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Thread: First Cycle: 12 Weeks Test E 500mg

  1. #41
    Join Date
    Nov 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by Kyle1337 View Post
    Thanks dude!

    Yea, you aren't the first to say that. Everyone digests and metabolizes the test differently. After reading more I do believe it's underdosed. It is what it is though, I am still making great gains, though that could also be, because my test before was very low for someone my age IMO. It was just over the "minimum" I don't think I should be just over minimum at age 26 anyway. It is pharmaceutical grade (SOMA). My supplier uses balkan for everything except test, because he said after the years of using balkan he found SOMA better. I don't believe him though, balkan is the bomb. I am gonna see if he can get me balkan test on the next go around.

    I took the blood test at 0800 friday. Last injection was 2100 wednesday. I was fasted too. I do inject 250mg 2x per week making it 500mg.

    Natural test levels are irrelevant when you are on cycle. Doesn't matter if your natural test levels are 1000 or 0, they will be shut down completely while on cycle and it's only external testosterone in your system

  2. #42
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    Nov 2015
    If I were you, I would stop the cycle and try to get my money back (because it sounds like it's someone you know in person). You have proof in your blood work to show whoever your source is. He is probably using that weird brand Soma (not pharma grade either) because it's either cheap or he cut it with something to screw you over.

    Like I said, I hate to be the bringer of bad news, but I would deff want to know and deal with this problem if I was in your position. I would for sure just not ignore dont know what the other 1/2 of what you were injecting was...and you shut yourself down and hurt your natural levels for a TRT dose basicly.

    That guy owes you money, and deserves a beat down imo.

  3. #43
    Quote Originally Posted by Dj Screw View Post
    Natural test levels are irrelevant when you are on cycle. Doesn't matter if your natural test levels are 1000 or 0, they will be shut down completely while on cycle and it's only external testosterone in your system
    Right, the point i was making before is even at a "TRT" dose I am making great gains, probably because my T was LOW to begin with. If I had higher T, I'm sure I'd be making better gains than on low T. Regardless of synthetic.

    I don't necessarily believe it's underdosed, I experienced great gains with the test, at is projected for everyone on their first cycle. Another very experienced and knowledgeable member believed that it's still good, that just my body metabolizes differently, I don't know. I'm no expert, so I will believe him.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dj Screw View Post
    If I were you, I would stop the cycle and try to get my money back (because it sounds like it's someone you know in person). You have proof in your blood work to show whoever your source is. He is probably using that weird brand Soma (not pharma grade either) because it's either cheap or he cut it with something to screw you over.

    Like I said, I hate to be the bringer of bad news, but I would deff want to know and deal with this problem if I was in your position. I would for sure just not ignore dont know what the other 1/2 of what you were injecting was...and you shut yourself down and hurt your natural levels for a TRT dose basicly.

    That guy owes you money, and deserves a beat down imo.
    I don't think he screwed me, and it's not like I can just find another source, this stuff isn't easy to come by, or I would. He can source different brands of test, so I am hoping to go with that. My natural levels weren't that great to begin with. It is what it is, it's part of the game. This stuff is 5 billion% ILLEGAL.

    thanks for your concerns though, I do appreciate someone paying attention or looking out for others. I am going to source the balkan test from him next time and if my test levels are higher than I think I will say something then. Can't be too aggressive though as I don't wanna ruin my source.

  4. #44
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    Mar 2015
    I read sh!tload about people bloods, and if one gets substantially under 3000 in their bloods from 500mg a week, its considered underdosed gear. Usually should be ~3500 from ok UGL sources, however, heard people have ~4000-4500 and more from 500mg a week where source is pharma grade or some VIP UGL ... its all subjective of course... but hey as long as it worked for you, and at least now you know more

  5. #45
    Join Date
    Nov 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by Kyle1337 View Post
    Right, the point i was making before is even at a "TRT" dose I am making great gains, probably because my T was LOW to begin with. If I had higher T, I'm sure I'd be making better gains than on low T. Regardless of synthetic.

