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Thread: running 2 orals at once?

  1. #1

    running 2 orals at once?

    Hey guys just wondering if anyone here has ran 2 orals at once? A mate of mine is contemplating running anavar 50mg a day with 50mg of steno a day woth 150mg of prop EOD Personally I think it would be far too toxic on the liver but if anyone has run such a cycle I'd like to hear it thanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    I wouldnt run 2 orals at once, and the maximum id run an oral for would be 6 weeks, possibly 8 weeks with anavar.

    Its nice you looking out for your friend but maybe tell him to get his own research done and look after himself.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by rjarcher View Post
    Hey guys just wondering if anyone here has ran 2 orals at once? A mate of mine is contemplating running anavar 50mg a day with 50mg of steno a day woth 150mg of prop EOD Personally I think it would be far too toxic on the liver but if anyone has run such a cycle I'd like to hear it thanks
    Im on 2 now... VAR 80mg TBOL 40mg & its not mixing to well for me tbh. The var makes me less hungry and the test-e/tbol is making me hungry every hour. So I'm changing my cycle around and just going to add the var near the end of the cycle..

    The two orals your friend is planing to mix together... Ive seen my supplier stock both mixed together in one capsule VAR/STAN mix...So It might not cause the same problem I'm having.. But who knows someone might be able to add more info soon for you if they have used them both.

    BTW by steno you mean stanozol right?? Or is steno something else?

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Between Here And There
    I believe it's highly ignorant unless you are an extremely versed AAS user to take multiple compounds at once. Also, 150mg of testosterone would be a relatively minor dosage I would say?

    Whether its the addition of an methyl group to the carbon 17th-alpha or an alkyl group the risk is there and shouldn't be ignored.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by rjarcher View Post
    Hey guys just wondering if anyone here has ran 2 orals at once? A mate of mine is contemplating running anavar 50mg a day with 50mg of steno a day woth 150mg of prop EOD Personally I think it would be far too toxic on the liver but if anyone has run such a cycle I'd like to hear it thanks
    Is It you or your 'friend' how old is your friend b/c your 24 right on the brink - I'd say you'd be ok!

    Winny(I'm assuming that's what your meaning, too) is very hepatoxic - What's the goals at hand? Cutting? At 150mgs/day your risking shutting yourself down for what... I'd at least run 250mgs/day if cutting... if not just run test higher - and backload your var or Winny - one or the other - Winny I wouldn't run past 4-6wks max w/out any other oral! Var you could run for remaining 8wks imho if your just doing one of them... Liver support a must(NAC will suffice)!
    Last edited by NACH3; 10-14-2015 at 12:44 PM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    one oral can messed your liver pretty well, I would not go with 2 only if I had liver donor on standby.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    Tell your mate to just pick one. And tell him to back down a bit on the dose.
    I just checked with my supplier and he doesn't sell stan/var combo anymore. Its been discontinued. When he does that it means it was crap and he had way to many complaints.

    I remember he had a test 400 mix and he had to take it down because it was shit. But his test 200-250 is the boom lol

    mietek: Thanks for always mentioning the liver part :P orals for 4-8 weeks is not to bad. It depends on your lifestyle and are you a really big drinker and abuse the liver off cycle/on cycle. Blood tests are a great way to see. Before, Mid and after cycle just to be safe.

    I abused my liver from 18-21 and had to get 3 shots within 6 months because of alco at a young age.

    But I no longer drink like I use to... And when I had the shots above that I mentioned.. I didn't drink for 3 years after that, And like my doctor said while your young your liver will repair but with age if I continue drinking it will be in worse, So I changed my life style and enjoy lifting weights. I crave water now all day and love it.
    Always be safe with orals but have some fun to once a year for 4-8 weeks is not to bad. when you think about it.

  8. #8
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    If it's not pharm grade don't even bother running any test below 400mg because it's usually never properly dosed especially people who get gear for their first cycle lol it's perfectly fine to run 2 orals but you shouldn't run them for a crazy amount of time and you shouldn't run them at a crazy dosage either but for the most part your liver enzymes may be elevated and you should watch your blood pressure but things will return back to normal once you discontinue use....

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by davidtheman100 View Post
    If it's not pharm grade don't even bother running any test below 400mg because it's usually never properly dosed especially people who get gear for their first cycle lol it's perfectly fine to run 2 orals but you shouldn't run them for a crazy amount of time and you shouldn't run them at a crazy dosage either but for the most part your liver enzymes may be elevated and you should watch your blood pressure but things will return back to normal once you discontinue use....
    Yeah good info david, I just bought a digital blood pressure monitor off ebay last week its so cheap but I'm still waiting for it to arrive.

  10. #10
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    sorry op off topic....umm what happen to david above he got banned anyone know why?? He sure was funny

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by here2grow View Post
    sorry op off topic....umm what happen to david above he got banned anyone know why?? He sure was funny
    Go look in the lounge. He was extremely disrespectful.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    thanks man, but I cant find it.. which thread is it?

  13. #13
    To easy guys ill just get him on var and not worry about the steno. The test is 150mg every second day so around 500mg weekly. Thanks for the input guys ?

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by rjarcher View Post
    To easy guys ill just get him on var and not worry about the steno. The test is 150mg every second day so around 500mg weekly. Thanks for the input guys ?
    You mean EOD right? With prop you need to inject at least EOD of ed... And rotate between injection sites(if EOD have 4-6 sites... ed 6-8 so scar tissue doesn't build!

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