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Thread: program and progress opinions

  1. #1

    program and progress opinions

    Okay stats first
    13 percent.fat
    Been lifting for 7 years
    I.Started out.fat, then dieted line crazy got way too skinny. Started lifting. Been fine got lazy and.soft last year.
    Ive done one cycle of test cyp only.three years ago got good results.

    Started back hard at in nov I've dropped 12 lbs 4 percent body fat

    Started a run of script cyp.500 a week. I was low when I started like 325.

    I'm looking to lean out but his most of what I got. Right now I look bigger but have lost weight.

    I measure my food.
    Lift hard 5 days a.week
    Do fasted cardio 4 20 minutes hitt

    Here's where I need advise.
    1.) Is my progress in line.
    2.) I plan to run this till april 1
    3.) I want tob add clen in. Two weeks on two weeks off
    4.) April one I want to go to 200 or 300 cyp and add masteron.

    I want.that beach body without.being little. Lol
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	2015-02-21 11.36.45.jpg 
Views:	240 
Size:	788.3 KB 
ID:	155521  

  2. #2
    Sorry started the cyp jan 13

  3. #3
    That's at best 18%BF, absolutely nowhere near 13%.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by dfarre View Post
    That's at best 18%BF, absolutely nowhere near 13%.
    agreed my avi Im probly somewere around 11 so definitely not 13 but why don't you post up your diet that's guna play the biggest role not the juice

  5. #5

    thanks for the reply

    Quote Originally Posted by swolehead View Post
    agreed my avi Im probly somewere around 11 so definitely not 13 but why don't you post up your diet that's guna play the biggest role not the juice
    Thanks guys. I've gone off digital calipers and bod pod but have doubted that as well.

    I've attached my food plan. Thx guys
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	2015-02-21 13.03.13.png 
Views:	241 
Size:	179.8 KB 
ID:	155522  

  6. #6
    Any help appreciated

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    The pic you posted doesn't show protein. But I think by my calc it's around 250-260 correct?

    Id say drop your carbs by about 120 to around 50. Maybe raise fats a little to 70g. Keep protein at 250 max maybe bring down to 230.

    Maybe throw in a few no carb days and bring fats up on those days.

    Run that for a few weeks then do a refeed.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by lucabratzi View Post
    The pic you posted doesn't show protein. But I think by my calc it's around 250-260 correct?

    Id say drop your carbs by about 120 to around 50. Maybe raise fats a little to 70g. Keep protein at 250 max maybe bring down to 230.

    Maybe throw in a few no carb days and bring fats up on those days.

    Run that for a few weeks then do a refeed.
    So you would do like two days no carbs and see if that scale moved? And then adjust carb on my other days as well?

    I'm in I'll give a try. What do you think about clen? Also do I have too much fat for the mast to work

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by unif2f View Post
    So you would do like two days no carbs and see if that scale moved? And then adjust carb on my other days as well?

    I'm in I'll give a try. What do you think about clen? Also do I have too much fat for the mast to work
    The scale will almost 100% move. Not necessarily because of fat loss but whenever I drop carbs I lose weight mostly from having less food im my stomach and muscle being less full.

    But just to give U a reference im 213lb around 10% maybe less. The only carbs I take in are trace (from nuts ect). But I keep my fats high around 225grams and protein around 200g. This is known as keto. I got ketosix so I know im in ketosis. Started 2 weeks ago and weight has dropped off. No refeed days.

    I've tried a lot of different macro splits to find what works for me. You might want to play w Ur macros and find what works for U.

    Id wait till you had some abs showing until U start the mast.

  10. #10


    What is your guys opinion on.the cycle plan

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by lucabratzi View Post
    The scale will almost 100% move. Not necessarily because of fat loss but whenever I drop carbs I lose weight mostly from having less food im my stomach and muscle being less full.

    But just to give U a reference im 213lb around 10% maybe less. The only carbs I take in are trace (from nuts ect). But I keep my fats high around 225grams and protein around 200g. This is known as keto. I got ketosix so I know im in ketosis. Started 2 weeks ago and weight has dropped off. No refeed days.

    I've tried a lot of different macro splits to find what works for me. You might want to play w Ur macros and find what works for U.

    Id wait till you had some abs showing until U start the mast.
    Just saw this thanks great advice

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