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Thread: anyone with vasectomy

  1. #1
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    anyone with vasectomy

    Anyone with a vasectomy had any problems? I got mine 2 years ago and never have went back for my check up. Since I've had it done my nuts are always getting sucked up in my gut down by my d*ck.

    I woke up from having it done and it felt like a horse kicked me in the gut. One side of my sack had a perfect little cut, the other side was all messed up. It looked like harry potters fore head. Maybe a new guy in training haha.

    But 2 months ago my prostate has been getting sharp stabbing pains, my nuts are getting huge(actually pretty cool haha) every time I get off it feels weird and I lost my libido.

    Went to a hospital which only had female doctors, in case they wanted to feel my prostate. They gave me some medicine for prostate, pain is gone but they think I have a problem with my vasectomy.

    I tried clen maybe a year ago and it seemed like every time I tried it my prostate would hurt. Could clen cause long term prostate damage?

    I've got a referral to see a urologist but dam he's like 6'3 and his hands are huge.

    Anyone heard of anything like this?

  2. #2
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    Also the next day after I had it done I picked up something at work that weighed 150-175 lbs. My nuts swole up to the point my sack was almost stretching.
    The two doctors that referred me said I could possibly have some kind of hernia around my taint area, caused by lifting the next day after vasectomy.

    I went to the hospital after they swole up, doc latherd up my balls and did an ultrasound. Said I was good and this was common if you lift heavy after and just to sit on ice

  3. #3
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    Read about spermatocel. There are a few things that can make them feel like that.

  4. #4
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    Since reading this, I've literally just walked down my stairs and told my misses I am never getting a vasectomy.

  5. #5
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Vasectomies are simple and painless. Key is to follow the doc's orders and sit around for a couple days with ice as your friend. Everyone I know that had problems did not follow directions.
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  6. #6
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    What would y'all recommend? I reeeeeeealy don't wanna get my prostate checked.

    Also I read that getting a vasectomy increases risk of prostate cancer as well as juicing. I'm actually getting scared to cycle the more I think about it. Not saying I have cancer but it could increase chances later on.

    I'm still pissing every 30 min, I'm guessing it might be swollen?

    And the libido loss really sucks. Might be mental though.

    Wait longer and see if it stops or go to the urologist?

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by noballs25
    What would y'all recommend? I reeeeeeealy don't wanna get my prostate checked. Also I read that getting a vasectomy increases risk of prostate cancer as well as juicing. I'm actually getting scared to cycle the more I think about it. Not saying I have cancer but it could increase chances later on. I'm still pissing every 30 min, I'm guessing it might be swollen? And the libido loss really sucks. Might be mental though. Wait longer and see if it stops or go to the urologist?
    Get it checked pal. It won't take that long and surely it's better getting it checked for your piece of mind.

  8. #8
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    Either find a female doctor or look over your shoulder to make sure its hos finger he is using to check you with. Remember most peopm e dont have 7" fingers. LoL

  9. #9
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    Sorry to break it to you, but to properly check the prostate you need a long finger.

    Your issue with it is purely social and/or psychological.

  10. #10
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Just get BW. Test your PSA.
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  11. #11
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    I'll wear lip stick so I'm pretty and maybe he'll look me in the eye during so its not weird. Man what if he brings out those metal things they use on women to get a good look?

    I already checked, there's not a female in my insurance group so I'd have to pay for everything out of pocket. I might go that route though. Be like.... Careful doc, I'm tight

  12. #12
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    Kel that's what my blood work was for but they didn't find anything

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by noballs25 View Post
    I'll wear lip stick so I'm pretty and maybe he'll look me in the eye during so its not weird.
    What ever makes you happy buddy...

    Think there was an old thread about self-check prostate, read it somewhere lol

  14. #14
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    Dude my wife's a nurse and she's got some tiny fingers but I can't get her to do it

  15. #15
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    Hey kelkel. My psa 0.72(0.00-4.00 ng/ml) is that good or bad?

  16. #16
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    hope it's not anything serious noballs. Because I would hate to hear it was anything serious considering how hard I have laughed reading this.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by noballs25 View Post
    Hey kelkel. My psa 0.72(0.00-4.00 ng/ml) is that good or bad?
    Thats good. You might be going to the bathroom every 30 minutes due to drinking more water, are you?

    I get my psa checked a couple times a year and have had prostate exams (not as bad as it sounds) and everything is fine although I have to pee a LOT more than I use to but I also drink a lit more water now.

  18. #18
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    I'm gonna have to man up and get fingerd. But don't worry in not gonna take not one of my brown eyes off this guy, I'm gonna be very anal about all this. its prolly gonna cost me out the ass haha

  19. #19
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    I drink a minimum of 1 gallon of water a day. 2 in summer but I don't piss much I sweat it all out. I've never had to piss this much. Feels like I always gotta pee a little

  20. #20
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    Lovbyts how long does it take? Like 2? 30 seconds?

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by noballs25 View Post
    Lovbyts how long does it take? Like 2? 30 seconds?
    Oh no, they are in there a good 30 - 45 minutes.

    Hahahaha. Just kidding. 30 seconds max.

  22. #22
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    Lol man my heart dropped when I read that first part. I'm loosing my innocence here :"(. I've gotta use the big guy, about to make an appointment. Anything I should ask or get checked for?

