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Thread: First cycle need some advice

  1. #1

    First cycle need some advice

    So I had my mind set on this for a long time, I'm only 18. I know this is a very young age to start steroids but please save your time with trying to convince me not to. I've been doing research for a few months now been working out naturally for 3-4 years now. I'm 5"11 weight around 180 body fat 10%.
    I want your guy's advice for a first cycle I would wanna run test for the first time and tren in the future. Keep in mind I don't wanna get big too fast and have more of that aesthetic look rather than hulk. And yes ik that it's all about the diet, my diet is on point I want to cut down to 6-7% body fat. If someone could be kind enough to tell me how it's done the right way I will be more than grateful. Keep in mind I will cycle either way, so no need to try an stop me.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Read the beginner cycle sticky. Everything you are looking for is in there

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Slow gains are made through diet.myou seem to know that but also seem to dismissing it.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    Ljubljana Slovenia
    You probably wont get a lot of advice from the experienced members here because we dont advocate taking gear at 18 years old. At your age, height and weight there is plenty of room to gain muscle naturally. Steroids wont make you cut down to 6-7% bf. Diet and cardio will. If you plan on taking just test, your results will be shit because you're trying to cut. During a test cycle you need to eat like a horse to get good gains, not employ a cutting diet.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    I couldn't get pass the 1st sentence. I seen/read it to many times to care anymore.

    See you on the flip side when you are asking how to fix all you problems.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    somewhere near London
    Quote Originally Posted by Toxiic View Post
    I've been doing research for a few months now... Keep in mind I don't wanna get big too fast
    Yeah, we're all terrified that you're going to get out of control huge.

    Researching for a few months, you would have learned all the basics and wouldn't need any handholding.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Blaz Kavlic View Post
    You probably wont get a lot of advice from the experienced members here because we dont advocate taking gear at 18 years old. At your age, height and weight there is plenty of room to gain muscle naturally. Steroids wont make you cut down to 6-7% bf. Diet and cardio will. If you plan on taking just test, your results will be shit because you're trying to cut. During a test cycle you need to eat like a horse to get good gains, not employ a cutting diet.
    yeah Ik they wont im not trying to ****ing go anorexia lmao but im also not trying to put on extra body fat. Do you get what im saying? What would be a good first cycle?

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    I couldn't get pass the 1st sentence. I seen/read it to many times to care anymore.

    See you on the flip side when you are asking how to fix all you problems.
    Why would you waste your precious time replying to my post?? Oh wait I don't care go be discourteous somewhere else.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Toxiic View Post

    Why would you waste your precious time replying to my post?? Oh wait I don't care go be discourteous somewhere else.
    I foresee another short lived membership in the making. Yet another impatient, rude obnoxious 18yr old who thinks he can come onto a forum and DEMAND answers and respect. Hahahahaha

    Little man, come back when you have grown some hair on your balls and know how to act like a man instead of a child.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    I foresee another short lived membership in the making. Yet another impatient, rude obnoxious 18yr old who thinks he can come onto a forum and DEMAND answers and respect. Hahahahaha

    Little man, come back when you have grown some hair on your balls and know how to act like a man instead of a child.
    Instead of helping me out you waste my time and yours.. What do you gain from talking crap? hmm idk also don't care and "big boy" im not rude. I could tell by the way you reply tho u r indeed the big bad wolf

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Toxiic View Post

    Instead of helping me out you waste my time and yours.. What do you gain from talking crap? hmm idk also don't care and "big boy" im not rude. I could tell by the way you reply tho u r indeed the big bad wolf
    Its called keeping the OUR forum free of kids like you who are not willing to listen and learn and feel entitled demanding answers.

    You can choose to continue down this path like the guy 2 days ago who was banned or change your attitude. Either way you won't get the answer you want instead you will get the one that is right.
    Last edited by lovbyts; 03-11-2015 at 04:11 PM.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    United Kingdom
    Lovbyts and others have extremely helpful to myself and tonnes of others on here. Top guys.

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    Its called keeping the OUR forum free of kids like you who are not willing to listen and learn and feel entitled demanding answers.

    You can choose to continue down this path like the guy 2 days ago who was banned or change your attitude. Either way you won't get the answer you want instead you will get the one that is right.
    I just need your advice. Your first reply to this post wasn't the best. "I couldn't get pass the 1st sentence. I seen/read it to many times to care anymore. See you on the flip side when you are asking how to fix all you problems." How is this supposed to help me?

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    As I said, you won't get the advise you want and you already stated in your first post you are doing it no matter what. Typical immature attitude.

    If someone comes to you asking how to tie a noose so they can hang themselves and said they are going to do it if you show them or not are you going to show them?

    Simple advice, dont cycle until you are ready and that does not mean whenever however you want. It means when its the least risky way and you are physically ready as well as mentally.

