F do you think anyone can afford that? They already dropped our salary in 1994 by $4/hour.

    Personally, I'm all for my Union brothers & sisters of the groceries but I kinda hope that Wal-mart simply buys out Ralph and/or Von's.

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    So Cal
    Quote Originally Posted by TheChosen1
    Talk about being misinformed. Bro, I work for MTA and we were negotiating a contract for over a year before we were on strike from October to November of this year. Insurance going from nothing to $10 a month? You're joking, right?
    Try from $30 month to $200 month. And keep in mind, that's $100 taken out of a check that, after you've deducted FICA, taxes, and union dues, is probably about $800 every two weeks. So that means it's down to $700 every two weeks. Your landlord don't want to hear that you can't afford to pay your $1000 rent because you don't make that much any more. California doesn't want to hear that you're not able to pay your $100-200 a month auto insurance. Bro, everyone is talking about what little the workers will lose if they just give in and pay that extra fee for their insurance but you have to remember the high a$$ cost of living in Cali. You can't find an apartment that has air conditioning here unless you plan on paying like $1200 a month. When I lived in Louisiana, the housing projects had air conditioning.
    I'm not even talkin bout the MTA. I have family who work for the supermarkets so I know what I'm talking about. Besides do you have any idea how much I have to pay for insurance. Its a hell of a lot more than 200 a month. And while were talking MTA maybe your not making too much but the mechanics are making a hell of a lot more than they should.

    Whether Wal-mart brings food to California or not they might be out of luck. The store would like nothing more than to break the union and if this continues as long as predicted they just might.

  24. #24
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Houses in Valencia are the same. NOTHING. Not one single house on the market for less than 250.000. Im even talking about two bedroom one bath beater houses are selling for 220. Apartments are renting for 13-1400 a month. Sure you can get a f uc ked up studio for maybe 800.

    I feel bad for apartment renters cuz ALL their money goes to rent and they dont even own the **** thing. No way to save for a house cause they are already paying 1400 dollars for their rent. That is almost a house payment.

    Just to clarify. I guess in some cases, some unions still provide good services to its members.

    Im just saying though is: The store people make it seem like they are the only people that have to pay more for stuff today. Its called inflation. Not even the union can keep you in a protective inflation bubble.

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