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Thread: AKOGs TB-500 Log

  1. #1

    AKOGs TB-500 Log

    I finally have everything together. I am going to be starting a 6 week protocol with tb in an effort to alleviate (or potentially heal) some of the injuries I have accumulated over several years of training. These include:

    -damaged cartilage in the left elbow, along with slight tendonitis

    -immense inflammation in both wrists, very similar to carpol tunnel but really only becomes a problem during grip-intensive training (arm day)

    -severely strained right intercostal (rib muscles under the lat) which still provokes mild pain if not provided adequate rest between sessions (back day)

    -disc issue in the sciatic region of the spine. This prevents me from doing heavy deadlifts or squats, and becomes a problem many times i train my lower back. Planks are thr most effective core exercise I perform to strengthen this area, and does not provoke pain.

    Dosing protocol:
    7 mg for first 4 weeks
    2 mg for last two

    I'll be making a point to monitor progress once a week, so if you're interested, stay tuned!
    Last edited by AllKindsOGains; 03-10-2015 at 08:59 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    I ll be following, make sure it's realisic as possible, no placebo please!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    And will you be resting or going easier than usual? Or just go same intensity as always?

  4. #4
    The first week I will be doing a pull back from HIT, so slightly more volume while still training to failure. After that I'm going to go back to full out HIT with rest pause and drops. I don't want to have the doubt of "oh its just cause I took it easier," if that makes sense.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    I will be following along as well

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2015
    I'm in

  7. #7
    Update: I have a few extra 2mg vials of tb that I'm going to add in to the 5 mg week dosages. I will be doing two injections: one of 5mg and one of 2mg for the first 4 weeks. So 7mg for the first 4 weeks.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    Where will you be injecting? Your injuries are spread out, and my understanding was that tb works better with spot injections? (That could be entirely wrong though)

  9. #9
    Subcutaneous in the abdominal region. Cycling back and forth from the left and right sides. Spot injection has no effect on it's effectiveness.

  10. #10
    I'll be doing my second injection of the week tomorrow morning at 2mg.

  11. #11
    Update: my first week of tb yeilded nothing remarkable. I will say that it "seems" like some of the soreness in my elbow has decreased, but it could be due to the fact that I just finished my pullback week also. My third injection of 5 mg (yesterday) bled a little and is sore today, but nothing to worry about.

  12. #12
    Alright sooo.... idk if it'd placebo or not, but yesterday I hit chest, and my elbow was flaring up. Gave me trouble all night, and I woke up to pin 2mg of tb. Literally 20 minutes later I felt less pain in my elbow. Maybe from moving it around? Idk. All I know is my elbow felt extremely sore and then the pain diminished post injection. I don't even think tb is supposed to work that way but...

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Lets pretend it's placebo for now. I ve had that before. Then when i wakeup after 30 mins, it's all good, especially with chest n tri'a (elbow area)

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Best is to pretend you arent even injecting tb. Forget that you are even doing the injection. If it's really working you ll easily be able to tell

    That's how i test some things, like i wanted to know if my clen does work, took a pill, pretended like nothing is happening. Listened to music and started cooking. Forgot i even took clen.. Then 45 mins later.. I m like wtf is going on, why am i shaking. Then i realize i took clen

  15. #15
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Baking chicken
    I'm in too! Just saw this AKOG... I am also thinkin of runnin tb! Especially for my shoulders and elbows...

    Best of luck my man!

  16. #16
    Important update!!: I apologize if this negates the tb500 but I am going to be starting a ghrp2 and mod grf 1-29 (no dac) peptide stack today alongside my tb. My rational is that I yes I could postpone starting the gh peps and finish out the tb exclusively to "see if it works," but if there is a synergistic benefit to running both the gh peps and the tb together, relief from my injuries is more important than testing the compound. I will be making a separate log for the ghrp2 and cjc, so keep an eye on both!

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Thats alot of $$$$

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Mar 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by EquilibriumZ View Post
    Thats alot of $$$$
    Lol yeah I'm out, TB itself is expensive through ar-r. Are we allowed to talk about other tb-500 sources?