    I don't necessarily believe it's underdosed, I experienced great gains with the test, at is projected for everyone on their first cycle. Another very experienced and knowledgeable member believed that it's still good, that just my body metabolizes differently, I don't know. I'm no expert, so I will believe him.

    I don't think he screwed me, and it's not like I can just find another source, this stuff isn't easy to come by, or I would. He can source different brands of test, so I am hoping to go with that. My natural levels weren't that great to begin with. It is what it is, it's part of the game. This stuff is 5 billion% ILLEGAL.

    thanks for your concerns though, I do appreciate someone paying attention or looking out for others. I am going to source the balkan test from him next time and if my test levels are higher than I think I will say something then. Can't be too aggressive though as I don't wanna ruin my source.
    It's underdosed without a doubt. Sorry bud

    He did screw you, whether it was on purpose or not (it was most likely) who knows.

    Yeah it's illegal, so why risk buying something that's bunk anyways? If your natural T is already really low, go see a Doctor instead of injecting underdosed mystery oil? I just don't understand your logic....I would rather not even do it than use a source that gives me bunk underdosed gear that I dont even know what else its been cut with and inject it.

    Maybe I am wasting my time and you just like the idea that you think you are "cycling" but you are really just a little above a TRT dose. Waste of time in my opinion. Without saying too is very easy to find sources that are reliable and somewhat affordable considering.

    The reason I am so concerned with this is because I thought you got ripped by a online UGL...and it's kind of part of the game and somewhat expected. But when I found out it's someone you know in person that's doing it, you have bloodwork showing its bunk and underdosed, and you are cool with it and want to go back and do it all again is just mind boggling to me. Not trying to be a jerk, I am just confused with your way of thinking/denial

  6. #46
    Quote Originally Posted by InsaneMuscle View Post
    I read sh!tload about people bloods, and if one gets substantially under 3000 in their bloods from 500mg a week, its considered underdosed gear. Usually should be ~3500 from ok UGL sources, however, heard people have ~4000-4500 and more from 500mg a week where source is pharma grade or some VIP UGL ... its all subjective of course... but hey as long as it worked for you, and at least now you know more
    Thanks for the heads up. That's unfortunate to hear...

    Quote Originally Posted by Dj Screw View Post
    It's underdosed without a doubt. Sorry bud

    He did screw you, whether it was on purpose or not (it was most likely) who knows.

    Yeah it's illegal, so why risk buying something that's bunk anyways? If your natural T is already really low, go see a Doctor instead of injecting underdosed mystery oil? I just don't understand your logic....I would rather not even do it than use a source that gives me bunk underdosed gear that I dont even know what else its been cut with and inject it.

    Maybe I am wasting my time and you just like the idea that you think you are "cycling" but you are really just a little above a TRT dose. Waste of time in my opinion. Without saying too is very easy to find sources that are reliable and somewhat affordable considering.

    The reason I am so concerned with this is because I thought you got ripped by a online UGL...and it's kind of part of the game and somewhat expected. But when I found out it's someone you know in person that's doing it, you have bloodwork showing its bunk and underdosed, and you are cool with it and want to go back and do it all again is just mind boggling to me. Not trying to be a jerk, I am just confused with your way of thinking/denial
    I really wish it was good, believe me. I wish I could go to a Dr too, however my T is JUST ABOVE the minimum so no luck there (sigh). If I don't recover after this, then I am sure I will go to the Dr and get real stuff. I also wish it was easy to find a source that's legit online too. I've been studying for months and I just cannot find anything without it looking suspicious.

    I do appreciate your concerns man, honestly. The more people that chime in too about the test is also starting to get at me. It's pretty disheartening. How do I even try to get the guy to get my money back? All I can do is show him my bloodwork and he'll be like "ya I told you test is stupid and you need to do x y z a b " like he sold my friend, 5 drugs in one because he wants to look like rich piana and then I come along no man I just want test. My buddy got the same test as me, he gained 40# (obviously had a bunch of other shit to help too).

