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Thread: Finally got baseline labs done. Please advise. low energy, sleepy, losing muscle mass

  1. #1

    Thumbs up Finally got baseline labs done. Please advise. low energy, sleepy, losing muscle mass

    Hi guys.
    Need some help here. I am 41 years old, 5'10", 150 lbs and at about 13% bf.
    My diet is good. I go to the gym at least 5 times a week and do cardio maybe 1 to 2 times a week (20-30 min)
    For the past year+ I have been suffering from low energy, have been more sleepy and slowly decreasing muscle mass. I also did suffer from a few anxiety attacks which I attribute to the low test since there is nothing else going on in my life that could have provoked it.
    About 14+ years ago I had done cycle of sust, d-bol and deca, nothing after that.

    I have not started any HRT. My doc mentioned some gels but I did tell him I was thinking of doing a small cycle to recover some lost muscle mass so he said to do it then come back to him to get labs done.

    I don't know if it is better to dial in HRT first then do a cycle or vise/versa or maybe just shouldn't do it based on your opinions. I do worry about 2 things with a cycle: 1- ruining the little test I am producing and 2- going bald (even though I am not bald I have always had high hairline but my dad was bald so...).

    Anyway here are my labs (sorry its kinda long, I put everything in):
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	labs.png 
Views:	199 
Size:	94.7 KB 
ID:	162076

    I tried to get all the info in, I am sure I missed something...

    Your help is greatly appreciated.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    It's clear you have low T. Did you and your doctor arrive at what the cause is?

    I would advise you to not even think about cycling. Get to the cause of your low T and get treated for it. If you need to go on TRT, you'll eventually get dialed in and your symptoms will disappear in short order. With low T you just can't cycle every once in awhile and then feel good afterwards. It doesn't work that way. You've got to know what you are doing. Others with more knowledge can advise you further in the area of cycling and safely coming off.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Montreal Canada
    Your blood work is incomplete. No lh or FSH. Ask him to perform a full male hormonal panel so you can work out what is causing the defficiency. No point doing a cycle if you return to a scrap baseline. Be patient.find out the cause.get better bloods and preferably a Dr that knows what the basic tests include.

    Your e is at a higher ratio than it would be compared to your t. An ai could be on the cards, but not without another test.

  4. #4
    Ok, thanks guys. Really appreciate the input. I'll follow your advice. I'm going to check with another doctor tomorrow. This one wanted to start treating it without diagnosing the cause and didn't send for all the labs (I had even showed him the list). Got to see if my medical insurance will cover the labs so close to this one. I'll definitely hold of on the cycle idea as well.
    Looks like I got more weeks/months on my hands feeling crappy and being skinny hehe, but all in good time.

  5. #5
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
    Join Date
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    East Coast Dungeon
    Wild eye take a look in the Finding A Doc sticky thread at the top of this forum and use the first set of BW in there. Fill in the blanks.
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Montreal Canada
    insist on the bloodwork, the full hormonal panel. once you get it you can dr shop until you get on ethat understands the issue, definitely start at a compounding pharmacy and ask them for a dr that treats trt. All compounding pharmacys know a dr that prescribes trt.

  7. #7
    Hi guys, back with more info.
    Ok, so I went to another doc; To set the tone I told him my previous doc never sent for the complete lab work needed and wanted to treat me before diagnosing the cause. He understood and had me get the lab work that was missing.
    Below are the results (hope I got it all now). I'm going to see the doc on Thursday to see what he says.
    Your input is appreciated so when I go see him I have better idea of what to pursue.

    TEST.............. Unit .............. Result .............. Range
    T4 ......................... ug/dL .............. 5.00 .............. 4.60 – 12.00
    T3 UPTAKE .............. % .............. 37.62..............28.00 – 41.00
    T3 UPTAKE .............. TBI .............. 0.93 ..............0.80 – 1.30
    T7 ......................... ..................... 1.88 .............. 1.29 – 4.92
    TSH 3rd gen............ mlU/L .............. 2.210 .............. 1.29 – 4.92
    FSH ...................... MIU/ML .............. 5.38 .............. 1.4 – 18.1
    LH ........................ MIU/ML .............. 4.62 .............. 1.5 – 9.3
    Prolactin ................ NG/ML .............. 5.28 .............. 2 – 18
    Cortisol .................. ug/dL .............. 8.80 .............. AM 6.2 – 29.0, PM 3.0 – 17.3

    some of the previous labs from post up top:
    PSA ...................... NG/ML .............. 2.080.............. 0.000 - 4.400
    Estradiol ............... PG/ML .............. 38.67.............. <=39
    Testosterone.......... NG/DL .............. 292 .............. 220 - 950
    Testosterone Free ... PG/ML .............. 2.804 .............. 3.84 - 34.17

    Last edited by wild_eye; 03-07-2016 at 06:38 PM.

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