Hi Guys,
I'm 35yo,
211lb,16% bf. (Might be more)
My diet is impeccable 5-7 meals counting calories etc. Train 5*per week 45-80min. 1.5 gallon water per day, creatine, glutamine, amino acids, bcaa, liver/kidney support. (This is the easy part)
I have a mesomorph body type. I tend to get fat rather than skinny. I might have good genes, who knows, I have a cousin thats an IFBB Pro. But he's been training for 12yrs and I've only been seriously training for the last 4months. ?
Im currently running my 3rd cycle.
First cycle:2008
was to lose weight and did winny only. Lost 45lb in 10 weeks. Did cardio and supersets mainly. (Also asked a mate at the time for advice and he said winny, fool me once)
Second cycle:2015-03
Had help from a mate that compete local Ibbf circuit, which got me reading and intrigued in the whole chemistry of different steroids, peptides, stacks etc.
he put me on the following 10week cycle:
Sust 325 1ml - sun&wed
Eq 200 1ml - sun&wed
Igf-lr3 25mcg - mon-fri
Kessar 1 *am- mon-fri
Proviron 2 *am pm- mon-fri
Body fat was 30%-35%(might be more, not sure but i really looked disgusting).
Weight was at 230lb
(lost 14lb and gained reasonable muscle, nothing dramatic for 10 weeks though)
Third cycle: 4 weeks in
Seeing daily changes. Power is through the roof. Pump is amzing veins start to appear on my legs, arms and everywhere and my 8yr old belly/love handles literally is melting away atm. Tummy fat and love handles is soft and melting cant wait for the skin to start tightening.
4 weeks in and loving loving every second!!
Sustaplex 325 .8cc EOD - 910mg pw
Equiplex 200 1.1cc EOD - 770mg pw
Tren A100 1.1cc EOD - 385mg pw
HGH 3iu am
CJC with dac 2000mcg sunday
Hgrp6 200mcg post WO & before bed
Kessar am
Proviron am/pm
Hcg 500mcg sun/wed
Thinking of dumping the cjc ghrp6 and upping the tren a to 75mg ed.
No sides beside night sweats and i feel tired some days. thinking of running t3 to see if it helps.
I'm not afraid to ask for help, not afraid to try new things and not afraid to experiment.
Even though I've read everything there is to know about every steroid, I have extremely limited RL experience.
Please be blunt with critique, I'm open to any ideas or change for the best. My goal is to compete in 18 months. I'm on a journey to get familiar with my body and will do what ever it takes. Nothing beat real life experience.
Thank You!