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Thread: rh igf-1 4 ml 1mg per ml can i get info on mixing

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2014

    rh igf-1 4 ml 1mg per ml can i get info on mixing

    rh igf-1 4 ml 1mg per ml can i get info on mixing
    going to try a 50 60 day run about 30-40 mcg daily split so twice a day??


  2. #2
    I'm assuming you have 4ml of igf-1 with the concentration of 1mg/ml. igf-1 is injected directly into the muscle at maximum hypertrophy. I used to take 2 insulin needles with 50mcg igf-1 in each one to the gym in an eye glasses case. As soon as I was done hammering a body part like bicep I would take the eye glasses case into a bathroom stall, pin my biceps, wrap the used needles in a wad of toilet paper and put it in the garbage. igf-1 attaches to beta receptor on the muscle cell and the harder you work the more beta receptors are activated. Now, that's the theory. Ok, back to the dose. Do you know if the dilutant is bac water (BW) or acetic acid (AA)? In any case, add 4 more ml of whatever the dilutant that is already in the vial. Now the concentration is 500mcg/ml. When you pull to the "10" line on an insulin syringe it will be 50mcg. I would run 50mcg bilaterally (50mcg on each side). You can read about my thoughts on igf-1 on my other posts.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    Thanks bro I do not know if it is (BW) or (AA) but made a mistake they are 4ml vials conitents 4.0 ml each 1.0ml contains 10mg of rhIGF-1 have 10 vials so have enough for a long time im thinking. Increlex is what I have
    Last edited by holland67; 04-01-2015 at 09:41 AM. Reason: add word

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