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Thread: First cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2015

    First cycle


    I plan on starting my first cycle very shortly below is what I plan on running.

    WK 1-4
    Test Prop - 150MG EOD
    DBOL- 25MG ED

    WK 4-8
    Test-C 250MG Every week

    WK 10-12
    Nolvadex 40/40/20

    I would really appreciate all your guys constructive criticism.

    Thank you!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2015
    Huntsville, TX
    you should drop the dbol and just do test only IMO, but who am I to 1st cycle was test/dbol as well. one thing i'm pretty certain of, however, is that the test-p has a half-life of only a few days, so your test levels will more than likely crash between weeks 5 and 6 while that test-cyp is building up in your system. why are you switching from test-p to test-c? i'd stick with one or the other. no reason to make it complicated, especially for a first run. also, you're lacking an "aromatase inhibitor" or read the sticky up top. hope this helps.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2015
    Thank you very much!

    I will use Aromasin at 10mg a day. The reason that I planed on switching from test prop to test-C is purely biased on the products that my source can provide me. Basically there is a show that a lot of people I know are training for and demand for Test-C was higher than expected so he ran out of Test-C. I suppose I could hold off until he gets more Test-C and run the cycle after I get some.

    And out of left field I was wondering if it would be better to run Test-prop the entire cycle as apposed to Test-C to counteract the bloat that comes with the use of Dbol?

    Thank you very much for helping me I really do appreciate it.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2015
    Huntsville, TX
    Quote Originally Posted by papathesmurf View Post
    Thank you very much!

    I suppose I could hold off until he gets more Test-C and run the cycle after I get some. And out of left field I was wondering if it would be better to run Test-prop the entire cycle as apposed to Test-C to counteract the bloat that comes with the use of Dbol?

    Thank you very much for helping me I really do appreciate it.
    i really believe for your 1st cycle you should keep it as simple as possible, so if you can wait a little longer and do all test-c, that's what i would do. no reason to be pinning test-p EOD for your first run IMO. plus the way you have it lined up right now, you were talking about running 525mg/wk of test-p wks. 1-4, then only 250mg/wk of test-c for the balance of the cycle. i don't think you'll like that once you're in the middle of the cycle, so save the test-p for next time and buy another bottle of test-c. then run it like this.....

    1-10 test-c 500mg/wk.....two weeks longer than your original plan
    1-4 dbol 25mg/ed.....IMO you should save this for next cycle with your test-p but it's sooooo damn tempting when the bottle is sitting right there!!!
    1-10 aromasin 10mg/eod......i assume this is liquid since you're doing 10mg? I've always used adex, so i'm no aromasin expert but i think every day is overkill. i'd start off with EOD and adjust as needed.

    have fun and make sure you get your PCT squared away. i'm TRT so i'm afraid a can't help you when it comes to PCT, but i'm sure a PCT-vet will chime in soon.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by papathesmurf View Post

    I plan on starting my first cycle very shortly below is what I plan on running.

    WK 1-4
    Test Prop - 150MG EOD
    DBOL- 25MG ED

    WK 4-8
    Test-C 250MG Every week

    WK 10-12
    Nolvadex 40/40/20

    I would really appreciate all your guys constructive criticism.

    Thank you!
    Scrap that. Test only for your first cycle to see how you go with it test c for 4wks will do not a single thing pct not enough.
    Have a read at this link read it follow it to the letter and you won't go wrong if you have any more Q just ask once you have a new plan post it up and we will help you out but if you read the lunk there should be nothing to go over.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2015
    I will not comment the test only thing. But i think you have a very good question. Your cycle looks like mine. I will also start with test p and an oral and switch over to a slowtest ester. Same here, not because i want to, but its what ive got rigth now.
    So, what would be the smoothest switch. Just start when the propionate is empty, a slow test frontload or running both a couple of weeks.
    I see some experienced (Not u nach3) guys say you have to runèm both for 2-3 weeks, but i cant really understand how a test e injection may lower your levels. It peaks in your body 24-36 hours after last shot, but will not do shit before 3 weeks? How can this be, the test is already there. So if you do bloodwork 1 week after a 500 mg test e shot, it will not show?. Then an AI is not needed before week3?

