Anyone with a vasectomy had any problems? I got mine 2 years ago and never have went back for my check up. Since I've had it done my nuts are always getting sucked up in my gut down by my d*ck.
I woke up from having it done and it felt like a horse kicked me in the gut. One side of my sack had a perfect little cut, the other side was all messed up. It looked like harry potters fore head. Maybe a new guy in training haha.
But 2 months ago my prostate has been getting sharp stabbing pains, my nuts are getting huge(actually pretty cool haha) every time I get off it feels weird and I lost my libido.
Went to a hospital which only had female doctors, in case they wanted to feel my prostate. They gave me some medicine for prostate, pain is gone but they think I have a problem with my vasectomy.
I tried clen maybe a year ago and it seemed like every time I tried it my prostate would hurt. Could clen cause long term prostate damage?
I've got a referral to see a urologist but dam he's like 6'3 and his hands are huge.
Anyone heard of anything like this?