I'm on my second week of test and deca. First week and beginning of second I had uncontrollable sex drive. It was amazing. It gradually wore off the past three days and now it feels weak. Here's an overview of what I used,
week 1:
monday 1cc test e, 1cc deca
Wednesday 1cc test prop, 1cc deca
friday 1cc test prop
Week 2:
Monday 1cc test e, 1cc deca
wednesday 1cc prop, 1cc deca
friday(tomorrow) 1cc prop
Week 3 I will be dropping the prop completely and running 3cc test e weekly with 2cc deca. for the next 15 weeks. I used the prop because I am a little bit low on test e and I did that to conserve a little bit for it to last me.
Of course I'm using adex at .25mg everyday and caber .25mg every other day. I just don't get it. This is my first deca cycle and this is a huge issue for me. Anybody know what could be going on?
By the way all my gear and ancillaries are very high quality and confirmed legitimate. adex and caber are pharmaceutical grade.