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Thread: Recommendations on first cycle?

  1. #1

    Recommendations on first cycle?

    Hello I'm new here.

    I was wondering if anyone could give recommendations of what I should take for my first cycle and the reasons.

    My current state:
    Age: 27
    Height: 5'9
    Weight: 195
    BF%: 25%

    I want to build lean muscle mass while losing weight like everybody. But the main focus and the biggest reason why I am considering steroids is to help build muscle around my shoulder quick! I started working out again after a year of little activity this year. So I've been hitting the gym consistently for the past 4 months.

    I've done some research and I feel like Deca Durabolin may be the best idea for me as it helps with water retention as well as building lean mass quickly. Do you recommend stacking?

    If you recommend that I do not take anything and keep working out to lower my BF, I will take that into consideration.

    Please advise.
    Thank you.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    At your bf running a cycle isn't a good thing.You really need to get your BFF down to around 15.And I would recommend doing some research prior to your cycle.Read our stickyys.Theres a ton of info in there that you need to know.And hit the diet section and get your diet in check.Good luck.

  3. #3
    This is how AAS get a bad name. People in the gym for 4 months and want to use steroids to build shoulder muscles... idiots like this giving them a bad name for the rest of us.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Proud Bostonian
    Tes only for your first cycle, read austinites how to plan and execute a successful first cycle. Great place to start.....No, deca is not a good first choice nor should you consider stacking it right away.

  5. #5
    Buster Brown and songdong. I definitely appreciate your recommendation and advice.

    I figured that there would be a "good" time to take it and you just answered it for me. I will work hard to lower my bf to around 15 by diet and heavy workout.

    Buster Brown, thank you so much for pointing me in a direction.

    Thanks guys!

    Do you guys mind if I can add you guys as friends and ask you guys questions through pm later on down the road?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2015
    Bay Area
    25% is to high you have more of a chance running into heavy sides due to high body fat. If and when you do drop fat I'd say test only first run

  7. #7
    So I just read the article or more like info guide that Buster Brown referred me to. My knowledge of everything has just 10 folded haha!!!

    I see that 25% bf is way too high, I run the risk of just getting fatter and that my reasons do not validate the risks of using right now.

    When I am ready I will use test as my first cycle.. Any recommendations on tests?? Should I inject? What's the difference between that and test boosters?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Baking chicken
    Quote Originally Posted by gomaji View Post
    So I just read the article or more like info guide that Buster Brown referred me to. My knowledge of everything has just 10 folded haha!!!

    I see that 25% bf is way too high, I run the risk of just getting fatter and that my reasons do not validate the risks of using right now.

    When I am ready I will use test as my first cycle.. Any recommendations on tests?? Should I inject? What's the difference between that and test boosters?
    Yes injection only w/test(subQ or IM - I prefer IM along w/mostly everybody not all) and test boosters are a waste - do not work... If you want to supplement anything for test levels - vitamin D3 is great(and it's fat soluble not water soluble)... Hope this helps w/your ?

  9. #9
    WEEK 1 500mg 200mg 30mg ed
    WEEK 2 750mg 400mg 30mg ed
    WEEK 3 750mg 600mg 30mg ed
    WEEK 4 750mg 600mg 30mg ed
    WEEK 5 750mg 600mg 30mg ed
    WEEK 6 750mg 600mg 30mg ed
    WEEK 7 750mg 600mg
    WEEK 8 750mg 600mg
    WEEK 9 750mg 600mg
    WEEK 10 750mg 600mg
    WEEK 11 750mg 600mg
    WEEK 12 750mg 600mg
    WEEK 13 500mg
    WEEK 14 250mg

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Sacij18 View Post
    WEEK 1 500mg 200mg 30mg ed
    WEEK 2 750mg 400mg 30mg ed
    WEEK 3 750mg 600mg 30mg ed
    WEEK 4 750mg 600mg 30mg ed
    WEEK 5 750mg 600mg 30mg ed
    WEEK 6 750mg 600mg 30mg ed
    WEEK 7 750mg 600mg
    WEEK 8 750mg 600mg
    WEEK 9 750mg 600mg
    WEEK 10 750mg 600mg
    WEEK 11 750mg 600mg
    WEEK 12 750mg 600mg
    WEEK 13 500mg
    WEEK 14 250mg
    Stop posting on other peoples threads.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    How much cardio are you having and hows your diet?

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