    When i do a test e shot on Friday i def feel something at my monday chestwork.

    I know that most guys say, will not work before week 3 bla bla bla, but i really would love to hear the esterexplanation. Does the ester babysit the hormon for 2 weeks before it let go...?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Your going to experience a gap inbetween the prop and the cyp?
    4 weeks prop then you start cyp which takes a couple of weeks to get into the system, so you going to be almost 2 weeks with low test?

    If i were you id just stick with cyp for 10-12 weeks, no prop, no dbol

  8. #8
    Due to the long Esther in test E or C, there is still some left in your system from the last injection each time you pin. Therefore each injection builds on the last and the result is it takes about 3-4 weeks to reach peak levels in your system. Test C is active right away, so you wont be low t during the changeover, but you also wont have high enough levels to see cycle benefits so from that perspective you'll have a few wasted weeks in the middle of your cycle.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Silabolin View Post
    I see some experienced (Not u nach3) guys say you have to runèm both for 2-3 weeks, but i cant really understand how a test e injection may lower your levels. It doesn't lower your test levels but does stop your natural production. It peaks in your body 24-36 hours after last shot, but will not do shit before 3 weeks? Not true but your levels haven't peaked yet and since you you have been on for only a very short time gains will me minimal. How can this be, the test is already there. So if you do bloodwork 1 week after a 500 mg test e shot, it will not show?. It will show but after one one week your test levels will be 4 times lower then after 4 works or so of shots. (.6 shot's worth versus 2.4 shots' worth.) Then an AI is not needed before week3? Wrong again. Your test level will still be higher then naturally. You can say maybe only take .5 of the normal AI dose for a couple of weeks.
    You need to FULLY understand how half lives work....
    Let's assume test C has an 8 day half-life (my prescription test C pamphlet says it does so let's not argue). That means after 7 days you will have approx 60% left in your system....

    You take a shot.
    the first day you have one shot in you....
    7 days later you take another shot...
    you now have .6 of the 1st + 1 new shot = 1.6 shots worth
    7 days now have .6 of 1.6 + 1 new shot = 1.96 shots worth
    7 days now have .6 of 1.96 + 1 new shot = 2.176 shots worth
    7 days now have .6 of 2.176 + 1 new shot = 2.3 shots worth
    7 days now have .6 of 2.3 + 1 new shot = 2.38 shots worth
    7 days now have .6 of 2.38 + 1 new shot = 2.43 shots worth
    7 days now have .6 of 2.43 + 1 new shot = 2.46 shots worth
    7 days now have .6 of 2.46 + 1 new shot = 2.475 shots worth

    What this means is....
    you have test in your system from day one but you start peaking in test levels and then staying stable after about 4 weeks.
    Last edited by The Deadlifting Dog; 08-28-2015 at 05:27 AM.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by papathesmurf View Post
    Thank you very much!

    I will use Aromasin at 10mg a day. The reason that I planed on switching from test prop to test-C is purely biased on the products that my source can provide me. Basically there is a show that a lot of people I know are training for and demand for Test-C was higher than expected so he ran out of Test-C. I suppose I could hold off until he gets more Test-C and run the cycle after I get some.

    And out of left field I was wondering if it would be better to run Test-prop the entire cycle as apposed to Test-C to counteract the bloat that comes with the use of Dbol?

    Thank you very much for helping me I really do appreciate it.
    IMO wait till you get the products you want. If you accidentally break a vial you will be f*****.

    And always have extra, as most UGLs dont have real 10ml.

    Regarding the use of prop, I would use it at the end so you dont have to wait 18 days for the test to clear.

    Something like:

    1-10 250mgs test c x 2 week (500mgs total)
    11-12 100mgs test prop eod
    PCT 3 days after last shot of prop

    Lose the dbol, is an awful compound for 1st timer as it heavily aromatizes.

    Dont forget AI and HCG.

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