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Thread: Advice on my cycle PLEASE

  1. #1

    Advice on my cycle PLEASE

    QUICK summary: Should i drop tren e(3 weeks in) because its summer and im sweating like a waterfall and scared of CYSTIC acne. If i do drop tren e, what can i replace it with? I would up my test from 250 to 600 if i do drop tren e.

    Cycles: THIS is #3
    BF: 12%

    Last cycle was test 600mg and deca 500mg. It went great +30lbs and kept 23lbs of it 4 months later. Only sides were backne (weeks 8+) and night sweats. The backne went away during PCT and it was just small little dots, some didnt even have white heads or anything. The acne didnt get worse with time, it just started to slowlyyyyy spread at weeks 12+. It was slowly going down my biceps and tris. completely gone a month after cycle tho.

    So for some reason I decided to do a low tren e, test e cycle. I know i know its too early to be trying tren, specially tren e. But i convinced myself and I am almost 3 weeks in. Test E 250mg Tren e 600mg and accutane 10mg ED(may go to 20mg if acne gets bad). I decided to drop my tren e dose to 400mg after reading that users did not see a huge difference between 400mg vs 600mg.

    So far im experiencing a huge increase in sweating. Even just sitting still. When im at the gym im SOAKED by the end. I mean soaked. like it literally looks like i went swimming. I am also very tired during the day which makes it hard to gym, but once im there i wont leave. Im worried about cystic acne as ive NEVER had it. Only small red bumps and some with white heads. Will it cause this? The sweating is kind of pissing me off as i wish i saved tren e for the winter. My question for you guys is, If i drop tren e now, it will take 2-3 weeks before its out of my system. Which is also when people experience the sides (weeks 5-8). What else could i stack with my test that would be a good cutter. Could i go back to deca since the sides were nothing and i gained A LOT?

    Thanks for reading this.

  2. #2
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    You are going to mess yourself up for life. 22 on your 3rd cycle running tren and 6'1 205 after cycles. You got some things wrong need to educate and let your body mature before you do permanent damage. I'm sure that's not what you want to hear but its the truth. No AI, HCG what about pct?

  3. #3
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  4. #4
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    May 2014
    Baking chicken
    Agreed ^^^ yiur young - do you have BW you can post? How's your E2/& prolactin?? Are you taking an AI/hCG on cycle/& DA(or at very least have it in hand until mid cycle bloods)?? If your E2 is high prolactin will follow...

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3 View Post
    Agreed ^^^ yiur young - do you have BW you can post? How's your E2/& prolactin?? Are you taking an AI/hCG on cycle/& DA(or at very least have it in hand until mid cycle bloods)?? If your E2 is high prolactin will follow...
    I know i am young, ive chosen to be a lifer. I will never stop lifting, since i cant have kids i have noooo worries about the boys. Anywayssss, I got blood work done 2 months after my deca cycle, everything was exactly where it was one month prior to test/deca. So i bounced back perfectly, my pct was on game. Im not running ANYTHING with tren and test. Just accutane. I HAVE caber and aromasin on hand just incase. I get my one month in BW done in 1 week, i will post the results. I get BW from my GP every month for organ values, and I get everything else on my own. Pricey but its worth it imo. If you can afford juice you can afford BW.. My PCT is aromasin, nova and HCG. Honestly guys i just want to know if its worth dropping the tren e now, then start deca or something else* Or should i just ride this train out and suck it up. I just hate the lethargy. Never felt like this with test alone, and deca. So it has to be the tren. My strength is up already, deadlifting 455 6 times, 2 sets. Broke my record and hit 495 1RM.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Back In Black View Post
    At least NACH3 was respectful about how he said it. He agreed with Joco and was trying to help. dont know why you wasted your time writing that. I would expect more from a senior member IMO..........................