    Also, this may sound extremely stupid, but the first 8 weeks I was using 1.5" pin and only going into the glute about half or less. I never pulled out oil on my release, however I had knots and swelling in my ass and tons of PIP. After 8 weeks I read something online and started going all the way in, most of my pip disappeared and I didn't have much or any swelling. Maybe I wasn't injecting enough into the muscle and it was leaking into the fat? IDK, I figured I should at least point this out. I feel stupid about it though and it probably has nothing to do with it.
    Last edited by Kyle1337; 04-30-2016 at 07:42 PM.

  7. #47
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    Mar 2015
    live and learn, dont waste your time too much, go face the supplier see what he has to say and if he acts like you outlined here^ wave him goodbye and wait for your T levels to crash, go to your doc and get the right thing if you want to do so.

    And so what if it happens "so and so" as you suspect, LET IT HAPPEN, but dont assume "it would of happened if I confronted the guy so I didn't not to waste my time", no - let it happen, go confront the guy and ask him genuine polite questions WTF so you know exactly what to do next, if he plays fair-ok maybe he gives you another set of underdosed gear because that's the best he can do, fair - take it of him and immediately sell it back to him for the price you paid and make him pay, so best if he refunds because you invest in his underdosed gear, got "considerably average" results (he doesnt need to know you're happy with it if you will, some other bigger guy using this stuff would express his satisfaction in a different way than you do I guess).

    Me being in my situation, my test is also borderline shit-low but in range and they wont treat me, and I am past my endeavours, I'm gonna do it my own ways but Im gonna do it right and well, so I know, even when I start taking my natural test to supra-physiological levels I will see crazy gains even from TRT dose because it will be like day and night for me low-test rider, but I also know when I get to ~200lb and up TRT dose becomes my baseline and I wont feel anything unless I double or triple my weekly dose, and so it goes with the adaptation...

    Just put it this way, if you were a 260lb 15% bf cruising on pharma grade test at TRT dose, and you run his gear for a cycle, and you get ZERO gains, what would you do then? Do you now see you got ripped off regardless of your situation?

    Know what you want and dont stop till you get what you want


    Last edited by InternalFire; 05-02-2016 at 12:41 PM.

  8. #48
    Done with the cycle, start PCT soon. Going to talk to my guy... Took your guys advice. Will report back what I'll find out.

    FWIW... Here's a progress photo for you guys.

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	OzF9Eab.jpg 
Views:	1889 
Size:	371.4 KB 
ID:	163297
    Last edited by Kyle1337; 05-07-2016 at 09:25 PM.

  9. #49
    Went and talked to my supplier. The stuff he sold me is a UGL. He said he hardly sells the pharm grade stuff because it's so costly. He does sell it and carry it and use it though. He showed me the difference in packaging, vials, even comes with a big list of paperwork on the pharm grade test. Even for a UGL it seemed underdosed, which is probably normal. However, I still made great progress. He said he'd give me the price of pharm grade stuff this time for the UGL price as I was under false assumptions.

    Today starts the PCT. BW is still at 225. Appetite still very high, sex drive is still high. I have lost strength already. I've also lost energy. Bloods will be soon again.

  10. #50
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    Sorry about the unfortunate snag in your first cycle, at least your supplier fessed up.

    I've been following this thread with great interest as I've started my first with 525 test c per week. Your 15 pound gain, is it a "smooth" 15 pounds, did you lose much in terms of cuts - can you estimate approx how much fat vs muscle? I see your pics, assume they are before and after or am I wrong? Just wanted your impression overall. Really curious, appreciate your feedback, thanks!
    Last edited by Proximal; 05-15-2016 at 10:38 AM.

  11. #51
    Quote Originally Posted by Proximal View Post
    Sorry about the unfortunate snag in your first cycle, at least your supplier fessed up.

    I've been following this thread with great interest as I've started my first with 525 test c per week. Your 15 pound gain, is it a "smooth" 15 pounds, did you lose much in terms of cuts - can you estimate approx how much fat vs muscle? I see your pics, assume they are before and after or am I wrong? Just wanted your impression overall. Really curious, appreciate your feedback, thanks!
    I'd say about half of it was muscle. I'm not forsure. I didn't gain any fat I don't think. I was already at roughly 16%. Maybe a bit higher. I'm sure the other half was water. I did eat alot of food, but mainly because I want to bulk to 242. I did eat well over maintenance. I think I could of gained more though, but I'm sure it would of been fat. Can't eat too much and expect it to be all muscle. I thought I did very well. Steady, slow gains.