    Your hpta won't be matured and growth plates won't be closed until mid 25.

    You have a lot of natural testosterone now and plenty of room for natural growth. If you cycle now you have a higher chance of doing permanent damage to your hormones as well as many other sides you won't like.

    We have plenty of people here who have learned the hard way. That does not mean we have to help them do the wrong thing.

    We also have plenty of member you are who are mature enough to listen and learn and put the cycle idea off a few years.

    Read the sticky at the top of the forum titled the young and steroids and see if it makes any sense.

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by Toxiic View Post
    I just need your advice!!!!!!
    Here's some advice kid. When you need something, from someone else, especially if they have nothing to gain by giving it to you, drop ALL of the attitude, be humble, be respectful.

    This will help you in all aspects of life, as you learn to be a "grown-up".

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    As I said, you won't get the advise you want and you already stated in your first post you are doing it no matter what. Typical immature attitude.

    If someone comes to you asking how to tie a noose so they can hang themselves and said they are going to do it if you show them or not are you going to show them?

    Simple advice, dont cycle until you are ready and that does not mean whenever however you want. It means when its the least risky way and you are physically ready as well as mentally.

    Your hpta won't be matured and growth plates won't be closed until mid 25.

    You have a lot of natural testosterone now and plenty of room for natural growth. If you cycle now you have a higher chance of doing permanent damage to your hormones as well as many other sides you won't like.

    We have plenty of people here who have learned the hard way. That does not mean we have to help them do the wrong thing.

    We also have plenty of member you are who are mature enough to listen and learn and put the cycle idea off a few years.

    Read the sticky at the top of the forum titled the young and steroids and see if it makes any sense.
    Yeah my bad for being an immature dick. Having some personal problems at home so I've been an ass lately. Thxs for your opinion.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Toxiic View Post

    Yeah my bad for being an immature dick. Having some personal problems at home so I've been an ass lately. Thxs for your opinion.
    Do you want to compare personal problems so you have a better perspective on life? LoL

    One thing to always remember, no matter how bad you think you have it someone has it a lit worse.

    I dont dwell on the negative, it does no good.

    2 deceased wives, had a bastord brother-in-law who killed his own 10yr old son so his mom couldn't have him. 6 surgeries on my right eye from a piece of metal going through it when I was ten. 2 back surgeries and one shoulder surgery plus a variety of other equalling a total of 13.

    Ive got a 21 yr old daughter and 9 yr old daughter, 32 yr old Asian wife. Life is good.

    Cup is always 1/2 full.

    Now don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to trivialize whatever is going on with you at home right now.

    I very clearly remember what it's like to be 18 and everything is much more emotional due to elevated hormones. That's exactly why we say it's best to wait until mid twenties before considering doing a cycle
    Last edited by lovbyts; 03-12-2015 at 01:32 AM.

  18. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    Do you want to compare personal problems so you have a better perspective on life? LoL

    One thing to always remember, no matter how bad you think you have it someone has it a lit worse.

    I dont dwell on the negative, it does no good.

    2 deceased wives, had a bastord brother-in-law who killed his own 10yr old son so his mom couldn't have him. 6 surgeries on my right eye from a piece of metal going through it when I was ten. 2 back surgeries and one shoulder surgery plus a variety of other equalling a total of 13.

    Ive got a 21 yr old daughter and 9 yr old daughter, 32 yr old Asian wife. Life is good.

    Cup is always 1/2 full.

    Now don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to trivialize whatever is going on with you at home right now.

    I very clearly remember what it's like to be 18 and everything is much more emotional due to elevated hormones. That's exactly why we say it's best to wait until mid twenties before considering doing a cycle
    I use to love them Asian girls haha but now I got me a hot Russian gf
    Ik I shouldn't be starting steroids but lets say I did, tren wouldn't be a good thing for a first cycle? I know you don't have to tell me anything but I would appreciate it if you did you seem like you know A lot more than me.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Tren would be probably the worst choice you could make except maybe doing all oral.

    You think you are emotional now? LoL tren even messes up seasoned guys a lit of the time.

    Please read some of the stickies at the top. They will explain a lot including how to do a proper first cycle. More is not better. Stacking is a bad idea also until you have done a couple cycles.

    Read and learn.

    Watch out for those Russian women. Ive known a few guys who hooked up with them and can't think of any that ended well.

  20. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    Tren would be probably the worst choice you could make except maybe doing all oral.

    You think you are emotional now? LoL tren even messes up seasoned guys a lit of the time.

    Please read some of the stickies at the top. They will explain a lot including how to do a proper first cycle. More is not better. Stacking is a bad idea also until you have done a couple cycles.

    Read and learn.

    Watch out for those Russian women. Ive known a few guys who hooked up with them and can't think of any that ended well.
    Alright thanks for the advice it helps a lot and I will watch out haha

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