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Thread: Help with cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2015

    Help with cycle

    Ok guys I'm new here and would very much like some advice and feedback on my cycle I'm currently planning out. First of all a little info on my bodybuilding life, I've been training for just over 10 years now basically natural the whole time and my age at current is 31, I weigh 182pounds at 5,9.. I would like to put myself in the ectomorph category as I've always had a really fast metabolism and it's taken me a while to really learn how to eat. I'm also not the strongest in the gym and can't do marathon sessions but fortunately gaining muscle has never been a real issue.

    Ok so now for some advice, technically this would be my second cycle but in saying that my first was cut short due to unforeseen circumstances, my first cycle only went for 6 weeks consisting of 500mg of testoviron. I will list my current supps at hand
    20ml of test cyp 200mg
    20ml of deca durabolin200mg
    I'm still in the process of getting myself an AI and Clomid for PCT
    My question is what would be the best dose to take for my 10 week cycle. I will obviously take 400mg of test cyp but need some advice on the deca ?
    NOTE-on my first cycle I experienced some sides mainly consisting of acne and a little bloat but no gyno, the best side was how much my libido went up OMG I'm lucky I had a partner at the time. Thanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Hi good post

    Really you should go back to a test only cycle since you didnt really complete it. But having those compounds in front of you will be hard to ingore. Test 400mg a week or 500mg a week for 12 weeks will be best.
    But if you still persist on your cycle plan i have some advice:

    Id suggest running your test doseage higher than the deca

    Like 500mg test 400mg deca, its good to try and have our test higher than deca. Its a common choice.

    Id also suggest running your test 2 weeks longer than the deca to allow the deca to full leave your system before dropping the test.

    One other thing with long esters and to get the most out of your deca it should try to be ran for 12 weeks, but i understand with 10ml bottles thats tough, and the cost is always adding up lol

    If i were you i would buy another 10ml test cyp and do this

    1-12 test cyp 500mg (1.25ml monday, 1.25ml thursday)
    1-10 deca 400mg (1ml monday, 1ml thursday)
    Arimidex 0.25 EOD from day 1 and drop it the day before PCT.
    HCG 500iu a week (split this into 2 shots (250iu a shot)
    PCT Clomid 75/50/50/50, Nolva 40/20/20/20/20
    Last edited by TheTaxMan; 10-16-2015 at 05:16 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2015
    Thanks taxman, yeah I was definitely thinking of just running test only again but like you said having those extra bots of deca on hand it's a very tempting situation, end of the day I want to do what's best for my body. I remember my first cycle and by the 4th week I really started to notice a difference in size I couldn't believe it to be honest. I will definitely go back to the drawing board and think my cycle through and tweak it as need be. Your advice was excellent thanks mate. I'm not going on cycle for another 3 weeks so have time to get things where they need to be.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    See no need to add deca if you are still gaining with test alone.

    Its easy to want to experiment new compounds but deca will raise the bar recovery wise, and you will not gain much more if theres still room to gain from test only.

    Just my 2 cents...

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2015
    Thanks mr bb, some very good points you make.

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