  19. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by EquilibriumZ View Post
    Thats alot of $$$$
    I agree. But I already have the tb paid for and I'm not cycling aas. Bodybuilding is important to me, and injuries hinder that. I think it's worth the shot.

  20. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by noballs25 View Post
    Lol yeah I'm out, TB itself is expensive through ar-r. Are we allowed to talk about other tb-500 sources?
    Pm a vet/mod to make sure

  21. #21
    Join Date
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    Do you get any nausia or any other sides after inj?

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by AllKindsOGains View Post
    Important update!!: I apologize if this negates the tb500 but I am going to be starting a ghrp2 and mod grf 1-29 (no dac) peptide stack today alongside my tb. My rational is that I yes I could postpone starting the gh peps and finish out the tb exclusively to "see if it works," but if there is a synergistic benefit to running both the gh peps and the tb together, relief from my injuries is more important than testing the compound. I will be making a separate log for the ghrp2 and cjc, so keep an eye on both!
    I like it!!! $$$ yes, but it's known to work in synergy together(especially w/ IPAM) if you haven't bought these peps yet look into Jimmyinkedup log on peps and his cycle(I believe he ran IPAM, mod GRF 1-29, & a GHRP(forgrt if it was '2 or 6)... And from how he described the tb to me was thst on the stack above w/tb... TB seems to be the workhorse so to speak... Just food for thought....

    How's the injuries??

  23. #23
    Elbow is a huge pain in the ass. It feels like there is a bone spur or something in there whenever I fully extend my arm. Seems to go away after I get some blood in there. I havent really noticed anything yet...hopefully this changes soon. I am going to inject another 5mg tb on sunday, see what happens.

  24. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by noballs25 View Post
    Do you get any nausia or any other sides after inj?
    Not from tb. I do get an itchy feeling for a few minutes after injection where I pin.

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by AllKindsOGains View Post
    Not from tb. I do get an itchy feeling for a few minutes after injection where I pin.
    What did you use to reconstitute your peptides?

  26. #26
    Quote Originally Posted by 956Vette View Post
    What did you use to reconstitute your peptides?
    Bac water

  27. #27
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    In Southern Commiefornia

  28. #28
    Alright, pinned 2 mg 2 days ago. No placebo this time. My elbow genuinely felt better, less enflamed, and the last few days at work have been extremely hectic/physical. My intercostal still doesn't seem much better, so hopefully that'll be next.

  29. #29
    Update is in the positive. I will say that my ghrp2 and mod grf129 stack is definitely helping. I actually just pinned my last 2 mg tb, and will most likely be doing at most only one more injection. My elbow pain is much better, and I can tell in the gym now how much more.stress it is able to handle. For example, the other day on arms I really started to wear on my right rotator cuff, going too deep on dips. Very noticeable, but yet I almost knew that it wouldn't be a problem. Today, no pain at all. Very remarkable.

  30. #30
    jimmyinkedup's Avatar
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    Great update! Glad elbow is feeling better.

  31. #31
    I apologize for this log being so incomplete and sporadic. I plan on making my future logs more detailed and with more frequent updates. Please take a look at my new log on s4 if you would like to see my progress.

  32. #32
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    Mar 2013
    Not to steal your thread, but I'm also on a regime, for 1 shoulder dislocation that happened late 2008. I'm on week three.
    -shoulder gets sore when i lift with intensity too fast.

    I question whether or not this stuff i'm taking is real. how do you feel after you pin? Where do you pin? I don't feel much. not like a ghrp/ghrh combo. i take the stuff when i have low blood sugar. i know because i test my Blood sugar level. The reason i say that is because i'm not sure if it's like GHRH and GHRP.

    anyways, if you'd like information from another body that's on TB then i can continue. I wasn't really going to make a log anyways

    I guess my shoulder feels better.

    after today, there is a dull ache.
    Last edited by C3RB3RUS; 05-06-2015 at 08:59 PM.

