Okay stats first
13 percent.fat
Been lifting for 7 years
I.Started out.fat, then dieted line crazy got way too skinny. Started lifting. Been fine got lazy and.soft last year.
Ive done one cycle of test cyp only.three years ago got good results.
Started back hard at in nov I've dropped 12 lbs 4 percent body fat
Started a run of script cyp.500 a week. I was low when I started like 325.
I'm looking to lean out but his most of what I got. Right now I look bigger but have lost weight.
I measure my food.
Lift hard 5 days a.week
Do fasted cardio 4 days.at 20 minutes hitt
Here's where I need advise.
1.) Is my progress in line.
2.) I plan to run this till april 1
3.) I want tob add clen in. Two weeks on two weeks off
4.) April one I want to go to 200 or 300 cyp and add masteron.
I want.that beach body without.being little. Lol