I will get the thread started.
1) You need to be 25 before using steroids.
2) if your over 20% body fat your not ready for gear.
3) Time on = Time off
4) Only after reaching your genetic potential should you consider steroids.
I will get the thread started.
1) You need to be 25 before using steroids.
2) if your over 20% body fat your not ready for gear.
3) Time on = Time off
4) Only after reaching your genetic potential should you consider steroids.
Can someone move this to the lounge so I can respond in a more appropriate manner?
These are myths why? Perhaps you can clarify your points?
1. You dont HAVE to be 25. Most people recommend it because thats approximatly when youre done developing. But anyone can stick a needle in their ass, regardless of age. I started at 19, arnold started in his late teens to. But its what most people recommend.Originally Posted by Rokclimber
2. Many people cycle at higher bodyfat. One of the potential problems is higher estrogen convertion.
3. Not everyone cycles. Some blast and cruise (stay on as long as they see fit), some cycle once a while, some does the time on-time off thing.
4. You dont have to, but thats how you would get the absolute best results.
your title is wrong op!!!!!!!!!!!!! Those are steroid comments not body building.
I don't think OP knows what 'myth' means.
"It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel
Lmao if I've EVER seen someone with an agenda before..... It's this guy
I'm gonna put my $ on troll don't even entertain this guy
Great 4th post! Lol. Lovbyts hit my thoughts right on the head.
But this goofball forgot a few of the biggest myths; such as you should use an AI, HCG or PCT for that matter. You should also always run tren only, especially if it is your first cycle. He also forgot that you should not eat protein on a cycle you should only eat fast food that is of course deep fried. He also forgot that you should never clean your injection site and always re-use your needles that you store in the garage (with the caps off of course so they can air out). And, you should always buy the cheapest HGH you can find, because it is all the same stuff anyways. But most importantly, if you are not getting the results you want you just have to double your dose and keep going. Of course I am just kidding here, but the fact that this post was created shows me that I have to clarify myself. Ugh!
These are not myths that are guidelines. Ignore these guidelines and risk a lifetime if sexual dysfunction for a few pounds of muscle that you will gain and quickly lose once your cycle is over.
-If you believe any of the above, you are not mentally mature enough to understand what you are about to do. Therefore you should stop now while you're ahead.
-If you disagree so strongly about the Safe advice given out by our Knowledgeable Members here, feel free to find a new forum out there that will gladly give you all the tools you need to f**k yourself up.
-Remember, the People on here giving guidance to others, do it out of Kindness & Respect. They do not know you from a hole in the ground, yet they want you to be as safe as possible when accepting these risks. The ones the Know better speak from experience, they aren't out to crush your dreams. Don't let your ego stand in the way of good judgement and deafen your ears to good advice. There is an acceptable standard set by this forum, don't expect to get an exemption from it, otherwise, everything thing else on this forum is useless information and a waste of everyone's time.
And where are these myths that the OP was going to post?
I know a steroid myth. A long time ago, the god of strength and might, Kratos, was about to go to war with the god on monsters, Typhon. And so he and Zeus prepared for this war by eating bull testicles and lifting mountains.
^^^^^^ x 2 on the Rocky Mountain oysters!
Op I heard you could get some good steroids from a guy in this back alley.. Only catch is you have to close your eyes and suck them through a hose :O
I would agree with the time on/off is oldschool now
Blast and cruise
Never done juice tho... so I dont have firsthand experience, just what ive seen and read
There's no way this is serious, nobody could possibly be this stupid.Originally Posted by ks1234
No, no I have not.Originally Posted by lovbyts
I'm guessing troll... From my short time on this site, I've read many others advice otherwise with support of why these are recommended...
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