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Thread: About to throw away 6 boxes of jins

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2006

    About to throw away 6 boxes of jins

    Bought 2 years ago. The seal fibers are real, the authentication matches the gensci website, and yet these are somehow still fake. If I inject as little as 1iu I'm in extreme wrist pain, not being able to walk due to back pain. I've taken pharm after I tried these 2 years ago and didn't have those sides. So finally saying good bye lol they've been sitting in my fridge 2 years I guess I was hoping they'd morph into real Jins

  2. #2
    Join Date
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  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Your a good man for biting the bullet and tossing them rather than selling them to some unsuspecting person, particularly in light of the extreme nature of the AI? or whatever they put in to mimic the effects of the real thing.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Yeah, it's painful getting rid of 'em. Been there, done that.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    LOL, yeah it's tough to admit you wasted money and then even tougher to throw it away. I spent $$$ on raws once and even after figuring out it was fake (refined flour) it took a few months to finally throw it in the bin. Trust me, it's better done sooner than later because I accidentally throw some good product away thinking it was the old/bad stuff so it was a double loss. If I had just tossed the bogus stuff right away it would not have happened.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    LOL, yeah it's tough to admit you wasted money and then even tougher to throw it away. I spent $$$ on raws once and even after figuring out it was fake (refined flour) it took a few months to finally throw it in the bin. Trust me, it's better done sooner than later because I accidentally throw some good product away thinking it was the old/bad stuff so it was a double loss. If I had just tossed the bogus stuff right away it would not have happened.
    That sucks brother... A double whammy! Lol but I definitely see your point! I won't buy GH unless it's RX... Or id rather go w/the peps GHRP/GHRH b4 ever considering buying from a source! After reading the horror stories and finding that the Chinese are very good at counterfeiting(ala AIs/or whatever else they use to give a feeling like GH) it's outright disgusting IMO!

  7. #7
    BG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3 View Post
    That sucks brother... A double whammy! Lol but I definitely see your point! I won't buy GH unless it's RX... Or id rather go w/the peps GHRP/GHRH b4 ever considering buying from a source! After reading the horror stories and finding that the Chinese are very good at counterfeiting(ala AIs/or whatever else they use to give a feeling like GH) it's outright disgusting IMO!
    you can get script peps?

    Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
    The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.

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    Great place to start researching !

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by BG View Post
    you can get script peps?
    Misunderstanding... I should have explained better!

    I wasn't referring to a script w/peps... unless it's gonna be part of my TRT/GH combo... But the peptides(GHRPs/GHRHs)are dependent on ones IGF-1 numbers correct? I got all my BW b4... With that said ive been lookin into the peps until it's time for my TRT/HGH therapy(as I'm primary Hypoganadal, and lost 85% of my connective tissue(hence the GH)...

    So in a perfect scenario I would get RX HGH as part of my therapy combo! My IGF-1 number is 148(scale 88-246 ng/ml) so I think I could still benefit from the peptides, as well!
    Last edited by NACH3; 02-23-2015 at 11:03 AM.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3 View Post
    That sucks brother... A double whammy! Lol but I definitely see your point! I won't buy GH unless it's RX... Or id rather go w/the peps GHRP/GHRH b4 ever considering buying from a source! After reading the horror stories and finding that the Chinese are very good at counterfeiting(ala AIs/or whatever else they use to give a feeling like GH) it's outright disgusting IMO!
    Same feelings! After reading so much info on it, and how fakes are not just harmless liquid, but a harmful substitute meant to trick you to believe its the real deal, wile messing your system up permanently, I think i'm going with Pep's.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    the GH market scares the crap outta me! and why I have been avoiding it for years now... Greedy makes me sick...
    but i do love gh...

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