Whats important on bikini fitness competitors: Legs, glutes...? Do they train lighter in some muscles and heavier in others?
Average cycle for them?
Whats important on bikini fitness competitors: Legs, glutes...? Do they train lighter in some muscles and heavier in others?
Average cycle for them?
Last edited by lui; 05-23-2015 at 03:54 PM.
There's no right answer to this that's one size fits all. It depends on how she looks and what she needs. I had a girl a few years ago that I had stop all leg training except for body weight exercises and whatever she got out of her cardio as her legs were too big and muscular for bikini. And then I've had girls that do heavy training in their legs all the way up to the show. Again, it just depends.
Average cycle, again it depends. Some clen, low dose HGH and maybe some low dose Anavar and then again maybe not. Plenty of amateur bikini girls take nothing.
I know these answers aren't the ones you wanted, but there is no answer that is "do this" that fits everyone.
MJ, if I may can I ask for your contest photos at your best shape?![]()
If you've read through the thread then you know I was never anything that impressive. I'd call myself a decent bodybuilder at best. I placed well at a handful of shows and won my class a few times but nothing worth bragging about. Plus it's bodybuilding, so nothing worth bragging about, lol! Heaviest I ever was, was around 240 and it was a bit uncomfortable and not enjoyable. Best shape I was ever in was 197lbs 4.3% in the dunk tank and I felt mentally retarded, as in my brain did not work right. I was miserable, running a fever and actually ended up in the hospital. That was the end of my bodybuilding days back in 2006. Anyway, that would be my best, I was two weeks out or so and never had a pic taken for it. Was a little heartbreaking at the time. I had planned and worked for that particular show for a year, meaning my entire life revolved around that upcoming show for a solid year.
When I look back in retrospect I don't have regrets but I do question if I would have done things differently. I wasted a lot of time and money on a pursuit that doesn't really get you anywhere in the grand scheme of life. I know that sounds like I'm mocking bodybuilding and I've done that a bit in this thread. Don't get me wrong, I was someone who loved bodybuilding and fortunate to learn a lot of things first hand that others aren't always as fortunate to learn. I was still competing when I started doing prep for others and that gave me a host of lab rats, willing ones to try new and different mixes and matches of gear and food. In time I simply felt I was better suited to do that and so when it comes to bodybuilding that's all I've done the last going on 10yrs or so. Although I don't do nearly as many as I used to, not even close. I don't have the time to take too many.
Are you saying you prep ppl for comps now as a living or for the fun of it ?
I'd still like to see your best pics
^^^ take vitamin c
From what I've read and heard first hand from many competitors is the lack of reverse dieting in the right way - Lands people sick and Irvin the hospital... Or worst their metabolism is fvked - so getting/finding a good coach is key...
MJ - obviously this isn't directed towards you lol - and yes 4.3 is SICK(in a good and bad way - your body is fighting that(bf%) the whole time, correct?
I made my living off of prep coaching for a good while, at least a fair amount of my living. The only way you can do that IMO is if you get into the female side of it, figure and bikini because there's so many of them. Now I just do a small number of people per year, pretty much because I enjoy doing it...admittedly I don't do it for free. The worst clients I ever had were ones I did for free (most of the worst ones) because not paying seems to demotivate most people.
It was stupid in retrospect. The fall out:
*I was at work (even though I was starting to miss work a lot because I couldn't mentally function) and my lips and eyes swelled up and I passed out.
*The next day all the capillaries in my legs from my knees to my ankles burst. It looked like my legs had been attacked by a weedeater under the skin.
*I started running a fever of 102 around that time and had been running a slight one for a few weeks already.
*I went to the ER because of the leg deal and I had passed out again. The doctor came in, looked at me and asked if I used steroids, I admitted it and he said "well there's you're problem." He walked out of the room and did nothing.
*I went to a walkin ER after that, again admitted to what all I took...I'm still a believer in whoever is trying to help you needs the full story if they can actually help you. Anyway, long and short, I was dehydrated, on the verge of a stroke and so nutrient deficient it was killing me. And I was dehydrated despite 1.5g of water per day if not two.
The reason for the insane diet and trying to get so low of BF, shows prior I had always struggled being in good enough shape to really stand out. I knew I didn't have superior genetics to be a mass monster so I went for as shredded as possible. Just took it too far.
Wow... Glad you came out ok... I know being that low is so hard on your body - which you just explained In detail!
That's one hell of a story - and I assume it is quite common in the indudtry especially(going off others experience/horror stories) when coupled w/a bad coach - I hear this everyday amongst female competitors(bikini figure whatever)... But the severe depletion and the coaches who don't know how the reverse diet works - and it may be different for everyone correct(as we all differ in our diets how we process good store it etc etc... I'm trying to break into this field(but I need to know much more.... Especially with what we're talking about w/prep, the diet, and reverse dieting... Need to get that down as I woukdnt touch anyone if I didn't fully comprehend how it all works(want to go back to school and train(am NASM certified) in the mean time.... School for something w/a sports med and science(get all the anatomy physio kinesiology etc...
I agree breaking into the female scene is $$$$!
Do you know what causes the dehydration although one is consuming enough water(literally)?? despite all the depletion on a severe level is there another metabolic factor that gets missed or overlooked?
How the hell do guys like Mike O Hearn stays around low BF year round like nearly 4%? Oh yeah he's NATURAL.![]()
he IS on HRT no doubt (gh and test at least) + good diet + training.How the hell do guys like Mike O Hearn stays around low BF year round like nearly 4%? Oh yeah he's NATURAL.
Seriously the dude is on much more then just a TRT dose.Originally Posted by SOL!D5NAK3
Let's get real.
He's heavier and leaner than Arnold ever was.
Genetics is everything. Some people can simply handle and function at lower levels of body fat and some can't. All the drugs in the world won't change that fact.
for sure , but i think you get to a point with certain cycles and keep just like that with test and gh (mo)Seriously the dude is on much more then just a TRT dose.
Let's get real.
He's heavier and leaner than Arnold ever was.
and another thing is how do they fly to other cities, i mean the for something like mro athletes come from various locations, don't they have any gear? beside injectables which i think they use long esters but what about orals or t3 or etc. .
Probably Has a script for the stuff they have to carry.Originally Posted by SOL!D5NAK3
Sent from my iPhone using Forum
Amazing post, thank you so much for sharing
What is better for contest prep. a lot of tren (500-1000mg) and little test (250mg) or lot of test and moderate tren?
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