I am the newest member here. I just wanted to introduce myself and give you some information about me and why i am on this forum.
I had been an athlete throughout high school. No sports in college. I have a huge passion for weight lifting and nutrition. My career is centered around living an active lifestyle. I have been lifting for 10+ years and have multiple personal training certifacations. I am meticulous with my lifting and nutritional programs and am always reading and researching how i can improve my physique
Currently i am 26, 5'9, 177lbs, 9% body fat. I am cutting right now. For the next 2 months. I am going to get my body fat% down to under 6%. Last summer i got in the best shape of my life and according to the BOD POD at my local college, i was 6.4% body fat at 158lbs. I am hoping to be heavier this time as i will maintain more muscle during this cut. Current Calories for my cut are 2400 Calories. Macros are 85g fat, 230g carbs, and 210g protein.
My current lifting regimine is a 2 day split. Day 1 is Chest/Triceps/Shoulders/Abs. Day 2 is Legs/Back/Biceps
I am squatting, Deadlifting, Bench Pressing, as well as doing a lot of accessory work. 8-12 rep range. Mostly Muscular Hypertrophy. Slow controlled reps, especially on eccentric portion of lift. I Will Switch my program to Muscular strength in the summer.
I so excited to be on this site because after all the years of going back and forth on if i want to cycle i can now say i am 100% ready. The reasons i hadn't before was that i wanted to make sure i reached my genetic limit (or as close to as i could) before i tapped into an alternative source to progress to new limits. I joined this site because the members are very knowledgeable and i could use all the support with my new adventure. I know i will have questions that need answering and any advice is always welcomed. I Plan on doing a test c or e 12 week cycle in about 2 months with nolvadex as my pct. I want to choose the route that will give me the least side effects. I saw this cycle on this site and I think basic and easy is most definitely the best way for me to go.
I love strength training and body building and looking to get into the best shape of my life! Direct message me anytime. I look forward to talking to you all!