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by WhiteBoy18 View Post
    At least NACH3 was respectful about how he said it. He agreed with Joco and was trying to help. dont know why you wasted your time writing that. I would expect more from a senior member IMO..........................
    Nice attitude. Maybe that's why you have replies from only 2 people. Maybe you only have replies from 2 people because that's the best advice you will get here

    FYI I deleted my post because it said nothing more that what the other guys had said.
    Last edited by Back In Black; 06-16-2015 at 02:03 AM.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by WhiteBoy18 View Post
    I know i am young, ive chosen to be a lifer. I will never stop lifting, since i cant have kids i have noooo worries about the boys. Anywayssss, I got blood work done 2 months after my deca cycle, everything was exactly where it was one month prior to test/deca. So i bounced back perfectly, my pct was on game. Im not running ANYTHING with tren and test. Just accutane. I HAVE caber and aromasin on hand just incase. I get my one month in BW done in 1 week, i will post the results. I get BW from my GP every month for organ values, and I get everything else on my own. Pricey but its worth it imo. If you can afford juice you can afford BW.. My PCT is aromasin, nova and HCG. Honestly guys i just want to know if its worth dropping the tren e now, then start deca or something else* Or should i just ride this train out and suck it up. I just hate the lethargy. Never felt like this with test alone, and deca. So it has to be the tren. My strength is up already, deadlifting 455 6 times, 2 sets. Broke my record and hit 495 1RM.
    You are not running aromasin during your cycle but instead during your PCT??? What good is that? I have no doubt your E2 is high during cycle even if you have no negative sides. I am pretty much the same way and my E2 is HIGH if I dont use an AI correctly. You may not experience negative sides but it will reduce some gains and will also cause bloat/water weight gain.

    Same for the HCG, it is to be run during cycle, not during PCT when you are trying to get your system to restart because you are simulating a start so your system densest think it needs to do anything. You need ot run Nolva and clomid for PCT and the aromasin and HCG during cycle.

    You need to read the sticky notes at the top of the forum from Austinie on how to run a cycle. Yes I know a lot of people do it the way you are because it's old school and they have not read any of the test results that show this way is much more successful especially in the long run.

    You also need to get thicker skin and dont get offended when someone tells you that your fvcked up. You did, even if you have not experienced any negative sides, YET. It's quite frustrating seeing young kids in here day in day out thinking they know it all and then also having to help them later to fix what they screwed up or other young kids who joined only after realizing they are messed up. 90% or more of the people who get messed up never come back or ask for help because either that have not put 2+2 together that its due to cycle or they are to embarrassed but we still get a fair amount most ever day.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Back In Black View Post
    Nice attitude. Maybe that's why you have replies from only 2 people. Maybe you only have replies from 2 people because that's the best advice you will get here

    FYI I deleted my post because it said nothing more that what the other guys had said.
    Should not have even commented if you were not going to help. Basically what it comes down to. Why waste my time, and yours.

  10. #10
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by WhiteBoy18 View Post
    Should not have even commented if you were not going to help. Basically what it comes down to. Why waste my time, and yours.
    Kill the attitude, BiB as trying to help you we try our best to keep members safe and healthy which is something you seem to disregard.

    At 22yrs old at your height and weight and your already into your 3rd cycle using tren surely you can see what the huge problem is. But I don't need to tell you because I will be wasting my time and yours but if you listened for once to guys who have been there and done you'd learn.

    Best of luck

  11. #11
    Yes, aromasin during PCT. Aromasin increases free test by stopping the conversion of test to e.

    Returning HPGA to normal function is a must in testicular and hypothalanic pituitary regions. HCG focuses on the Leydig cells and tamoxifin focuses on the hypothalanic-pituitary region to stimulate gonadotropin production. This worked for my last time with deca. GREAT results. My GP gets my blood work monthly and I BOUNCED back. Fast. It worked for me so. Tren might be different so i will be posting my results on here.

