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Thread: Ldex / clomid

  1. #1

    Ldex / clomid

    I am about to start a cycle and the only anti estrogen/pct that I have is tamoxifin. After doing the research I now know that taking LDex and clomid is strongly recommmended. I am just wondering where to get these from since I don't have any. Is it safe to order from online pharmacies? Could somebody please tell me a little about LDex? I have tried to research but Can't find much. Does it have a different name? WHat does it do? When and how much should be taken? WHere can I get some? ANy advice is greatly appreciated.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by meezman
    I am about to start a cycle and the only anti estrogen/pct that I have is tamoxifin. After doing the research I now know that taking LDex and clomid is strongly recommmended. I am just wondering where to get these from since I don't have any. Is it safe to order from online pharmacies? Could somebody please tell me a little about LDex? I have tried to research but Can't find much. Does it have a different name? WHat does it do? When and how much should be taken? WHere can I get some? ANy advice is greatly appreciated.

    post up your cycle we will tell you what dosage is recommended...also you can just order liquidex from research companies

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by thai guy
    post up your cycle we will tell you what dosage is recommended...also you can just order liquidex from research companies
    THis is my first cycle. I am 21 y/o and I am an athlete. I am not trying to put on more than 10 or so lbs.Here is my planned cycle:

    250 mg enanthate/ week. for 6 weeks. I want to keep this pretty low to avoid putting on too much weight fo rmy sport ( basketball) and to avoid too noticeable results. Is this a good idea?

    30 mg oral winnie/day. I am planning on running the winnie for 8 weeks. two weeks longer than the enanthate, because of the longer halflife that enanthate has. I was planning on starting pct the day after my last winnie tabs are taken. What do you think about this?

    10-20 mg tamoxifin/day throughout cycle

    Also could you suggest a place to get clomid and Ldex? Is generic clomid as good as the real deal? How much and when should I take this stuff?

    Thank you very much for your help

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