    Yes the pic I posted was before (top) and after (bottom). You can see quite the difference... right? haha

  12. #52
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    Arms & chest definitely fuller & abdominal region still tight, I'd say nice gains!

  13. #53
    Join Date
    Apr 2016
    West Coast
    Great log! Really impressive.

  14. #54
    Join Date
    Jan 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by Kyle1337 View Post
    I'd say about half of it was muscle. I'm not forsure. I didn't gain any fat I don't think. I was already at roughly 16%. Maybe a bit higher. I'm sure the other half was water. I did eat alot of food, but mainly because I want to bulk to 242. I did eat well over maintenance. I think I could of gained more though, but I'm sure it would of been fat. Can't eat too much and expect it to be all muscle. I thought I did very well. Steady, slow gains.

    Yes the pic I posted was before (top) and after (bottom). You can see quite the difference... right? haha
    Underdosed gear but lets face it you did have like 300ish Total Test before so this is acctually a net positive even if they did beat you, you did get a taste and some improved gains.. this is your first cycle after all.

    You made some nice gains but you had half dosed gear.. you were probably shooting 250mg PER WEEK instead of twice per week.

    Another issue I had that no one brought up? Your diet. I understand its hard for you to pack down the pounds but you could of had a cleaner diet. Sloppy joes or whatever the girlfriend is cooking. Sure it can work but if you were to have solid gear and a more solid clean diet you'd grow like a monster.

    But then again you don't have to eat like a pro body builder to benefit from gear but personally I like to eat an extremely clean diet whenever Im bulking.. interestingly enough the only times I ever truly "cheat" is during my cuts. Ill watch my total calories but Ill still cheat from time to time to feed the itch before getting back into bulking and knowing Im not touching anything that isnt clean bulk

  15. #55
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    I may seem defensive here but I just want to express my stance on this.

    There things that can be pointed out in to any direction at all the time, good or bad, if you believe in good - you believe in bad, so its better let the natural work progress how ever minimal that is - let it flow, its self-building motivation because works are in progress and what's done is done, lessons learned and experience gained.
    There are many things that were out of hand, but I have strong believe that OP knows about it all (or for the most of the part), and only his desire and determination, not everybody's critique will sort that in the future.

  16. #56
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    SF Bay Area
    I just gotta say, thank you Kyle for making this thread, it was an interesting read to see what could potentially happen when I start my first cycle. Definitely emphasizes the importance of bloodwork! Thank you for sharing your experience

    Also, awesome gains! Even if it was underdosed gear, sounds like it gave you some motivation to push yourself harder with your diet and training. Can't wait to see what some real stuff does for you.

  17. #57
    Thanks, glad to see some people are enjoying my journey haha.

    Anyway, about to start week 4 PCT... Down 5#. I'm at 219-220. I have ZERO energy. Fucking low T isn't fun. My job and life is extremely active and I get burnt out quick. My workouts are suffering and so is my motivation. Can't wait to be back to normal... That is if I ever return to "normal".

    Blood test will be a few weeks if I feel like shit still. Otherwise bloods done 7 weeks from now. My appetite is still extreme. Eating 6-7x a day, trying to eat healthier. I have noticed I probably lost water, doesn't seem like much muscle as I am a bit leaner.

    Acne is up, probably 50% more. I already have a ton of it, so whatever. Still have decent sex drive, never been the greatest anyway. Mental Strength has gone done on the more mental type lifts... Deadlift, squat, etc. I don't feel much of a loss of strength anywhere else. As I said, I think it's in my mind. It's hard to get the mind right when you're literally trying to drag your body anywhere because you're so exhausted.

  18. #58
    Nice thread. Quick question, what was your natty free T level?

  19. #59
    With the range they used of 47-244 I was 67 and total was 300-1100 I was 336. I also took their test 12 hour fasted, in the am.

  20. #60
    Day 122. +9# from start. I've lost about 8# since coming off.