    Believe me im not offended at all. I could care less what people think of me personally, i just wanted steroid advice on what i could swap out tren with if it came down to it. Do i up my test slowly or right away? Do I wait for the tren to be gone before increasing the test? His comment was a waste of time and does not help anybody. Im not offended.... just pointing out the obvious.

  12. #12
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    You seem to have all the answers to everything else and ignoring all the other advice given to you so I'm sure you will figure out the tren test thing yourself.

    Good luck.

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    Kill the attitude, BiB as trying to help you we try our best to keep members safe and healthy which is something you seem to disregard.

    At 22yrs old at your height and weight and your already into your 3rd cycle using tren surely you can see what the huge problem is. But I don't need to tell you because I will be wasting my time and yours but if you listened for once to guys who have been there and done you'd learn.

    Best of luck
    Im far from disregarding safety and health. How old do you think most of the pros were when they first injected? If you knew my history, this would technically be my 2nd REAL cycle. I dont know if it counts for much, but I am hands down bigger than 98% of the guys at the public gym and im only getting bigger. Maybe my stats dont do me justice.

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    You seem to have all the answers to everything else and ignoring all the other advice given to you so I'm sure you will figure out the tren test thing yourself.

    Good luck.
    I guess I do. Ill stick around and post my BW tho. Will be very interesting to see it again. Might take a while to bounce back from tren but i guess ill find out.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by WhiteBoy18 View Post
    Should not have even commented if you were not going to help. Basically what it comes down to. Why waste my time, and yours.
    Ha ha, fvck you you little shit. Good luck, sounds like you are going to need it.

  16. #16
    kelkel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by WhiteBoy18 View Post
    I dont know if it counts for much, but I am hands down bigger than 98% of the guys at the public gym and im only getting bigger. Maybe my stats dont do me justice.
    Post a pic. When it comes to tren, you may have done well if you kept your dosage reasonable. 600 mgs is not reasonable.
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    Post a pic. When it comes to tren, you may have done well if you kept your dosage reasonable. 600 mgs is not reasonable.
    Yeah i dropped it to 400mg after hearing that there is not much of a difference besides more sides. Its justtttt starting to kick in now so i will take a before and after pic. Right now im at:

    Bench 275 x3
    deadlift 405 x 8 455 x 2
    squat 275 x6

    Ill post more in a bit but heres a shot of my back last week. Off to Bora Bora for the weekend so ill post more when im back.

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	back1.JPG 
Views:	275 
Size:	899.7 KB 
ID:	157664
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	back2.JPG 
Views:	198 
Size:	834.8 KB 
ID:	157665

  18. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by Back In Black View Post
    Ha ha, fvck you you little shit. Good luck, sounds like you are going to need it.
    Was not trying to be disrespectful. I dont need luck, its all research, hard work and dedication. You can disagree with me respectfully like an adult and explain WHY. Or you can give me 16 year old replies. Pretty sad this is coming from a 22 year old..... no idea how old you are.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by WhiteBoy18 View Post
    Was not trying to be disrespectful. I dont need luck, its all research, hard work and dedication. You can disagree with me respectfully like an adult and explain WHY. Or you can give me 16 year old replies. Pretty sad this is coming from a 22 year old..... no idea how old you are.
    Let's see how much luck you need in 10 or 15 years. This isn't just about what short term damage you are causing yourself.

    You have the best advice you could get in the posts above yet are choosing to ignore it. Why ask in the first place and then ignore advice given to you by seasoned users?! Beats me, but we get that a lot.

    If you were 25 or over then you would need test only. If you have to rely on advanced compounds to get results at your stage then something else is lacking. I have no doubt you won't agree with me but I don't care.

    I'm not getting into a pissing match with you so you have no need to rely.

  20. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by Back In Black View Post
    Let's see how much luck you need in 10 or 15 years. This isn't just about what short term damage you are causing yourself.

    You have the best advice you could get in the posts above yet are choosing to ignore it. Why ask in the first place and then ignore advice given to you by seasoned users?! Beats me, but we get that a lot.

