Hello my brothers. First I would like to thank you for all the kind words, encouragement and pm's. My wife is up and moving, this took a toll on her body but slowly she is getting better. Crazy thing is her stomach sticks out further then her butt, its so swollen still. She sent me a pic entitled "More gut then butt!"
. Again thanks guys, it was a great help and meant a lot.
Training.....going great. Monday I had a great hamstring workout, I was so shot on Tuesday I barely made it through work (Lack of sleep didnt help). Wednesday upper body went very well, Im going up 10lbs a week with dumbbells on chest, I never thought the day would come when I was happy to move 80's, but wed I was lol. Friday hit good squats, felt solid and strong, I wanted to go heavier but I talked myself out of it.
Thanks guys, things are good