    Most of its probably water. It's extremely hot here too and I work outside sweating my balls off.

    I still feel fairly stronger when I convince myself... Don't really look much smaller, definitely more full still. Had to of gained some muscle. Expected gains are only 5-7# anyway. Doing pretty well I'd say.

    Appetite is still good, still hungry. Acne is still all time high lol... Energy all time low... (sucks ass).

    So yea... Done with PCT. Gonna see where it takes me. Little less than 6 weeks will be bloods to see how I am recovering.

    I won't lie to you, I read a lot of results and logs... My diet could be better but it is what it is. I'm still hitting my macros but sometimes not the best way. I'm extremely busy, sometimes too busy and it's tough. It's no excuse, but I'm trying my best to get better. I don't think the people that gain 20# or more keep it like some say. It's definitely not muscle if they do. Who cares about anything but muscle? Anyway, my journey has been real. It's been up and down certainly... Lol. Hopefully next round will be better!
    Last edited by Kyle1337; 06-15-2016 at 05:26 AM.

  21. #61
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    When you say that you dont have time to eat right have you ever considered doing intermittent fasting or warrior diet? I follow such approach and it works wonders on my stamina brain and energy levels. Of course takes time to adjust to such patterns of eating at fist but works very well at the end. Also how are you with your carbs? You could also try keto or so called atkins diet and see how it makes you feel, however keep in mind it will take at least few weeks to a month to properly adapt and adjust and evaluate real effects as at first few weeks ut will very likelly seem terrible idea until your body actually adjusts to all this but if youre after shedding fat and water weight off and thinking of possible options to maximize your natural hormone response keto is known to have upper hand due to all the fats that you need to consume during this diet. Just read and think about it, I found it to be helpful personally.

  22. #62
    Sorry for small ass photo, it's bigger when you open it.

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	5c7hBtX.jpg 
Views:	3121 
Size:	179.2 KB 
ID:	164000

    The top photo is me now, 6 weeks after I stopped injection. The bottom photo is at my peak.
    Last edited by Kyle1337; 06-20-2016 at 07:43 PM.

  23. #63
    Here are some specs of me before I started. 6'1" at #208

    Waist: 38"
    Chest: 41.5"
    Shoulders: 51"
    Bi (L): 15.5"
    Bi (R): 15.5"
    Quad (L): 25"
    Quad (R): 25"

    Don't fucking laugh at my calves, FML I HATE BEING TALL AND NO CALVES lol.

    Calf (L): 14"
    Calf (R): 14"

    At the end of my cycle - #224

    Waist: 38"
    Chest: 43"
    Shoulders: 52"
    Bi (L): 16"
    Bi (R): 15.5"
    Quad (L): 27.5"
    Quad (R): 27.5"
    Calf (L): 15"
    Calf (R): 15.5"

    Now - #217

    Waist: 38"
    Chest: 43"
    Shoulders: 52"
    Bi (L): 15.5"
    Bi (R): 15.5"
    Quad (L): 27"
    Quad (R): 26.5"
    Calf (L): 15"
    Calf (R): 15"

    Glad to see the only gains I made were in my quads. Probably why none of my pants fit ever. CURSE YOU LEGS. I am up to a 38 waist pants (normally wear 32) because the quads, and yes I buy the baggiest jeans you can find... that are not like fubu. Levi's.

  24. #64
    Day 137. +13# (221) not sure why I'm gaining again. Probably because I'm still eating alot... Just... So..... Hungry... Ugh. Anyway... Might have a bit more energy than before. Still feel like crap most days, but it's getting better.

    Acne is horrendous. Photo doesn't do it justice, the photo dulls them out. They are extremely vibrant and bright red. Usually pop about 10-15 white heads a day.

  25. #65

  26. #66
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    Glad to hear that you're feeling a little better, bummer about the acne though.

    I have to buy bigger Levi's because of my damn hips, don't have the quad "problem" LOL.

    Seriously though, glad to hear things are moving in the right direction, even if it is a bit.

  27. #67
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    My experience was almost comical. I had a few on my shoulders and back but overwhelmingly I got acne on the right side of my right elbow in the exact same spot. All cleared up now...

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