    If you were 25 or over then you would need test only. If you have to rely on advanced compounds to get results at your stage then something else is lacking. I have no doubt you won't agree with me but I don't care.

    I'm not getting into a pissing match with you so you have no need to rely.
    Believe me sir I'm putting everything your are all saying into consideration and my next cycle will be test only. It's too late now. My views on hcg use are different. I've been reading medical and research papers on it. My blood work is what convinced me it's true. I bounced back FAST with that hcg pct use. I kept over 80% of my gains, and I'm hoping to increase that this time because I don't need to work anymore. I'm lucky enough that money is not an issue so this is all I do. I want to go pro. I guarantee you majority of the pros and famous name people didn start slow off test only until 25. Some health sacrifices will have to be made. If you knew my history I have almost been killed mannnnny times. I could go on and on about the unlucky shit that's happened to me. The most recent was a 300 ton haul truck that has his parking break fail. Fountain tire employee and me dove out of the way... I'm not bitching, that's life. This is what I want to do. It's not even about the money. It feels amazing and I'm in love with the results. Not to mention the golden pass to almost any girls pants...

  21. #21
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    Hey BlackChild12.

    Glad to see you still got it all figured out. Not sure what you are still doing here besides trolling. Obviously we've got nothing for you.

    Best of luck in the special Olympics next year. We will be rooting for you. Say hi to you girlfriend Bruce, I mean Caitlyn.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts
    Hey BlackChild12. Glad to see you still got it all figured out. Not sure what you are still doing here besides trolling. Obviously we've got nothing for you. Best of luck in the special Olympics next year. We will be rooting for you. Say hi to you girlfriend Bruce, I mean Caitlyn.
    Lmfao!!! Literally had people starting at me outside my work I was laughing so hard.

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by GingerbeardJ View Post
    Lmfao!!! Literally had people starting at me outside my work I was laughing so hard.
    Bahahahahaha! That's hysterical! Both that BIB/& LB lmao

  24. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    Hey BlackChild12.

    Glad to see you still got it all figured out. Not sure what you are still doing here besides trolling. Obviously we've got nothing for you.

    Best of luck in the special Olympics next year. We will be rooting for you. Say hi to you girlfriend Bruce, I mean Caitlyn.
    If you actually read what i posted, i was asking if i drop tren now, can i up my test right away or do i need to give it 2 weeks to leave my body, then up the test? No one has answered it. I was also going to ask if i could add mastedon. I dont want your opinion on my cycle or age..... i want advice on the above questions, but clearlyyyyyy you children are trying to take this in a different direction. I honestly cant even believe you think that was funny hahahaha how old are you? Seriously man thats a highschool joke hahahaha smh.

    wolfs dont care about the opinions of sheep.

    See you on stage in a few years.

  25. #25
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Quote Originally Posted by WhiteBoy18 View Post
    See you on stage in a few years.
    Pace yourself. It's a long road to do well in competitive BB'ing. It does not happen overnight, regardless of what or how much AAS you use.
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by WhiteBoy18 View Post
    If you actually read what i posted, i was asking if i drop tren now, can i up my test right away or do i need to give it 2 weeks to leave my body, then up the test? No one has answered it. I was also going to ask if i could add mastedon. I dont want your opinion on my cycle or age..... i want advice on the above questions, but clearlyyyyyy you children are trying to take this in a different direction. I honestly cant even believe you think that was funny hahahaha how old are you? Seriously man thats a highschool joke hahahaha smh.

    wolfs dont care about the opinions of sheep.

    See you on stage in a few years.
    You are correct about that and as you see none of us really care about what you want or your opinion, do we?

    You just may make the stage one day but I bet you also make a lot of mistakes and it will be short lived and will lead to a lot of health issues due to having the attitude knowing better than anyone else.

    What was a high school joke? Maybe I started something long time ago that has carried one. lol

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