  23. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    Vasectomies are simple and painless. Key is to follow the doc's orders and sit around for a couple days with ice as your friend. Everyone I know that had problems did not follow directions.
    Any procedure that involves cutting your nut sac open is not simple (and prob not painless either)

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  24. #24
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    It hurt me. Have you ever been hit in the nuts really hard and it hurts your lower stomach? Mine felt like that but worse. And that pain lasted for 2-3 days. They didn't snip the tubes to my nuts they tied them off

  25. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by noballs25 View Post
    I'm gonna have to man up and get fingerd. But don't worry in not gonna take not one of my brown eyes off this guy, I'm gonna be very anal about all this. its prolly gonna cost me out the ass haha
    Find a urologist that is a female or an Asian. Mine was Korean and his fingers were like no. 2 pencils

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  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by noballs25 View Post
    It hurt me. Have you ever been hit in the nuts really hard and it hurts your lower stomach? Mine felt like that but worse. And that pain lasted for 2-3 days. They didn't snip the tubes to my nuts they tied them off
    Yes I had that off and one for a coupke of years. Also felt like I had a third ball. It was a spermatocele.

    I had surgery to have it removed and vasectomy at the same time.

    If you do that I suggest halving a couple samples od sperm frozen.

    Opps thought it was the op. You are talking about after the vasectomy. Honestly I didn't have much discomfort.

  27. #27
    kelkel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sgt. Hartman View Post
    Any procedure that involves cutting your nut sac open is not simple (and prob not painless either)
    I'm telling ya it's easy. Twenty minutes and you're done.
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  28. #28
    I got snipped - I had insane pains for a while, swelling etc, after that no more pain and my T tanked, then prostate issues.

    I got my ass fingered and my PSA's are checked regularly and "I'm fine".

    Part of what I have below is my theory - and it's a long shot -

    I was tied off so my sperm production got backed up, caused engorgement and pain, eventually my own body attacked my leydig cells so the pain/engorgement quit but I developed Low T in the process. My doc says no way but the timing is too perfect to be otherwise.

    With low T I also developed low DHT (goes hand in hand) - go look on the hairloss forums of all of the guys on propecia and other 5a enzyme inhibitors and see what they say about their prostate - tons of them have been diagnosed with non-bacterial prostitis. Low and behold I somehow managed to get it too.

    I'm starting an experiment to raise my DHT's to see what happens

    Only somewhat related to your problem but thought I would share. My nuts look normal and function normal during sex etc, ejaculation is normal etc. I am on TRT and run test and HCG year round.

  29. #29
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  30. #30
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    The doc I'm using is an older guy he's pretty little. I even looked him up online and zoomed in on a few pics of his hands. I looked up all the symptoms it sounds like prostatitis but that didn't show up on my blood and urine results.

    Luvbyts I looked up what you said and everything makes sense but the prostate pain. Says you can get it on your balls if something is blocking your sperm(my tubes are tied).

    Kel I think your right. It would have been fine but I didn't listen to the doc. Iced once or twice, tried f*ckin in less than 24 hours and accidentally smashed my balls, and picked up something really heavy the next day.

    I have zero prostate cancer in my family. Kelkel I read those links that takes a load off

    And hearing a few people say its not bad helps a lot to. Not saying I don't wanna roofie myself before I go haha.

    Luvbyts my dads since of humor made me think of something you would say. He said, there gonna put you up on the same table they do the women to get checked and use those metal things to open me up so they can see it. He sounded so serious when he said it. That really psyched me out. Not true in any case is it???

  31. #31
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Surgery is cake. I had the doc prop my head up so I could watch. Could have done it myself (swear), it appears that simple.
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  32. #32
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    With the 100 lb plates.
    Sounds like the prostate issue could just be prostatitis. Not a big deal. Usually some antibiotics and anti-inflammatory medicine will heal it right up. But you need to get checked out to be sure.

  33. #33
    There is non bacterial prostatitis - caffine, spicy food, red meat all the good stuff agitate it. I have it, attempting to home remedy it.

  34. #34
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    Donating blood this weekend, got doc appointment in 2 weeks. Should I mention the clen and other gear to the doc or just say I took a prohormone last year?

  35. #35
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    Gsx what home remedy are you trying?

  36. #36
    Quote Originally Posted by noballs25 View Post
    Gsx what home remedy are you trying?
    My vasectomy issues went away with time and turned into my other issues.

    for my prostate
    Adding DHEA daily - to help with raising DHT
    Adding creatine daily - increases DHT conversion
    Upping my AI slightly
    Upping cialis a bit daily to fight off BPH from increased DHT
    Stopping Saw Pal
    staying on fish oil/coq10 and all other sups
    forcing myself to drink more water

    Later on I will be cycling Winny/Var but since they are DHT analogs and not true DHT their binding affinity is lower than true DHT

    I know adding DHT seams counter but it appears to me everyone that messes with 5a reductase inhibitors gets an achy prostate - go read up on hairloss forms, lots of guys suddenly getting it out of no where. when I had low T my DHT obvious dropped, prostate problems started so I started using herbals like saw pal. test is back up due to TRT and cycles but prostate issues persist - as i said this is an experiment I could be completely wrong but what the hell why not.

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