Decent go at it tonight. Number of crunches was about 20% off the usual number of reps. I can tell my legs are a tad weak, so I guess there will defo be a "reset" of some of my working weights when I get to legs next time, until I can work the right leg back up.
In general though, the back lifts went fairly well. Under all the fat, I pulled a wicked cramp in mid to lower right lat after pulldowns. Had to stretch for about 5 minutes before I could keep it from contracting, so I think I nailed the lift pretty well.
Crunches- 2 sets and some lower back stretches
CG pulldown w/ u'hand grip- 2 w/u, Work-5+ - 3+ - 2+ w/ a 5 count slow neg on partial reps.
Parallel grip pulldown- 1 w/u, Work- 5+ - 3+ - , drop, 3+ reps. 5 count slow neg. into a full stretch on partial reps.
Got the cramp here, so did more stretches.
Tbar rows- Work-5, drop,5, drop,3+
Low pulley rows- 1 w/u @ my usual working weight. Work- 5 - 2+, drop, 3+. New weight on these but I didn't pre exhaust w/ d'bell rows like usual. Slow 5 count neg. into a full stretch on partials.
Deads- 1 light set.
That pretty much did it for me. 34 minutes not including crunches and stretches. No quad pains, just a little numb feeling and seems to be weak-ish.