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Thread: Need some advice

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    San Antonio Tx

    Need some advice

    Opinion needed ,first of all my experience and stats 5'9 224lbs 19%bf 6 year lifter this would be my 4th cycle i have always used deca,dbol,test,winnie,and eq in the past all with small dosage cycles. My question is this, i want to do a large cycle in january, and this i what i have on hand now, any help please......................... i have some idea already i just want to compare ideas.
    2 10ml bottles of homemade fina 75mg ml (made it myself)
    60 10mg dbol tabs by tokyo
    1 bottle of test 400 400mg ml 10ml bottle
    1 bottle of test prop 100mg ml 10ml bottle
    5 bottles of test enathate 200mg ml 10ml bottles
    40 50mg clomid tabs
    30 nolva tabs

    Goal is to pick up at least 25lbs of mass
    Last edited by heavylifter; 12-11-2003 at 01:53 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Looks like you only have enough gear to run a test e and fina cycle.
    wks 1-12 600mg test e->your choice here based on experience
    wks 7-12 75mg fina ed-could run longer if you used eod
    I guess you don't care about water weight? 19% is pretty high. You don't mention that so I assume you don't care about fat. You need some more anti e's for sure unless this isn't a problem. Start pct at beg of wk 15.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    If you got more dbol or prop you could front load. If not, rest of that stuff seems obsolete.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    San Antonio Tx
    No more dbol or prop thats what i had left over from a previous cycle i was thinking i could front load with 20 mg dbol a day and 300 mg of prop a week for the first 3 weeks to let the enathate kick in i also have the avability of getting 40 anadrol 50 tabs from Bratis labs i just never heard of that company.....the body fat is no concern in the summer i stay around 14 or 15% i'm trying to put on mass now, i will start to cut down around end of march with some lipo 6 a good diet and possible cutting cycle

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Guess you could use the prop if you wanted to. Just shoot eod. Could take 3/4 cc eod and I think that would be okay to front load with. I don't know if 20mg dbol would do anything. I stay away from anadrol but that is just me. It just doesn't make sense when you really can't keep the gains off anadrol to even take it.

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