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Thread: Labmax test getting past customs? Worried about it flagging...

  1. #1

    Labmax test getting past customs? Worried about it flagging...

    Hey guys, so I have everything to run my first cycle of var, but I'm worried about it being legit or not since it's from a UGL. I want to get a Labmax test, but they're based in Canada and I'm in the US.
    Any experience with these and customs? Will it flag me as a suspicious person? Just really scared of getting caught or into legal trouble. Thanks!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    No problems with the lab max kits. Even if it was anavar you would just get a letter. I have gone through multiple lab max kits and sometimes they take 2 weeks or more to arrive.

    Theres nothing to worry about, and the only companies producing these tests are international.

    the type of program it would take to keep track of everyone getting suspicious packs would take lots of times and resources. Even if you have a pack seized other packs still come through.

  3. #3
    Hello Because,
    Obviously there are laws that prohibit the shipping of illegal items. However, the nuances of enforcement of these laws make a scenario where you are charged with a crime very rare. First, law enforcement is far more concerned with what is coming in and less concerned with what is going out. Second, the real fear is violating a federal drug trafficking statute, but to be charged under that law, the amount of contraband shipped is a crucial element of the crime. Samples or small doses won't rise to that level. Thirdly, law enforcement is geared towards finding, arresting, and prosecuting manufacturers, distributors, and dealers. The end user is not the aim. After reading this forum for about a week, I think the group of people that should be most concerned in the steroid world are domestic UGLs. Obviously, our law enforcement agencies don't have jurisdiction to investigate, arrest, or charge people in other countries (usually, there are exceptions), but the people who run these UGLs would have to be on top of the target hierarchy. Then you have the practical hurdles confronting any law enforcement agency who wanted to prosecute a single end user shipping or receiving a small amount of contraband. Evidentiary - who saw you ship? Any physical evidence connecting you? How did they know to look? Did they have a proper warrant? Economic - Is it worth the governments time and money to subpoena records/videos from a shipping company to bust one person shipping two Anavar pills? Is it worth it to get warrants to make searches, etc. , etc. You may get some nasty letter, I've never seen one, but that is as far as it will probably go as long as you don't cross the threshold separating a personal end user with someone in the money making end of the business. Jstone is right - the job of tracking everything is to large, but just as significant, the job of prosecuting everyone who shipped small quantities of contraband would bankrupt government agencies. I'm not giving you any guarantee at all, but your risk is small.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    If you order a labmax kit there is nothing illegal in the kit so no problem with customs. The kit is small, about 6 x 9 x 12 and well packed.

  5. #5
    Thank you guys for your responses! I never considered that there's no actual contraband being shipped so it shouldn't be an issue in that regard. That slipped my mind and I was more focused on the situation in general; I'm not ordering anything to be shipped other than the labmax testing kit.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    Nothing to worry about labmax has been around for years with perfect reputation, there is nothing illegal about the test. It is just test kit like any other blood, urine, water you name, no reason for customs to stop.

    Sometimes it takes a few days longer but always on time, fast shipped well packed.

  7. #7
    Thank you for the response. Sorry I was late in responding; life has been hectic lately! Ordered on March 25th and it shipped on the 29th so hopefully it will be here soon.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2015
    Southeast, USA
    I just got a labmax kit in myself. I live in the US, and it took about 2 weeks to come in. No problems.

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