  33. #33
    Quote Originally Posted by C3RB3RUS View Post
    Not to steal your thread, but I'm also on a regime, for 1 shoulder dislocation that happened late 2008. I'm on week three.
    -shoulder gets sore when i lift with intensity too fast.

    I question whether or not this stuff i'm taking is real. how do you feel after you pin? Where do you pin? I don't feel much. not like a ghrp/ghrh combo. i take the stuff when i have low blood sugar. i know because i test my Blood sugar level. The reason i say that is because i'm not sure if it's like GHRH and GHRP.

    anyways, if you'd like information from another body that's on TB then i can continue. I wasn't really going to make a log anyways

    I guess my shoulder feels better.

    after today, there is a dull ache.
    TB shouldn't cause any noticable sides, and it isn't a short term peptide. It needs to be ran for several weeks, and is entirely different from the gh pulsing peps. The gh peps obviously cause the throbbing head, sluggish, hungry feeling. Doesn't happen With tb. You are more than welcome to use this as your TB log, but your own might help with being honest with yourself about the results you're seeing.

  34. #34
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    oh i'm being honest. i'm a horrid liar. instead of a long nose i just grow an enormous pig head! and nobody likes Pig Head. unless its from a gal that loves to eat, but i digress and that's actually nasty. [throws up in mouth a little]

    i'm on my fourth week of TB. so you're saying Blood sugar plays no role in TBs effect?

    I'm not feeling much in the way of pain. i'm into full on routines with no slowing down on the shoulder: (only 4 days a week. now that i think about it, that's not much) I've only been back in the gym for 3 weeks now. 2 solid weeks.

    I encountered some real weakness throughout a compound arm routine on Monday and today/backday my shoulder wanted to Subluxduring lat pulls. however i don't have any sort of throbbing pain, or pain from sleeping on the shoulder and havn't. the shoulder aches just a tiny bit.

    why no posts lately. i had to look for this thread. i'm about to pin 2mg right now. that's it! i'm resurrecting your thread!

    hmm you have a point i might be imagining things based on your results, but this isn't a real study anyways and i'll try to temper my wild imagination. I actually think it would be better with 2 over 1. in fact i'd like more to come forward.

    I feel like the stuff isn't working, but i have forgotten what it's like to workout 'all natural' because it's been so long since i've been in the GYM all natural. shortly after i started going to the GYM again, (after a year) i went on TB. I'm just now getting back into things. eh, i don't want to make a log anyways.

    This one was intramuscular. all the others were subcutaneous.
    Last edited by C3RB3RUS; 05-12-2015 at 06:52 PM.

  35. #35
    Firstly, I don't recommend injecting this intramuscular. Just stick to sub q. As I said, this isn't a miracle worker, and you should be injecting AT LEAST 4 mg a week, and any higher is even better. Read into the literature: it's essentially an anti-inflammatory, with little to no sides. It gives the body an OPPORTUNITY to heal, with proper rehab, diet, rest, etc. If you want "magic," look into deca, look into gh. There is another pep for healing, BPC 157, which I think you would benefit greatly from.
    I haven't been posting because I haven't been injecting. I am now using a mod grf129 ghrp2 combo and running s4 (sarm). TB opens the door for healing, so if you want it to be worthwhile, take other (basic) steps to help out.

  36. #36
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    cool, thanks!

  37. #37
    Due to starting my pct after my cycle of s4 (sarm) as well as starting a new job, I have made the decision to begin a new cycle of tb500, 5 mg a week for the duration of my 4 month pct. I am already 2 weeks in, with 4 weeks to go (I started the tb cycle 2 weeks ago, before my pct started). I plan on running a maintainance dose of tb afterward, as my training and job are conducive to this protocol. Keep an eye out if you are interested in my progress!

  38. #38
    S4 pct: Although it has only been 3 days into pct, I can tell the clomid and nolva are doing their job...I became so angry at one point the other day that I was shaking, almost uncontrollable...testosterone secretion?? Of course, too soon to attribute this to the pct compunds, I'll keep updating as time goes on.

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