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Thread: Any bros in Northern Cali - N of Sacto?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    N. Cali

    Any bros in Northern Cali - N of Sacto?

    Finally registered here, lurking for about a year, and thought I'd say hey to all bros in Northern Cali; always nice to know who's in your area and paying the local prices for comparison sake. Plus, who knows, we might even work out at the same gym! I'm up in Redding... anybody else even close?

  2. #2
    Driven through Redding. Been to the ****ty water park. That's about it. RR

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Close enough to know I'll never surf that water again, its freezing up there!

    SoCal in the house.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    So Cal
    Quote Originally Posted by krafty1
    Close enough to know I'll never surf that water again, its freezing up there!

    SoCal in the house.

    I have family up by Folsom and in Sac town but I'm a native So. Cal

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by RON
    I have family up by Folsom and in Sac town but I'm a native So. Cal
    There's lots of So Cal bro's here. I'm trying to get out. But the state is sucking me in. RR

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    N. Cali
    Quote Originally Posted by redrock
    Driven through Redding. Been to the ****ty water park. That's about it. RR
    Hey now, that park was how we all knew our little burg had gone big time! Until it came along we were just a little 70k person speck on the map that nobody knew about.
    NOW we're a 71k person speck on the map that nobody knows about with a crappy waterpark!

    Ya'll excuse me while I go empty my Bud spit can, slap my goat on the arse and watch Hee-Haw... Another wild Friday night at the Roc's house!

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by rococo
    Hey now, that park was how we all knew our little burg had gone big time! Until it came along we were just a little 70k person speck on the map that nobody knew about.
    NOW we're a 71k person speck on the map that nobody knows about with a crappy waterpark!

    Ya'll excuse me while I go empty my Bud spit can, slap my goat on the arse and watch Hee-Haw... Another wild Friday night at the Roc's house!
    ****, I love Hee-Haw! I usually use a Coors Light can for a spit can, but hey, it's all about preference. RR

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