I'm in my third cycle of 650mg test e per week and just finished 100mg anadrol after 5 weeks.. I stopped the anadrol yesterday and today I feel like my nipples ache a bit and are puffy. I've been taking 0.3mg arimidex eod.. I just squeezed my nipples and can feel small lumps under each nipple just above it.. I'm about 15% BF.
I've always held more fat than usual around my man boobs so may have been genetically pre disposed.. I've had achey nipples in other cycles and just taken more arimidex but have never felt a lump..
What should I do!? Does it sound like gyno? What should I do? I was thinking 20mg nolva Ed and 0.5mg arimidex eod until it goes away??
Please help I'm really worried