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Thread: Weak Points and Requisite Training Advice

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2014

    Question Weak Points and Requisite Training Advice

    Hey Fellas,

    Following a much needed 2 week pullback, I have now been full throttle back into Marcus's HIT for 2 weeks and I am 4 weeks into a 20% caloric cut. Next time I do it right, carb cycling at maintenance with increased cardio as Marcus recommends! However, for the time being, I would appreciate any critique of my progress photos this morning. No workout pump, just after waking up.

    I looking for feedback into what you feel are my weak points, some recommended changes in my routine to address these, and any other insight I can drain from your accumulated experiences.

    For background, I am at 2550 calories (60 fat, 270 carb, 230 protein), doing HIT 5 days a week and cardio 5 days a week (low intensity). I just started devoting a 6th day to weak point training in the 8-15 rep range, no beyond failure, to prevent over training.

    I am at 125 Tren A 3x/week, 100 Test C 2x/week, 100 Deca 2x/week, and 300 HcG 2x/week.

    Current stats are 225 pounds, 10ish % bodyfat, and un-flexed measurements: 41.5" hips, 36.25" waist at belt line, 46.25" chest at nipples, 54" shoulders, 15.5" arms at thickest, 25.5" quads at mid, 17" neck above traps, 16.5 calf at thickest.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Cat Island
    How can you do HIT 5 days a week? Maybe we have a different definition of HIT.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by hellomycognomen View Post
    How can you do HIT 5 days a week? Maybe we have a different definition of HIT.
    Ever heard of Marcus300 on these forums? I do his's 5 days a week.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by tduff311
    Ever heard of Marcus300 on these forums? I do his's 5 days a week.
    Me too when I'm not fvcking injured.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by bigdil511 View Post
    Me too when I'm not fvcking injured.
    Hope you recover soon! That's never fun.

  6. #6
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    Cat Island
    Quote Originally Posted by tduff311 View Post
    Ever heard of Marcus300 on these forums? I do his's 5 days a week.
    Of course I have heard of Marcus. I have also browsed through his HIT Dungeon but I have not come across his weekly training breakdown.

    However when I think of HIT I envision a Mentzer training routine, focusing on slow controlled movements, one or two warm up sets, followed by one working set to failure with the possibility of adding beyond failure techniques such as dropsets, forced reps, rest pause, partials.

    There is a big division between volume vs intensity. And IMO someone who worksout 5+ times per week is following more of a volume training style than one strictly focusing on intensity. So are your gains attributed to volume or intensity?

    Not that it really matters as gains are gains whether they come from volume or intensity, however I think it was Mentzer himself who said that as you increase in strength and size you need to train less not more, as you need more recovery time to fill the "in-road"

    "Within two to three weeks upon embarking on a Heavy Duty, high-intensity training program, a bodybuilder should begin inserting an extra rest day or even two at random beyond the suggested every fourth day workout so that he's compensating for the increasing stresses; and, then, with increasing regularity until he is training but once every five days with an extra rest day or two added beyond that." -Mike Mentzer

    Dr. Ellington Darden I believe follows a 3x per week workout then reduces to 2x. I think Dorian structured his routines so that they allowed him to workout 5x per week. So it is possible I guess to compartmentalize the routine where you could theoretically workout out all 7 days.

    I meant no disrespect, but for me Mike Mentzer personifies HIT. But if you can train 5+ days per week, more power to you.


    As far as your original question, I see no real weak points other than to keep up with bf% reduction via diet. You are making solid gains.


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    Looking good.

    I would focus on chest and lats, to give a better V shape.

    Also you are not 10% bf. At max 15% imo.

    EDIT: and you might want to stop doing traps, its over powering the rest.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    in a dilapidated apt.
    I agree w/ Mr.BB above, and I am adding my thoughts because from what I see you are looking very good, but you should concentrate on lat activation and not trap activation. I suffer from the same issue and I know others do as well. Really, mentally, concentrate on lat involvement with rows, and row, row, row for lat thickness and lower lat development. Also make sure your chest is pushed out during all rowing and pulldown movements to help further activate the lats.

  9. #9
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    Apr 2014
    IMO best way to activate lats is to keep your elbows close as possible to the body on rowing or close grip pulldowns.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    UK (Nr London)
    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.BB View Post
    IMO best way to activate lats is to keep your elbows close as possible to the body on rowing or close grip pulldowns.
    Agree with Nova and BB here. The best activation for the lats is close grip pulldown palms facing, in my opinion. This has recently been discussed on a couple of other threads recently too!

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by hellomycognomen View Post

    Of course I have heard of Marcus. I have also browsed through his HIT Dungeon but I have not come across his weekly training breakdown.

    However when I think of HIT I envision a Mentzer training routine, focusing on slow controlled movements, one or two warm up sets, followed by one working set to failure with the possibility of adding beyond failure techniques such as dropsets, forced reps, rest pause, partials.

    There is a big division between volume vs intensity. And IMO someone who worksout 5+ times per week is following more of a volume training style than one strictly focusing on intensity. So are your gains attributed to volume or intensity?

    Not that it really matters as gains are gains whether they come from volume or intensity, however I think it was Mentzer himself who said that as you increase in strength and size you need to train less not more, as you need more recovery time to fill the "in-road"

    "Within two to three weeks upon embarking on a Heavy Duty, high-intensity training program, a bodybuilder should begin inserting an extra rest day or even two at random beyond the suggested every fourth day workout so that he's compensating for the increasing stresses; and, then, with increasing regularity until he is training but once every five days with an extra rest day or two added beyond that." -Mike Mentzer

    Dr. Ellington Darden I believe follows a 3x per week workout then reduces to 2x. I think Dorian structured his routines so that they allowed him to workout 5x per week. So it is possible I guess to compartmentalize the routine where you could theoretically workout out all 7 days.

    I meant no disrespect, but for me Mike Mentzer personifies HIT. But if you can train 5+ days per week, more power to you.


    As far as your original question, I see no real weak points other than to keep up with bf% reduction via diet. You are making solid gains.

    Basically it boils down to the individual.

    And u really are just hitting one body part every 7 days.

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    in a dilapidated apt.
    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.BB
    IMO best way to activate lats is to keep your elbows close as possible to the body on rowing or close grip pulldowns.
    Yes with emphasis on squeezing the lats hard, keeping the chest up and out, and getting a full stretch.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Oct 2014
    Good advice. Thank you.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.BB View Post
    Looking good.

    I would focus on chest and lats, to give a better V shape.

    Also you are not 10% bf. At max 15% imo.

    EDIT: and you might want to stop doing traps, its over powering the rest.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Oct 2014
    Makes sense. I'll do this. Thank you.

    Quote Originally Posted by novastepp View Post
    I agree w/ Mr.BB above, and I am adding my thoughts because from what I see you are looking very good, but you should concentrate on lat activation and not trap activation. I suffer from the same issue and I know others do as well. Really, mentally, concentrate on lat involvement with rows, and row, row, row for lat thickness and lower lat development. Also make sure your chest is pushed out during all rowing and pulldown movements to help further activate the lats.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Oct 2014
    Those are already a favorite staple of my workouts, but I will focus more on my form and lat activation. Thank you.
    Quote Originally Posted by krugerr View Post
    Agree with Nova and BB here. The best activation for the lats is close grip pulldown palms facing, in my opinion. This has recently been discussed on a couple of other threads recently too!

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Oct 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by novastepp View Post
    Yes with emphasis on squeezing the lats hard, keeping the chest up and out, and getting a full stretch.
    Got it. Chest up, fullest stretch and most focused contraction possible. Elbows close together. Thanks guys.

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